When mothers send girls to professional sports, relatives panic: you will spoil the child’s figure! The bodies of athletes in Rio are one of the most discussed topics on social networks. Girls-champions are first admired, and then they are pitied – they say, you have to pay for medals with heavy shoulders and a man’s physique. But now we will prove to you that everything is not so: in fact, athletes at their peak and between competitions look very different!
The figure of athletes is a constant topic of discussion. Competition fans often criticize synchronized swimmers, track and field athletes, gymnasts and other representatives of the professional sport that they have ugly bodies. All agree on one thing: sport is great, but professional activity disfigures female figures.
Many parents are racking their brains about which sport to give the girl to, so as not to spoil the child’s figure. But in fact, the figures of athletes at their peak before important competitions and in everyday life are very different.
Any sport has preparation, off-season and season. In each period, athletes train in a certain mode: for example, before competitions in many sports, you need to gain muscle mass. Thus, at competitions we can observe our idols at their peak, and soon after the tournament, the athlete’s body is smoothed and rounded.
Mikhail Dutenkhefner, expert on healthy lifestyles, the founder of the G-Care company told us how and why the figures of athletes change before the competition.
“The fact that the body of athletes at the peak of the competition looks very impressive, and after the competition takes on natural forms – this is absolutely normal. It all depends on the training and the diet “before” and “after” participation in the competition. During preparation, athletes greatly overexert the body and eat large amounts of protein. As a result, the body is dehydrated and the amount of fat is greatly reduced. This leads to the fact that the girls look very “shrunken”. The body cannot endure such a state for a long time, since it is not affected by great physical stress and load. As soon as the competition ends, when the girls again eat more or less normally, when the physical activity decreases, the body gains fat faster than usual and the girls gain weight to their usual state before the next training period. For men, everything happens the same way. “