Figs: benefits and harm to the body
A fig tree, a fig tree, a fig tree or a ficus – all the well-known figs have such different names. It is useful and recommended for people of all ages to maintain and improve health.

History of figs

The fig is the oldest plant known to man. The height of this tree can reach up to 10 meters, and its roots go deep into the soil. For example, in ancient Greece, the fig tree was considered a symbol of fertility and love. During the wedding, young people were given a basket filled with ficus with the wishes of wealth and large offspring. And Alexander the Great instructed to cook the drug, which was given to the soldiers after the battle to restore strength.

The color of figs depends on the variety and can be from dark purple to yellow. The homeland of the ficus is Kariya, a province of Asia Minor. Thanks to merchants and travelers, these berries spread to the Mediterranean countries, and over time to China, Africa, Australia and England.

Today, the fig tree grows in India, Turkey, Iran, Greece, Italy, Portugal and America. In Our Country, wine berries are grown on the Black Sea coast, in the Krasnodar Territory and in the European part of the country.

Figs are harvested early in the morning with gloves, because under the influence of sunlight, the leaves secrete juice and cause a burning sensation on the skin, similar to nettles.

The composition and calorie content of figs

Caloric value on 100 g56 kcal
Proteins0,7 g
Fats0,2 g
Carbohydrates12 g

The benefits of figs

Fig fruits are recommended for people to use for the prevention of various diseases, because these berries are just a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals that prevent the development of cancer.

Ficus is recommended for recuperation for those who have recently suffered an illness. The fig tree is useful for colds, bronchitis and respiratory diseases because it has immunomodulatory properties. Wine berry helps restore heart rhythms and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. In the presence of intestinal disorders and digestive disorders, the fruits of the fig tree will be very helpful.

On the healing properties of figs for women, I would like to highlight the fact that it is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. It is enough to eat 4-5 dried berries a day and you can forget about heaviness in the legs, cramps and swelling.

I would like to note that figs will be no less useful for the male body. Since figs contain a large amount of potassium and magnesium, this berry helps to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, restore psychological and physical condition after intense exercise.

The fig or fig tree is a truly amazing fruit. It contains a large amount of B vitamins. In particular, vitamin B6, which is involved in the formation of serotonin, the “hormone of happiness.” And also figs are superior to bananas in potassium content, and apples in iron content.

As a weight loss product, fresh figs can be used. But in dried form – only in small quantities. Since the concentration of sugars in them increases to 50-70%. The calorie content of fresh figs also differs significantly – about 70 kcal per 100 grams of the product, and dried – the calorie content rises to 250 kcal per 100 grams.

Therefore, fresh figs in season are shown to everyone. Well, if you are afraid for the figure, or suffer from diabetes, dried figs are allowed no more than 30 grams per day, – says nutritionist, endocrinologist Khismatullina Raushania.

Fig harm

We should not forget that dried figs contain a lot of sugar and such a product will be extremely dangerous for people with diabetes.

Also, with caution, it is recommended to give wine berries to children in order to avoid allergic reactions.

The oxalic acid found in ficus can cause stones to form, so be careful when using this product.

The fig tree is not recommended for people with chronic hypotension, because it can dramatically lower blood pressure.

The use of figs in medicine

Figs contain ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and many other active substances that have a beneficial effect on our health.

Fig tree fruits are used in medicine for diseases of the cardiovascular system, venous insufficiency, anemia, constipation, colds and bronchitis.

In folk medicine, the fig is used as a diuretic, expectorant and laxative. Due to the high content of potassium, this berry is indicated for heart disease and anemia.

The leaves of the tree are used to treat wounds, gargle, relieve itching from insect bites.

The use of figs in cooking

Fig fruits are used in cooking both dried and fresh. The wine berry is used in the preparation of desserts, jams, baked goods and puddings. Today, many housewives add figs to morning cereals and salads, making the taste of dishes brighter.

Salad with fresh spinach, figs and ham

This delicious, light and unusual salad will not leave anyone indifferent. And the best part is that this dish takes less than 15 minutes to prepare.

Fresh spinach300 g
Roasted walnuts30 g
Fresh figs (cut into quarters)8 piece.
Ham (thinly sliced)80 g
Mozzarella cheese30 g
Red wine vinegar30 ml
Olive oil20 ml
Black pepper, saltto taste

In a salad bowl, mix the oil with salt, wine vinegar and pepper. Add spinach, nuts, ham, figs and mix gently. When serving, decorate the salad with mozzarella.

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Crispy ciabatta with arugula and figs

A great alternative to a sandwich with cheese and sausage. Crispy ciabatta sets off the taste of spicy arugula, and the sweetness of figs completes this wonderful culinary composition. This version of bruschette will be a great addition to the festive table.

Ciabatta1 piece.
Ruccola50 g
Figs5 piece.
Fetaxato taste
Olive oilto taste
Balsamic vinegarfor decoration

Cut the bread into 1 cm thick slices and toast it on the grill or in the toaster. Once the ciabatta is golden brown, drizzle with olive oil. Then lay out the arugula, quartered figs and crumbled feta cheese. Garnish with balsamic vinegar when serving.

How to choose and store figs

Figs are very useful, but perishable product. After harvesting, the fruits can be stored for no more than 10 days, then they begin to deteriorate and lose their beneficial properties.

When buying fresh berries, pay attention to the peel. It should be whole, elastic and uniform in color. If the smell is sour, this indicates that the product has been lying for a long time, and apart from health problems, it will not bring anything good.

Fresh figs should be eaten immediately after purchase or frozen. Thus, it can be stored for up to 18 months.

Dried grape berries should be stored in a dark and cool place, transferred to a container with a lid. The shelf life of the product in such conditions is up to 12 months.

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