Find out when to use Venter tablets

Venter is a tablet formulation that helps in the treatment of duodenal disease and stomach ulcer. The drug is available on prescription.

When should I use Venter?

Venter works locally on the affected area of ​​the stomach or duodenum. This is where a protective layer is created, made of proteins from necrotic tissue. The major part of the drug is eliminated with the faeces.

Who should not use Venter?

The drug should not be used by people who are allergic to any of its ingredients. Aluminum deposition may occur in patients suffering from acute renal impairment. Too much aluminum in the body can be toxic. The preparation should not be used by children and adolescents under 14 years of age.

Venter, and pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant and breastfeeding women may use the drug, but under the close supervision of their doctor. So far, no negative effects of Venter on the mother and child have been found, but the treatment must be controlled.

Possible side effects

Like all drugs, Venter can cause side effects in some patients, but it doesn’t have to. The most common side effects include: constipation, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and dry mouth. There were also back pain, allergic rash and hives.

Venter and drug interactions

Venter may have adverse interactions with other medications, so you should inform your doctor about the preparations you are using at the moment. Patients are taking antacids should be taken at least one hour after Venter.

The active substance in Venter may reduce the effects of medicines such as theophylline, quinidine, l-thyroxine, tetracycline, ranitidine and fluoroquinolone antibiotics.

How do I dose Venter?

The drug is in the form of tablets, taken orally. Adults are recommended to take 1 gram of a tablet 4 times a day before each meal and at night, just before going to bed. Some people take 2 grams, 2 times a day. The tablets should be washed down with plenty of water. The treatment should last four to six weeks. If necessary, the treatment should be extended and the state of the disease should be monitored.

How to store Venter?

The drug should be kept out of the reach and sight of children. It should be kept at a temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius. It should not be used after the expiry date. Tablets cannot be disposed of via wastewater.

What’s in a pack of Venter tablets?

The active substance of the drug is sucralfate. The other ingredients are: talc, maize starch, magnesium stearate and colloidal anhydrous silica. The tablets are white and oval in shape. You can buy a package of 50 tablets or 100 tablets packed in a cardboard box.

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