Financial Literacy in Retirement: How to Help Elderly Parents?

Growing up, we try to take on as many tasks as possible to make life easier for parents. We buy food for them, set up equipment, make repairs… But modern pensioners can and even should remain independent. Especially in matters relating to money. Therefore, our task is to help parents, but not deprive them of the opportunity to solve financial issues themselves.

1. Teach parents how to use mobile banking

You, most likely, already know everything about the advantages of mobile banking. Now this needs to be explained to parents as simply as possible. He needs…

  • … so that they are aware of their financial condition – you can see how much money is left in the account and what operations were performed.
  • … to control the budget — in the mobile bank it is convenient to analyze the categories of expenses.
  • … so you don’t have to worry about bills – you can set up auto payments and not even remember to pay for the same communal apartment.
  • … to save time and have less contact with other people This is especially important during a pandemic.

Parents decided to give their grandson money for his birthday? Did your father borrow a large sum from a friend for new tires? Mom asked her friend to buy groceries because she didn’t feel well?

In these cases, parents are faced with the question: “How to transfer money?” Giving them in person or going to the post office to make a transfer is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe – an extra risk of getting sick. And if you transfer yourself to the account of another bank, you will have to pay a commission …

If you teach parents how to use Fast payment system (SBP), they will be able to transfer to other people’s accounts safely, quickly and free of charge up to 100 thousand rubles per month. If the amount is greater, then a commission may be withheld, but it will not exceed 0.5% or 1500 rubles. How much exactly – it is worth checking with the bank.

The service is integrated into the applications of more than 200 participating banks. And it is automatically connected in each of them, except for Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank. If your relatives are clients of these particular banks, tell them how to connect to the system. For this you need:

  • Log in to your banking profile.
  • Select the “Agreements” or “Contacts and transfers” subsection in the “Settings” section.
  • Place a check mark next to “Quick payment system”.

Now your parents can manage their money without wasting time or putting their health at risk. And you can, on occasion, help them, transferring money to them without commission. What do I need to do?

  1. Open the bank application and go to the “Transfer via SBP” section.
  2. Specify the recipient’s phone number (if you are sending money to yourself, but to another account, you must specify your own number).
  3. Select the bank to which you want to transfer money.
  4. Enter the transfer amount.
  5. Check the details and click the “Submit” button.

2. Tell us about how documents should be stored

Receipts for payment of housing and communal services, fines or taxes, contracts for the sale, lease or provision of services … You need to tell your parents that it is advisable to keep all more or less significant papers that are related to finance for at least 3 years. And do not forget to find out exactly where the “vault” is located. If it’s a safe, do you need a key or code? If so, which one?

This information, only at first glance, may seem superfluous or even violate the personal boundaries of the parents. In a situation of urgent need, when they cannot pick up the documents themselves or even remember where they are, this knowledge will save you a lot of time and nerves. Parents, however, too – after all, they will know that “if all of a sudden,” you will control the situation.

3. Warn about scammers

Phone scams have been on the rise in the last year, and the older generation has been the hardest hit by it. Therefore, trying to protect your parents from fraud and theft of money is one of your main tasks. Of course, it is impossible to predict all possible events, but it is definitely worth taking some steps:

Explain what scams exist

For example, calls from the bank’s security service: “An attempt was made to withdraw money from your account”, “The system failed”, “Your card was blocked due to a suspicious transaction”. Calls allegedly from the police: “Your son hit a man”, “Scammers have issued a loan for you.” Or simple messages: “I mistakenly transferred you 10 thousand rubles.”

Tell me how to behave in such a situation

Parents should understand that a bank employee will never ask for passport data, card number, code on the back of the card or password from SMS. The best they can do is end the conversation or ignore the message. If there is any doubt that something could have happened to the card or account, then you need to call the bank at the phone number indicated on the back of the card. Not according to the one from which the “employee” called.

The same applies to the police – you can hang up and call back to make sure you are right, you can dial 102 or 112. And, if necessary, to that relative whose “problems” they were trying to tell them about.

Offer to install caller ID on your phone

Although not always, in many cases the application can mark an incoming call from an unknown number as suspicious – and save the parent from an unpleasant dialogue. After all, even knowing about all the cunning schemes, you can succumb to emotions and make a mistake. Therefore, it is worth reducing the chances of scammers talking to your parents.

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