Fibroma uterus – a benign neoplasm that occurs with the growth of connective tissue. If muscle tissue joins, then a fibromyoma is formed. Fibroma of the uterus is most often presented in the form of nodular foci or clusters, it feeds and grows due to the hormone estrogen.
In women, the tumor develops most often after 40 years, but it can also form after the onset of the menstrual cycle, and during pregnancy. With its symptoms, it resembles many other gynecological diseases, but if there is severe bleeding, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. The growth of fibroids is also indicated by frequent urination (the tumor begins to squeeze the bladder) and pain in the lower abdomen.
Fibroma does not affect a woman’s ability to conceive, but depending on its size and location, the doctor can see if the pregnancy can be maintained. In about 20% of cases, this benign neoplasm is detected in women of childbearing age.
Negative consequences of the development of fibroids in pregnant women
Despite the fact that fibroma does not affect conception and reproductive functions, it can cause infertility, late miscarriages and premature births. In the event that the tumor nodes block the passage of spermatozoa, blocking the fallopian tubes, pregnancy does not occur. Such a violation is easily detected on x-ray of the uterus or during ultrasound.
If the fibroma is large enough or continues to grow rapidly, there is too little space left in the uterus for the development of the fetus, which can provoke a miscarriage after 11 weeks of pregnancy.
A large tumor can also cause premature birth, and the shorter the gestational age, the less likely it is to save the baby. This is due to the fact that many of his vital organs have not yet fully formed. It is more likely that the child will remain alive in the seventh month of pregnancy, but even in this case, doctors will have to apply all their knowledge and use special equipment.
Large fibroma can affect the position of the fetus in the uterus, significantly complicating the passage of the child through the birth canal. In this regard, a woman may need a caesarean section. In addition, the mother’s body is weakened during prolonged labor. The most unfavorable location of the fibroma is considered to be its development in the cervical region, since the tumor prevents the free passage of the baby’s head.
During pregnancy, the level of hormones in the blood also changes in a woman, the estrogen content rises, which in turn can provoke the growth of fibroids. However, constant monitoring and medical supervision reduce the risk of tumor growth. Even if the fibroma grows, they will try not to touch it until the birth, so as not to risk the health of the developing child. It happens that after childbirth, the neoplasm resolves itself.
Sometimes a woman may experience spotting and pain. With the appointment of painkillers, these symptoms disappear after a few days. Pregnant women with fibroma are recommended to have a long sleep, lack of stress, reduced physical activity, constant ultrasound control over the development of fibrous nodes.
Modern methods of treatment of uterine fibroids
Of course, in cases of a threat to the life of a child or mother, doctors also prescribe medications, and even perform operations to remove fibroids during pregnancy. However, in order to avoid such problems before conception, it is best for a woman to undergo a complete examination.
Surgery may be performed when:
severe bleeding can cause anemia in a woman,
there is a risk of twisting of fibroma nodes,
the tumor provokes the development of infertility,
the neoplasm grows faster than 5 weeks per year,
Fibroma continues to grow after menopause
uterine fibroids negatively affect the work of nearby organs.
Currently, for women planning to become pregnant in the future, minimally invasive treatment and conservative myomectomy (removal of only fibromatous nodes) are offered. It includes laparoscopy, laparotomy and hysteroscopy.
Laparoscopy is performed using endoscopic equipment. Four punctures are made on the abdominal wall, and the surgeon can work with the internal organs thanks to the endovideo camera. The procedure is relatively safe, blood loss is minimal, and rehabilitation is much faster. Hysteroscopy allows you to completely save the uterus for a woman’s subsequent pregnancy. Fibroma is excised with a laser in one session under the visual control of a doctor.
Embolization is also used – an operation to block the vessels, due to which the tumor feeds. This allows you to stop the growth of fibroids without surgery.
Do not self-medicate fibroids, especially when pregnancy occurs, so as not to harm your child, be sure to consult a doctor. And the sooner you become registered in the antenatal clinic, the more likely you will have a favorable outcome of pregnancy.