Find out what Zabak is

Zabak is a medicine in the form of eye drops, which prevents allergic and allergic conditions.

Who should use Zabak?

The active substance of Zabak eye drops is ketotifen, which has an antiallergic effect. The drug is prescribed to patients struggling with seasonal conjunctivitis.

Who shouldn’t use Zabak eye drops?

Zabak eye drops should not be used by people who are allergic to any ingredient of the drug.

Zabak, a inne leki

If the patient sprinkles his eyes with other drops at the same time, there should be a gap of at least five minutes between the first and the second. The patient should inform the doctor about all medications that he is taking and that he is going to take during the interview.

Zabak, and food and drink

Zabak eye drops should not be used together with alcohol. When it comes to food, it does not have a negative relationship with any of the products.

Zabak, and pregnancy and breastfeeding

Eye drops may be used by breastfeeding patients. If the patient is pregnant or plans to be pregnant, she should inform her doctor in advance.

How is Zabak used?

The drug should be used as instructed by your doctor and pharmacist. The recommended dose is one drop in each eye, twice a day.

Only before the first use, remove the first 5 drops from the bottle. Before sprinkling your eyes, you should take care of the hygiene of your hands and keep them clean to avoid contamination. The bottle should be shaken, then the eye should be dilated and the preparation should be applied. After instillation, the eye should be kept closed for several minutes so that the drops can spread inside the eye. The bottle should be tightly closed. If the patient does not feel any improvement, he should report it to his doctor.

Side effects of Zabak

Like all drugs, this one can cause side effects, but it doesn’t have to be. The most common side effects are itching and discomfort in the eyeballs. Some patients complain of inflammation and eye irritation and pain. You must report any side effects to your doctor immediately. Less common side effects are: dry mouth, rash, fatigue, headaches, dry eye syndrome and sensitivity to light.

The patient should not worry if he accidentally swallows a few drops or instills a few too many drops into the eye. No additional side effects will result from this.

Health 100

Contents of the package

The active substance of the drug is ketotifen, which is present in the amount of 0,25 mg per milliliter. The other ingredients are: sodium hydroxide, water for injections and glycerol. Zabak are eye drops that are placed in a special bottle with a capacity of 5 ml, enough for at least 150 drops. It is a colorless and odorless solution.

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