Why can’t you put flowers on the windowsill and what are the disadvantages of giant roses?
March 8 2020
Show business stars, like all women, are pleased to receive flowers for the holidays. Some admire the classic roses, others rejoice in the exotic. Antenna learned all about the favorite bouquets of celebrities and how to keep them fresh.
Christina Orbakaite prefers simple irises to all complex fashionable compositions. Ten years ago, the singer even released her own perfume, in the center of the bouquet of which was her favorite flower. The star decorated a porcelain box with his image when she participated in a painting master class.
Managing director of the online flower shops network margaritka.shop
A word to the expert: the season of irises lasts almost all year round, so lovers of this flower can enjoy it all the time. The most traditional combination is blue irises and yellow tulips. But they look much more spectacular in a monobouquet. This is a flower with its own complex character, and, as a rule, goal-oriented and self-sufficient girls love it.
Anita Tsoi loves refined orchids. The performer not only often receives them as a gift, but also grows in pots at home.
A word to the expert: this special flower is chosen by the girls who are extremely extraordinary and bold. Anita is holding a luxurious bouquet of orchids, but not simple ones, but Wanda varieties. It is expensive, original and, with proper care, will last a long time, since the flowers are very unpretentious. To make the orchids happy for a long time, after you have received the bouquet, most likely, it will have special capsules with a nutritious liquid on the stems, be sure to remove them. Then take a large vase and pour 1/2 fresh filtered water into it, but not from the tap (no flowers can be put in such). Before placing the bouquet, cut the stem diagonally by 2-3 millimeters and remove the packaging, so you will prevent stagnation of water and the growth of bacteria on the stems. You can add special dressing to the vase, but it is important that it is for orchids. Add some fresh water every day, and change it completely every three days. The bouquet should not be placed on a windowsill under direct sunlight or on a radiator under heat. All cut flowers do not tolerate temperature extremes and direct sunlight.
У Ksenia Alferova spring is associated with yellow tulips. Loves them and Angelica Varum.
– Every year, exactly on March 8, I expect a traditional bouquet of tulips from my husband, – says the singer.
A word to the expert: this is the story of how one song was able to change the attitude towards beautiful flowers. In fact, yellow tulips are not the messengers of separation, the color is considered the most positive and springtime. In Eastern culture, he is a symbol of material well-being and joy. And how many luxurious double yellow tulips are presented now? It is a crime to deny yourself the pleasure of presenting such a bouquet! Plus, yellow and orange have been proven to have a positive effect on mood. They are ordered as a gift to colleagues or beloved women who are alien to prejudices.
Boyfriend Anna Sedokova basketball player Janis Timma knows her tastes well and will not send an armful of carnations as a sign of attention. The athlete pampers her with lush compositions of hundreds of red roses – a symbol of passion.
– I love men who give flowers. According to the bouquet, it is always clear what a man’s personality size and scale is, the performer assures.
A word to the expert: most likely, Anna is holding the Red Naomi rose. The cost of such beauty is from 10 rubles for 000 roses. The peculiarity of the variety is that it looks great in a huge composition, since a thick stem is usually crowned with a fairly dense and short bud. The main disadvantage of the bouquet is that if at least one rose in it withers, then it will all lose its attractiveness.
A fan of roses is and Mariya Kozhevnikova… On her 35th birthday, her husband gave her their giant version.
– The most favorite flowers, just in my height 170 centimeters, of course, from my husband, – the actress shared.
A word to the expert: of course, it is effective to give such roses, tall, with a dense scarlet bud. Perhaps this is where all the joys end. It is simply impossible to find a vase of such a bouquet. If you do not have a marble one in your house, up to a meter high, then all the rest will be too small. Plus, such roses require about 7-8 liters of fresh filtered water, otherwise they will quickly fade. The longer the stem of the flower, the slower the moisture moves along it, which means that you need to cover them with 1/3 of the stem with water, and also regularly spray the leaves, but in no case should moisture get on the bud. Very often on Instagram of stars you can see giant bouquets in a slightly wilted state, and all because such roses cannot be without water for a long time. If they were brought to you, and then you took pictures with him for a long time, then the bouquet has no chance. The most optimal way to care for them is to cut them shortly and put them in a pot-bellied vase, the huge buds in it will look absolutely breathtaking.
Spring Ekaterina Strizhenova begins with the flower of happiness and good mood – mimosa. One day Alexander Strizhenov presented his wife not just a bouquet, but a whole decorative tree.
A word to the expert: For a long time, mimosa was unjustly forgotten, as it was associated with the Soviet past. At that time, small, frozen branches were sold, packed in modest bags of mica. Now you can buy a luxurious, heavy, fluffy mimosa, and you will receive not only airy round yellow flowers, but also an incredible aroma for the whole apartment. How to keep a bouquet fresh for a long time? The rules for caring for mimosa are almost the same as for other flowers. The only difference is that you need to take warm water for it. Sometimes the seller stores mimosa incorrectly, and it begins to dry out, then the stems are dipped in boiling water before selling. Mimosa comes to life, but only for a while. It is easy to identify such, it has no smell. You should not buy it, in two days the bouquet will dry out.
Victoria Bonya confesses his love to gentle peonies, which are a symbol of this feeling. Of all the flowers, they are her favorites, however, like many bloggers, because the bouquets are insanely photogenic and romantic.
A word to the expert: you need to buy them in late spring and summer, then the bud is the strongest and largest. You can buy it in winter, but, as a rule, the buds will be small and with the opening of the flower only two-thirds. Victoria has the most popular Sarah Bernhardt in her hands. If you want to surprise, choose more original varieties: “Coral Charm”, which change color, or “Duchess” – their snow-white hats reach 15 cm in opening. To pamper yourself with beautiful and inexpensive peonies, you will have to wait for summer and go to the nearest market. There you will surely meet grandmothers who sell flowers from their own garden. They have varieties that are rarely found in stores, for example, the yellow-red Bartzella with lemon aroma or the snow-white Anshantress. Unfortunately, in winter and spring, the cost of peonies is high, from 400 rubles per bud.
Elena Zakharova grateful for her profession, including the fact that sometimes her house turns into a garden. She prefers a flower that has long been associated with femininity.
– Actresses are very lucky in this respect. There are premieres when an incredible amount of bouquets is presented. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas, it’s a pity that they have such a short age, – shared Zakharova.
A word to the expert: hydrangea gives airiness and sophistication to any bouquet, but caring for it is not an easy task. This flower requires a lot of moisture, with a lack of water, lush clusters quickly fade. Experienced florists immediately put the hydrangea in a capsule or make an aquapak for such a bouquet – a special plastic vase with water. This guarantees a long and beautiful life. But you can enjoy its beauty all year round, the summer Dutch is replaced by the winter Colombian.
How to please your beloved
– The fashion for mono-bouquets of roses is gradually disappearing, they are being replaced by eco-compositions, that is, flowers in baskets and boxes that are planted like bouquets, but at the same time they grow. Tulips are also popular. There are so many colors, shades and varieties of them now that you can choose to be crazy.