Find out now, so as not to blunder later: how to save food if the lights are turned off

A power outage can be an unexpected “surprise” for your refrigerator, which is filled with food for future use. What to do with food to extend its shelf life until the lights are on?

First, get out any food that might go bad within a couple of hours. It is advisable to eat them, and after this time, throw them away in order to avoid poisoning by bacteria.

Keep the refrigerator doors closed and do not look into it all the time. Modern refrigerators keep the temperature constant for a day, and a full freezer for two. When the electricity supply resumes, review all products and throw out those that, from your point of view, have suffered.

If raw meat is thawed, fill a basin with salt water and place it there so that it is completely submerged in the water. Thus, you can keep the meat for a day.


Chicken eggs stored at room temperature for a whole week, provided they are fresh.

Dairy products should be poured into glassware and removed from direct sunlight, milk in a jar can be stored by immersing it in cold water, which must be changed periodically, and removing it to a dark place. Dairy products are stored in this way for a short time, but there will probably be enough time until the electricity is repaired. You can do the same with butter, or you can put it in the freezer.

Vegetables and fruits they will be kept for some time even without a refrigerator, but do not rush to get them out of there immediately. My vegetable or fruit just before eating.

After turning on the light, throw out from the refrigerator all food that has changed its texture, color, shape, coated with a coating or has an unpleasant odor.

If ice crystals remain on the frozen food, you can continue to freeze them. Otherwise, they should be prepared as soon as possible.

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