Fighting wrinkles: from donkey milk in ancient Egypt to elastic tape in the XNUMXst century

We tell you about the anti-aging procedures that women used to use in different parts of the world.

How to deal with wrinkles? How to prolong youth, to conquer everyone with smooth velvety skin, aristocratic chin and regal head position? At different times, women were looking for answers to these questions and came up with different ways of personal care and the secrets of fighting wrinkles. Of course, they used the available products and tools at hand. Olga Yenko, a cosmetologist-aestheticist and an expert in aesthetic kinesio taping, told the readers of more about this and about modern methods of rejuvenation.

Cosmetologist-esthetician, expert in aesthetic kinesio taping, author of the book “Face taping. Rejuvenation in a dream “

Secrets of beauty and youth of Egyptians

Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, whose beauty was legendary, took baths from donkey milk… Cleopatra kept 700 donkeys exclusively for such “cosmetic procedures”. We will hardly ever know the exact recipe for a rejuvenating bath, but we assume that honey, Dead Sea salt and almond oil were added to milk for maximum effect.

Egyptian women who could not afford to keep so many donkeys actively used soda… This is the simplest chemical compound available today in any grocery store, they called “the ashes of divine fire.” After the bath, the skin was oiled and scented with water infused with rose petals.

Personal care of the inhabitants of Ancient Rome

The ancient Roman poet Ovid wrote a whole cycle of elegies “The Science of Love”, and as an appendix to this cycle – the poem “Rubbing the Face”. In the poem, he collected the recipes of cosmetics known to him that the ladies of Ancient Rome could use to preserve white skin, smooth wrinkles, and eliminate age spots. Ovid describes a very complex recipe with the following ingredients: barley grains, eggs, one-year-old deer horn, beans, honey, incense, olive oil. However, he also has tips for those who prefer something simpler:

I saw women rubbing poppy seeds in cold water

And they smear such a gentle medicine on the face …

Secrets of the youth of women

Women of medieval Europe often acted very radically in their quest to achieve perfect facial features. However, they completely trusted the alchemists and pseudo-doctors, and they argued that oils and flower petals alone could not do. Ladies really wanted not only to smooth the skin, but also to whiten it to a state of deathly pallor (yes, yes, these were the standards of beauty). To achieve their goals, the ladies used lead compounds… Simpler means offered compounds of vinegar, ground wheat и sour milk.

Recipes for attractiveness in the Russian Empire

Deathly pallor was held in high esteem in the aristocratic circles of the Russian Empire. The young ladies were using it with might and main powder и bleachblocking the skin’s ability to breathe. Layers of such cosmetics were scraped off … with a knife. It is not surprising that the face with such “care” quickly became unattractive. But the main thing for the young lady was to have time to get married. And then you could do other things, and not take care of your appearance.

Secrets of youthfulness of women in the XXI century

In order to maintain the correct facial features and a well-defined oval, as well as prevent the chin and neck from floating, women have learned to use support splints, bandages, and elastic bandages. With the face, they acted by analogy with the waist – pull it, fix it, leave it in this position for a while. Thus, they did not affect the skin, but the muscles of the face. Today, such methods have transformed into an effective method of kinesio taping, which gives the effect of rejuvenation and lifting as gently as possible, without injections and a knife. You go to bed, and in the morning you get up without wrinkles and swelling, with smooth skin.

The taping technique was developed by the esthetician cosmetologist Olga Yenko, according to whom, in the pursuit of beauty and youth, one must act in harmony with nature, preserving as much as possible the natural that is given to us by nature. Taping does not “standardize” the face, does not make it look like many others, but preserves the individual beauty of each woman.

The method is very simple: elastic tapes (tapes) are applied according to a certain pattern to the face. They act on muscles, smoothing wrinkles, forming an aesthetic face contour, removing ptosis and edema, increasing skin turgor (stress). Tape works on muscle memory: it returns muscles to their normal tone, forcing them to work correctly – to contract and unclench. Due to this, wrinkles and creases are smoothed. Also, when the tape is applied to the skin, due to the pressure difference, blood and lymph flow is accelerated, and cell nutrition is improved. Thus, in an absolutely physiological and delicate manner, without aggressive influence, the skin and muscles of the face regain their beauty, and most importantly, health.

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