She wanted to make coffee for the chef, but her fur coat caught her attention… It was so wonderful that it was impossible not to try it on. Everything about the boss is forgotten …
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Volitional behavior, like any purposeful activity, uses an internal intellectual plan (IP), but not all purposeful activity is volitional behavior.
A girl may have a goal and a wonderful conscious plan, but she will act on the basis of current emotions … «This is above me!» This is field, not volitional behavior. (see Victim Position)
Field behavior — behavior in which a person is guided by random emotions and stimuli of the external environment, and not by his own needs, internal rules or goals set for himself.
When a person is controlled by any external circumstances: he was called — he went, he was shown — he got carried away, he was hurt — he got wound up — in this case it is said about field behavior.
Purposeful behavior (activity) differs from field behavior, and volitional behavior is the opposite. Volitional behavior is spoken of when a person has an inner core, if a person remembers his plans and he has enough strength to maintain the direction of his activity despite difficulties, interference, distractions.
Fight of motives
If in the struggle of motives (the struggle of multidirectional motivational tendencies). Immediate motives (including those of a moral order) take the upper hand; this is not volitional behavior. A consciously set goal wins — a strong-willed one. What to do so that your consciously set goal, and not seductive random impulses, wins more often? See the struggle of motives