Film & Cook 2014

Documentaries, feature films and shorts with a gastronomic theme accompany the pairing of the tapes by the hands of kitchen masters.

This is Film & Cook , a gastronomic film festival that seeks to rise to the top of the independent cinematographic samples by delving into the gastro theme.

The Experiences and the passion for the five senses make the film & cook program a sea of ​​sensibilities that will merge the sensory, with the taste, the touch and the visual.

Cinema is art, and art is culture, therefore gastronomy could not be left behind, as a cultural reference for a country, community, etc …

First swords of the culinary world will be present in this its 4th edition, as Ricardo Sanz (Kabuki), Paco Roncero, Pepe Solla (Masterchef) or Angel lion They are a sample of the wide range of figures that will demonstrate their creativity in multiple cooking shows that will enliven the screenings.

The journey of the senses, this edition focuses on Mexico, and specifically in the Chef Roberto Ruiz, a native of the federal district and alma mater of the MX point  Madrid, and as the culmination of any meal, the dessert of the imagination will be the responsibility of  Jordi Roca (Celler Can Roca), the number 1 of the world confectionery that shows it daily in the Rocambolesc. From Gourmet ice cream to the dessert cart …

The Event is divided into three categories of projections.

  • Competitive Section
  • Exhibition Section
  • Unexpected Films section.

Films from all corners will compete in its section and fill the screens during those days, where there will be no shortage of American, Dutch, French, Indian or national films.

La Vanguardia y lo exótico will be presented in the exhibition section where the Spanish-Japanese film “Taba the game on the table”Will be one of the most anticipated screenings.

Madrid hosts the festival this weekend November 7-8 and the following November 15-16 and the exhibition moves to Barcelona on 23-23 of the same month.

Enjoy cinema and gastronomy in its purest form.

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