Financier’s Day 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
Financier’s Day 2022 in Our Country is the main holiday of all workers responsible for protecting the finances of our country. The celebration is held annually in September

Financiers are employees involved in money transactions. For example, providing funds on credit, financing large projects, investing in business processes.

The French word “finance” refers to cash, income. Financiers also work with government revenues. A financial worker may be an employee of a bank, stock exchange, investment fund, etc.

When is the Day of the financier

Financier’s Day is a holiday dedicated to specialists who manage the financial component of our country. Held on September 8 under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance, as well as the Bank of Our Country. It was officially added to the list of professional holidays in 2011.

history of the holiday

It is not by chance that Financier’s Day 2022 is celebrated on September 8th. Historically, on this day, Emperor Alexander I founded the Ministry of Finance – the oldest mechanism of state power, whose responsibilities include managing all the financial flows of our country.

Under the reign of Catherine II in 1780, there was an expedition on state revenues, which was divided into 4 departments: revenue, expenditure, revision, and collection of arrears. The Attorney General was in charge. The financial management was part of the department of the state chambers. And Paul I in 1796 divided the duties of treasurer and prosecutor general.

In 1802, it was decided to establish a Ministry of Finance to maintain order and increase the wealth of the country. The Office of the State Treasurer was left unchanged.

The formation of the Ministry continued until 1811, when all the finances of the country were entrusted to manage three departments: the Ministry of Finance, the Treasury, the State Comptroller, who audited the accounts.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the Ministry of Finance consisted of many departments, everything was managed by the minister, who had a council, officials, a legal adviser, and an office.

Changes took place in the structure and functions of the Ministry, which significantly increased its influence on the economic and political life of the country.


Traditionally, on the Day of the financier in Our Country, business events, all- competitions and business seminars are held. Large public organizations participate in this celebration. On this day, everyone who is related to the country’s economy, bank employees, employees of the Ministry of Finance, as well as students and professors of specialized universities are congratulated.

Every year a number of events are held in Our Country, in which the most worthy specialists in the financial sector invariably participate.

  • Award “Reputation of the Year”, in which any financier can take part. The selection is made by open voting.
  • Beauty contest “The best financial worker” for the beautiful representatives of this profession.
  • Universities organize seminars on financial literacy in order to teach the future generation how to properly manage money and use financial instruments.

Interesting facts about money

  • The most unusual coin was issued in 1726 during the reign of Elizabeth. It was square in shape and large in size.
  • Money is the main tool in the financial cycle. The most ancient in Our Country is the penny, it has been actively used since 1704.
  • The first mention of money is found in 1381. The privilege granted to princes was the right to mint coins.
  • The concept of “ruble” appeared in the XIII century and became widespread in Our Country, eventually replacing the concept of “hryvnia”. In each principality, coins were minted in a special way, had their own appearance and weight. However, as a result of the monetary reform of Elena Glinskaya, the wife of Prince Vasily III, three mints remained – Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov.
  • The word “banknote” means “bank note”. Banks were a place to store money and the client was given a certificate, which indicated that the money was given to the banker for safekeeping, and the client would receive the amount indicated in the paper. These certificates eventually gained the same power as real money.
  • The famous clock in London – Big Ben – is regulated by ordinary coins. If they start walking forward, the caretaker places a 1p coin on the pendulum, which slows the clock down by 1 second.
  • The most used currency is the franc. They are calculated in 34 countries of the world.
  • In Our Country, ruberoid is made from old money, and fertilizers are made in Germany.
  • According to research, there can be one hundred thousand different microbes on one bill. When using paper money, you need to wash your hands more often, especially for people who have professional activities related to this.
  • The most used denominations in the USA are 1 and 20 dollars. And in other countries – 100 dollars.

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