Figs Brunswick: variety description

The Brunswick fig has been known for a long time. One of the most frost-resistant varieties was distributed in the southern regions of the country among amateur gardeners. Enthusiasts also grow figs in the middle lane, providing a reliable special shelter or transferring them to a large tub, which stands in a frost-free room.

Figs Brunswick: variety description

Description of the Brunswick fig

In the subtropics, the tree grows over 2 m, a flat-rounded crown is created by spreading branches. The roots of figs are just as branched, sometimes more than 10 m in diameter and 5-7 m deep. In the climate, even in the south, Brunswick figs are not allowed to have such a height, regularly pruning branches, and when planting they take care to prevent distant spread of roots. The leaves are very different from any known culture: very large, up to 20-25 cm, with deeply indented lobes. Thick and rough on top, hairy and soft underneath. The female-type flowers are also unusual, inconspicuous, located inside the future fruit formation, which grows in the form of an irregular, elongated ball.

The early self-fertile Brunswick figs produce 2 full crops with sufficient heat:

  • in the middle of summer;
  • at the beginning of autumn.

Variety Brunsvik ripens within 2,5-3 months. The fruits reach the degree of technical ripeness in 25-60 days after harvest.

In mid-summer, the first wave of ripe Brunswick figs is rather scarce. The fruits are large, with a flat top, 5×7 cm in size, weighing up to 100 g and more. The integumentary shade of the skin is often purple. There is a large cavity in the pink juicy pulp. The taste is sweet, pleasant. Autumn fruits of figs are irregular, pear-shaped, small – 5×4 cm, do not exceed 70 g, may not ripen in the climate of the middle zone due to the early onset of frosts. The thin fleecy skin is light green, in the sun it acquires a yellow-brown blush. Second harvest fruits have tender, reddish-brown flesh with a high sugar content and a small cavity. Seeds are small and common.

Figs Brunswick: variety description

Frost resistance of figs Brunswick

According to the description, when grown outdoors, Brunswick figs can withstand frosts down to -27 ° C in a sheltered state. However, in the reviews, many gardeners indicate that prolonged low temperatures below -20 ° C lead to freezing of the plant. The Brunsvik variety has the ability to recover after a harsh winter, to start up new shoots from the root system preserved under cover. The main task of the gardener is to keep the roots from freezing. This is achieved by specific hiding methods. The culture is grown in greenhouses or room conditions, planted in tubs in those zones of plant frost resistance, where the maximum minus indicators fall below the level of -18-12 ° C.

Warning! Figs in the middle lane are considered a crop for home gardening. On an industrial scale, they are grown only in specially equipped heated greenhouses.

Pros and cons of the Brunswick fig variety

The fruits of this southern culture are so excellent in taste that gardeners dream of new breeding achievements. Perhaps somewhere they are already working on breeding more frost-resistant varieties of figs. For most gardeners in the middle lane, the unreality of wintering the plant in the open field is the only drawback of the Brunsvik variety. Although it is still the most cold-resistant of its kind.

Advantages of the Brunswick variety:

  • figs are suitable for growing in climates where sub-zero temperatures briefly drop to -20 ° C in winter;
  • high yield;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • self-fertility;
  • precocity;
  • the possibility of two-time collection of sweet fruits.

Growing figs Brunswick

Remontant figs Brunswick with light green fruits are planted, taking into account the specific requirements for the care of the southern culture.

Advice! Figs are planted and transplanted in early spring. Seedlings in containers are moved later.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Figs are unpretentious to soils: they can develop well on sandy, loamy, clay and calcareous. But the taste of fruits depends on the amount of minerals in the planting pit and on the site. High acidity of the soil is not suitable for the culture. One of the important requirements for the successful cultivation of figs is a sufficient amount of moisture and at the same time good soil drainage. In the middle lane for the Brunsvik variety, it is better to dig a trench in advance along with a hole where the plant is placed for winter shelter. For planting substrate, garden soil is mixed with an equal part of humus or compost and half of the sand is added. The landing site should be only on the south side, under the protection of buildings from the north.

Perlite is added to the tubs to the substrate, in addition, a drainage layer is arranged. Indoor plants of the variety are transplanted after 2-3 years, constantly cutting off the roots during transshipment.

Figs Brunswick: variety description

Rules of landing

When planting the Brunsvik variety, they fulfill the requirements:

  • the landing pit should be 2 times the volume of the container from the nursery;
  • when planting figs, the stem is arranged in the soil deeper than it grew in the container;
  • near the trunk, stepping back 20-30 cm, clog the support;
  • straighten the roots, sprinkle with the remaining substrate, while compacting it several times;
  • 10 liters of water are poured, a day later they are moistened again with this amount and the hole is mulched.

Watering and top dressing

Irrigate Brunswick figs moderately, given the age of the plant:

  • in the first 2-3 years, they are watered every 7 days in a bucket per tree;
  • adult specimens – once every 2 weeks, 10-12 liters;
  • in the phase of fruit ripeness, watering is not carried out;
  • the last watering is applied after harvesting the fruits in September.
Important! In rainy autumn, the trunk circle of the Brunsvik variety is covered with a film, otherwise waterlogging will cause the wood to freeze.

The culture is fed after 15 days:

  • nitrogen preparations are used in spring;
  • during flowering – complex, with phosphorus;
  • potassium compounds are introduced in the phase of increasing ovaries.

It is convenient to carry out foliar feeding with ready-made balanced means. A good fertilizer for figs is organic. A prerequisite for top dressing is application with watering for better absorption of nutrients.

Attention! Too much rain causes the figs to crack. When dry, the ovaries crumble.


In the Brunsvik fig, judging by the description of the variety and photo, in the southern regions they form a spreading cup-shaped crown, with a bole height of 40-60 cm. In the middle lane there is a two-meter bush, which is easier to bend to the ground for shelter in winter. In the spring, shoots thickening the crown are removed. Fan pruning is also practiced, when all branches that grow vertically are cut from a three-year-old seedling. The lower shoots are bent with the help of improvised means after the tree has been watered. Branches older than 5 years are cut in the fall at ground level, because they no longer bend down when covered. New shoots of the Brunsvik variety come into fruition in a year.

Preparation for winter

In the gardens of the middle climatic zone, the vines of the Brunswick fig, formed by a bush, are bent down and dug into pre-prepared trenches. The branches bend gradually, starting from the day the last fruits are removed. In regions with mild winters, the entire tree is wrapped up after the onset of frost. The trunk circle is mulched with sawdust, peat or spruce branches. In the Crimea, the Brunsvik variety is grown without winter shelter.

Figs Brunswick: variety description


In figs of this variety, the fruits are first ripened in the first decade of July, the second harvest in September. Autumn fruiting lasts about a month. Ripe fruits are removed, then green ones for ripening. Use fresh, for conservation and drying.

Diseases and pests

Figs are threatened by the fungal disease Fusarium, which first affects the roots and lower part of the trunk. Then the plant dies. Affected specimens are removed from the site. The culture is parasitized by aphids, moths, psyllids, which destroy leaves, damage fruits, and carry pathogens of fungal and viral diseases. They prevent the reproduction of pests and the spread of diseases by autumn harvesting of foliage and spraying on the kidneys with copper-containing preparations, treatment with fungicides, insecticides.

Brunswick fig reviews

Daria Olegovna Kovalskaya, 27 y.o., Crimea
The Brunswick fig has been growing in our garden for a long time. Father 2 times updated it with strong pruning, because the wood froze over after a winter with great frosts. We don’t live on the coast. The variety usually tolerates mild winters. We mulch with humus and leaves around the trunk, insulate it to the height of the trunk with ordinary burlap made of natural material. We feed with organic matter and complex fertilizers. Water regularly, because drought is detrimental to the crop. The plant loves moisture and warmth, then tasty and juicy fruits are formed.
Milena Dmitrievna Yunitskaya, 21, Moscow region
We grow Brunswick figs in a container. A tree of a winter-hardy variety was purchased from one lover already at the age of 5 years, bearing fruit. By common efforts, they made transshipment a year later, when the plant acclimatized in the house. For the summer, we roll out into the garden, remove it to a frost-free, but unheated veranda at the end of August. Some fruits fall off, but the main crop remains. We harvest fruits in October. We water and feed regularly, because without fertilizer, tub crops do not bear fruit.


The Brunswick fig, the most frost-resistant variety of the species, is cultivated by many enthusiastic gardeners. Before purchasing a seedling, they carefully study the specifics of growing exotic. Creating the right conditions will make it possible to enjoy the legendary fruits.

Brunswick figs, main crop

Figs Brunswick: variety description

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