Ficifolia fig-leaved pumpkin: photos, recipes

The fig-leaved gourd has long been recognized in Our Country. Breeders even bred a variety called the Memory of Tarakanov. It passed the tests and was included in the State Register in 2013. Refers to mid-season, the fruits ripen 115 days after germination. Suitable for horticultural farms in all regions of the country.

The history of the creation of the variety

Ficifolia fig-leaved pumpkin: photos, recipes

Phycifolia or fig-leaved gourd is native to South America. In nature, it grows in mountainous areas. Exotic pumpkin seeds came to Europe about 3 centuries ago. Its fruits were used as a forage crop and for cooking.

There are not so many varieties of Ficifolia. In Our Country, there is only one – in memory of Tarakanov. It differs from the wild counterpart in greater productivity – from one bush you can collect 8 fruits weighing up to 4 kg. The pulp of the fig-leaved pumpkin is more tender, contains a lot of pectins (4,5%), and has a pleasant watermelon flavor. Ripe fruits are stored only 9 months.

Detailed description

Fitzifolia is a herbaceous vine from the Cucurbitaceae family. Grow it for the sake of fruits, seeds and young shoots. This variety is hardy and can grow as a perennial in tropical climates. Its large green leaves are similar to figs, hence the common name.

The stems of the fig-leaved gourd can reach 10 m in length, curly green leaves have small light spots, the flowers are large, yellow. Cultivated in temperate climates as an annual crop.

Advice! It is convenient to grow ficifolia or fig-leaved pumpkin, according to reviews, on a vertical support – a solid wooden fence, trellis or against the wall of outbuildings.

The plant is photophilous, with a lack of sun, flowers and ovaries will not appear. Not only fruits and seeds are used for food, but also young shoots of fig-leaved pumpkin.

Description of fruits

Outwardly, the fruits of Fitsifolia are somewhat reminiscent of watermelons. They are green with a speckled color. Ripe fig-leaved pumpkin has a uniform light cream color of the peel. Inside are black seeds.

The fig-leaved pumpkin can be stored from 9 months to 4 years due to the fact that its peel is very dense. Ficifolia is used for food. It tastes like zucchini. The pulp is creamy white, tender. Fully ripened fruits have a pleasant aroma and increased sweetness. The fig-leaved gourd is suitable for making jams, candied fruits, sweet desserts and jellies.

Characteristics of a variety

Ficephalia or fig-leaved pumpkin is unpretentious in care. When grown indoors, it does not produce fruit. It has a late fruiting period, so it is grown only through seedlings. Other characteristics of the fig-leaf gourd:

  • the yield depends on the climate, in the Ural region 2-3 fruits are harvested from one plant, in the southern latitudes – up to 10 pieces;
  • Fitzifolia is not crossed with other pumpkin crops;
  • can be used as a stock for melons and watermelons;
  • in temperate climates, the weight of one fruit is 2-3 kg, in the southern regions it can reach 8 kg;
  • leaves have a diameter of 25 cm, flowers – about 7 cm;
  • the plant has strong immunity.

Fitzifolia tolerates frosts down to -3 °C, grows well in a wide temperature range (from +6 to +35 °C). It has a well-developed root system, due to which it is tolerant of a lack of moisture.

Attention! During dry periods, watering is needed for successful flowering and fruit formation.

Pest and disease resistance

The fig-leaved pumpkin is not susceptible to fungal diseases; thanks to its strong immunity, it resists pests well. For the prevention and prevention of problems in cultivation, it is necessary to observe crop rotation. You can not plant a plant after other pumpkin crops and potatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ficifolia fig-leaved pumpkin: photos, recipes

Fitzifolia makes a good stock for watermelons, melons, cucumbers. This is not its only advantage, there are others:

  1. Unpretentiousness, good adaptation to the cool climate of the temperate latitudes of Eurasia.
  2. Long-term storage of fruits. Thanks to their thick peel, they can lie in a cool, dry place for 3 years without losing their freshness and excellent taste.
  3. Universal use of fruits. Desserts, vegetable stews, candied fruits, salads, casseroles are prepared from them.
  4. Benefit for health. Fitzifolia contains a rich set of vitamins and mineral salts, useful fiber, suitable for children’s and dietary nutrition.

The disadvantages include a long vegetative period; in a cold climate, the fruits do not have time to ripen. Seedlings must be grown to obtain seeds.

Comment! Without a vertical support, the plant will take up a large area in the garden.

The benefits and harms of fig-leaved pumpkin

You can evaluate the benefits of the fig-leaved pumpkin shown in the photo above in December. By this time, the seeds ripen, turning black, they can be collected, cleaned of pulp, and sown in March for seedlings.

Many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from the pulp of Fitzifolia. It has healing properties, and it is used in dietary nutrition for such problems:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • allergy;
  • gout;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • neurosis, depression.

The raw pulp of the fig-leaved pumpkin is rarely used for food, as it is quite dense. Its use in grated form is useful for obesity and diabetes. The glycemic index of the raw fruit is low, and the trace elements contained in it can stimulate the production of insulin.

Lotions are also made from raw pulp for:

  • skin diseases;
  • burns;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

The seeds have an anthelmintic effect. Harm from fig-leaved pumpkin can only be in case of individual intolerance.

Cultivation technology

Ficifolia is a late fig-leaved gourd, so it needs to be grown through seedlings. Seed germination begins in April:

  1. Seeds are sown in a container filled with universal soil, under glass.
  2. Keep at high humidity and a temperature of +22 ° C.
  3. After germination, each seed is transplanted into a separate container, as pumpkin crops do not like picks.
  4. The air temperature for 5 days is reduced to +17 ° C.
  5. After 20-25 days of growing in a container, Phycifolia is ready for transplanting into open ground.

When the last frosts pass, in the middle or end of May, the fig-leaved pumpkin is planted in the garden. For seedlings, holes are made 12 cm deep, so as not to damage the roots, the transshipment method is used. The plant can grow on any soil, but develops better on drained and fertile. Holes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m.

Fitzifolia care includes timely watering, mulching, weeding, top dressing. For a better filling of the fruit, the side shoots are pinched after the formation of the ovaries.

Important! If the nights are cold in August, the bushes of the fig-leaved gourd are covered with spunbond so that the roots of the plant are warm. The crop is harvested in autumn when the leaves wither.

Is it possible to cook fig-leaf gourd

Fitzifolia does not have a pronounced taste, it acquires the flavor and aroma of the products with which it is cooked. This allows you to get interesting and tasty dishes from the fig-leaf pumpkin, the recipes of which are easy to prepare.

Fitzifolia ragout

Ficifolia fig-leaved pumpkin: photos, recipes


  • ficifolia – 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce – 2 st. l .;
  • dried herbs – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • dried mushrooms, peppers, eggplant and cherry tomatoes – 50 g each;
  • watercress – to taste.


  1. Dried vegetables are washed and soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes.
  2. A fibrous core with seeds is cut out from the pumpkin; when frying, it will be bitter. Cleanse the skin.
  3. The pulp is cut into small cubes.
  4. If the frying pan is deep-fried, the oil can be omitted.
  5. Drain water from dried vegetables and cut into pieces.
  6. Put vegetables and ficifolia on a hot frying pan.
  7. After 2 minutes add soy sauce to taste and a little water. Cover the pan with a lid for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Add spices to taste, if the water is all absorbed, add more boiling water, leave to stew for another 20 minutes.
  9. At the end of cooking, they try vegetables, salt to taste, put finely chopped greens.

Served vegetable stew with boiled rice.

There are many recipes for making fig-leaved pumpkin – potato pancakes, casseroles, hot salads, marmalades. But the traditional Spanish dish “Angel’s Hair” or ficifolia confiture is especially interesting.

Recipe for confiture from fig-leaf pumpkin


  • Fitzifolia pulp – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pcs .;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • cinnamon sticks – 2 pcs.


  1. Fitsifolia, peeled and seeds, are cut into cubes and poured with boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. Throw the pumpkin into a colander. When all the excess liquid has drained, the pulp is stratified into fibers with a fork.
  4. Pumpkin pulp is placed in a high frying pan or cast iron, the same amount of sugar, cinnamon, juice and lemon zest are added by weight.
  5. Stir occasionally, do not cover with a lid.
  6. When the phycifolia juice has evaporated, the confiture is ready, it will take 45-50 minutes.

Dessert is laid out in jars, sterilized for long-term storage. Throw away the zest pieces and cinnamon sticks.


The fig-leaved pumpkin is an interesting, exotic variety of the Cucurbitaceae family that does not require complex care. It must be grown through seedlings. It is best to plant in a well-lit place, in an area near a vertical support. The fruits can be stored for a long time. They are healthy and nutritious, suitable for preparing a variety of dishes – vegetable stews, sweet desserts and hot salads.

Pumpkin with black seeds

Reviews of the fig-leaf gourd

Marina Taranova, 32 years old, St. Petersburg
I love pumpkins, I plant new varieties on my plot all the time. This time they sent me the seeds of Fiesifolia in Memory of Tarakanov by mail. When the oblong green fruits began to ripen, all my friends mistook them for watermelons and began to ask for seeds. I had to assure that this is a real pumpkin. The flesh of the fruit turned out to be white, and smelled of watermelon, the seeds are black, large. All winter I have been preparing sweet desserts and vegetable stews from phycifolia, I will definitely plant seedlings in spring.
Ivan Pustovoy, 38 years old, Perm
Our summer is cold, not every pumpkin culture will grow. I planted seedlings of fig-leaved pumpkin in early June. My seedlings took root well in the greenhouse, and I let the lashes go out over the site. To my great joy, in August the fruits began to ripen. I collected 3 pumpkins, two smaller, and one rather large – 3,5 kg. Not bad for a first time. In December, my wife cooked a vegetable stew of phycifolia and dried mushrooms – the taste is wonderful. I will plant and distribute the seeds to all my friends, for our region this is a miracle.

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