Financial parasitology or how to get rid of consumer itch

There is nothing more pleasant than receiving the coveted payroll notification! There is confusion in my head, it pulls either for salty, or for sweet, or for that fur coat over there for a six-month salary …

It turns out that not only you know this slight feeling of discomfort from the fact that there are unspent banknotes in your pocket. The ubiquitous advertising infects us with the virus of thoughtless consumerism. Having put on “financial parasites”, a person falls into prostration, buys up everything that is obsessively offered from TV screens, on the Internet or briefly on the radio in a minibus. Well, the advertisers really do not eat their bread in vain, their goal has been achieved — the product has found its buyer. But do you really need this product?

Financial parasitology or how to get rid of consumer itch

If you are tired of completely unnecessary and unjustified spending, it’s time to start fighting «money parasites». In this article, we will talk about how to take the first confident step towards prosperity and financial well-being.

Step by step: how to get out of the financial «pit»

Stop spending money on something that you don’t need at all, it’s not enough just to want it. We need a clear, thoughtful exit plan. We have compiled a kind of guide for those who are already ready to go to a prosperous future:

Time to think

Happiness loves silence, including financial. Got the money — do not rush to part with them. Take a time out, you need to let your body get used to having finances. On payday, it is better to avoid any expenses. The brain will helpfully throw advertising pictures at you — do not be fooled!

Don’t be «like everyone else»

In the consumer society, for the sake of large corporations, certain images of the “ideal person” are created. He is all of himself in an Armani suit, parked in a Porsche near a villa by the sea. Solid clichés, but for some reason most of us are sure that this is all real life. This is the “spherical horse in a vacuum”, a kind of end in itself, which is customary to strive for a “decent person”. But… is that really your goal? And if not? Is it worth it to spend money trying to fit the image imposed by advertising?

Financial parasitology or how to get rid of consumer itch

Advertising is for zombies

No, we know perfectly well that advertising is the engine of trade. But do you want to be a minor cog in someone’s lucrative scheme? You do not want? Then you will have to ignore commercials on the Internet and on TV, bypass glossy publications and turn a blind eye to signs and banners. When the image of the ideal consumer finally ceases to be an eyesore to you, you can think about it. What do you really want.

To buy something you need, you need to get rid of what you don’t need.

If you do not use a thing for at least a year, then you simply do not need it. Is it worth saving clothing «ballast». Denying yourself the really necessary acquisitions? Try to get rid of everything that is stored in the hidden corners of the house: on the mezzanine, balcony, in the closet. Something can be profitably sold, something can be given in good hands. And something has long been a place — in a landfill.

Can’t plan to buy

Don’t worry about wasted money. Incidents and random bouts of shopaholism can happen to anyone. Self-flagellation will not help here, but will only kindle a sense of guilt, which will require new financial costs. To avoid wasting money, plan your purchases in advance by making a detailed list and regularly set aside a portion of all income for large purchases.

Additional tips for those who know how to save, but do not know how to plan

If you have never had problems with mathematics, then you can easily implement the three main steps on the way to not only financial, but also professional success:

Develop. To achieve financial well-being, it is not enough just to «stagnate» being content with the available income. Try to increase your profits through systematic professional development. Purposefulness and professional growth can increase monthly income by 20-30%.

Spend wisely. Money has to work. And for this they need to be wisely invested in promising projects. A car on credit or a mortgage apartment is not the best option. It is best to invest in things that will make you richer, not poorer.

Important! Saving on quality food is a direct threat to the budget. To restore lost health, you will have to part with much larger sums.

Provide yourself with a financial «airbag». To avoid suddenly being at a financial disadvantage. Make it a rule to set aside at least 10% of each income. Such savings are a great way to gain confidence in the future.

Financial parasitology or how to get rid of consumer itch


1) Circle your pay day in red on the calendar and give yourself the setting to refrain from any spending at this time.

2) Minimalism is a “pill” against waste. Try to delve into its basic postulates, they will help get rid of attachment to things.

3) Set aside at least 10% of every paycheck before you start budgeting.

4) Optimize your work tasks, focus on what brings you income and improve in this direction.

5) Respect money and try to build the right relationship with it.

6) Do not neglect the study of financial literacy, knowledge will help you understand the nuances of the profitability of various financial instruments.

7) Index strategy of long-term investments is the first step on the way to success. It is important to remember that you cannot store all your eggs in one basket — learn to separate your cash investments.

Chaos and ignorance will never become the main order. Therefore, looking for a way out of poverty into a secure future, you will have to learn many things: planning, the correct use of financial information, prioritization of tasks. Do you want to change your life? Get ready to change yourself!

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