Fight acne with your diet – Dietetics – Articles |

Usually, androgens, or male hormones, are responsible for the formation of breakouts. However, they occur in both sexes and affect the sebaceous glands of the skin, increasing the production of sebum (sebum). These hormones are produced by the ovaries, testes and adrenal glands. After puberty, the secretion of these hormones decreases, and acne problems usually disappear. However, you do not have to wait for the problem to resolve itself, you can fight acne. Of course, it is worth going to a dermatologist, he will select special preparations that will help you get rid of pimples. However, also take a look at your nutrition, it has a great influence on the appearance and condition of the skin.

Drink water and tea

You should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. It should be still water. It is she who gives the body a lot better, which affects the proper hydration of the skin. It is worth noting here that blemishes appear more easily on dry skin. The second important task of water is to flush toxins out of the body, which also contribute to the formation of breakouts.

The following teas are also helpful: – green – has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing the risk of any inflammatory lesions, blackheads and pimples – with pansy – it also removes toxins through the skin, so for the first few days a larger rash of pimples may appear, but then the skin condition will improve – chamomile – soothes inflammation and accelerates the healing of acne wounds – from nettle – regulates the production of sebum

Eat fiber

Dietary fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, removes toxic compounds from the body and prevents constipation, which I wrote about in the previous article. All this means that there are fewer pimples on the face. Therefore, include in your diet: – vegetables and fruits – whole grain products (wholemeal bread and pasta, thick groats, brown rice)

Eat foods rich in zinc and B vitamins

Zinc helps heal wounds and prevents skin changes. This element is abundant in seafood, fish, legumes, sprouts and groats. In turn, B vitamins soothe all skin diseases. We find them in potatoes, yeast, whole grains, legumes and nuts.

Eat oily fish

Oily sea fish such as halibut, salmon, eel, tuna, herring and mackerel are sources of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. These acids are a building component of the skin cell walls, on which the effective supply of nutrients, oxygen and water depends. Too little omega-3 fatty acids in the diet increases the risk of inflammation, which also includes acne. Plant products – linseed oil, nuts, almonds and seeds are also rich in these acids.  

Cut down on fat

Not all fat is desired in the diet. Particularly oxidized fats that are formed during frying or too long storage of the product (e.g. rancid butter) should be avoided. Margarines, fatty meats and sauces are also not recommended – such products negatively affect the blood lipid profile and contribute to the development of blackheads.

Highly processed foods say no

Prepared meals, fast-food meals, sweets and sweet carbonated drinks not only do not add anything valuable to the diet, but also the chemicals they contain (e.g. flavor and aroma improvers) and a high content of unhealthy fat can contribute to the appearance of extra pimples on the face.

Be careful with the spices

Give up spicy spices and limit the consumption of table salt, because they adversely affect the condition of the skin. Use herbal spices instead.

Adequate nutrition affects not only the maintenance of a slim figure. The nutrients that you supply to the body affect every single cell of the body. Therefore, if you want to improve the appearance of your skin, take a look at your diet.

Main photo is from: Photo credit: tommerton2010 / Foter / CC BY

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