Figs have a long history. Its seed fruit is popularly called fig, fig tree, fig, wine berry. Varieties of figs are also quite numerous, about 1 thousand species of such a plant are distinguished. They are different in color, size, taste characteristics, ripening time. There are hybrids that are used only for the manufacture of dried fruits. Today you will learn about the most popular types of your favorite fruit, which grow well in the Moscow region.
Variety choice
When choosing a variety, you need to study its description, decide whether you want to grow fruits for fresh consumption or for processing. For drying, you can use any kind of fruit. You should know that in some types of culture, the fruits tend to ripen first at the top, and then closer to the base of the seed. A seedling obtained from seeds enters fruiting after 7 to 10 years. Grafted trees begin to produce crops in 3-4 years. How to distinguish between grafted and seed-grown figs? To do this, examine the roots of the plant. In grafted specimens, the root system is more developed, and the trunk is thicker at the base.
Among the variety of species there are such interesting varieties of figs as Brown Turki, Black Prince and others. For example, Brown figs, whose homeland is distant sunny Turkey, are called by experts one of the most winter-hardy varieties. It is very productive, it allows you to collect a lot of red-brown fruits, each of which is pear-shaped, that is, pear-shaped and weighs about 100 grams. The second grade, with proper care, is able to grow and bear fruit even in a warm and bright room. It has a high degree of drought tolerance and needs abundant watering during the growing season. When grown indoors, unusual fruits of almost black color can be enjoyed in late June – early July. Next, we will talk about the most popular varieties of figs that can be grown in the regions of our country.
Video “Description of varieties”
From the video you will learn about the description of fig varieties.
White Adriatic
Fig White Adriatic is popular and grown in many countries around the world. It was intensively cultivated in the 30s and 60s by specialists from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Known as Sochi.
White figs are great for growing outdoors. It does not need additional pollination, because it is self-fertile. Sometimes the procedure is still carried out by experienced gardeners in order to improve the quality and increase the number of fruits. They are medium in size, have an oval shape and a flat top. Each weighs about 60 grams. Fruiting culture occurs twice a year. When cut inside the fruit, a sweet pink pulp is found. From above, the fruit is covered with a yellow-green peel. The advantages of the variety are resistance to gray rot and the ability to maintain their original qualities even in case of long-term storage.
This variety is also sometimes called Turkish White. It is an excellent self-fertile fig species with an early ripening period, allowing it to be harvested twice a season. Trees are able to bear fruit up to the age of 3 years. Interestingly, when harvesting the first crop, it is possible to enjoy large-sized fruits that weigh about 180 grams.
The Dalmatian fig is very frost-resistant, as it grows normally in the presence of temperature indicators in the range of 0 – 15 degrees. The fruits are endowed with the shape of a pear, covered with a gray-green skin. Inside, when cut, red, sweet with sour and juicy pulp is found.
Other excellent varieties of figs are also known, among which the self-pollinating species of Kadota should be mentioned. It became popular and in demand in California, and later was appreciated by gardeners in other countries. As for the description of this early-growing species, it has pear-shaped fruits, somewhat rounded, painted in a light green color, each of which weighs about 60 grams.
The fruits wither well, while still on the tree, they normally tolerate transportation over long distances. Used to make delicious jams, preserves and drying.
Crimean black
Fig Crimean Black can boast of its noble European origin. It is a self-fertile and early-growing variety.
When it is grown, it is possible to enjoy delicious fruits twice a year. Proper care of the crop involves mandatory pruning and crown formation. The first harvest usually consists of medium-sized, rounded figs.
The second time it is really possible to collect smaller fruits, painted in a characteristic black color with a purple tint. It is this black fig that is great for growing in covering structures in open ground conditions. Berries are usually used to make fragrant jam or dried. The fruits, when eaten fresh, have some sourness.
The characteristic of another variety is as follows. Brunswick figs are often called Buza Burnu or Chapla. This is a self-fertile type of culture. When harvesting the first crop, it gives a few fruits that have an impressive size and weigh up to 200 grams. Fruits are traditionally painted in light green color, the core is raspberry. This type has clear advantages in the form of a high degree of frost resistance (withstands temperatures up to -28 degrees) and excellent taste.
Figs are considered one of the most ancient fruit crops known to mankind. In our region, it is often grown as a houseplant or is a worthy decoration of a winter garden. Having familiarized yourself with the rules of agricultural technology, creating the necessary growth conditions for your favorite plant, you will forever remain its fan and connoisseur.
Video “Growing figs”
From the video you will learn how to grow figs correctly.