Fiberoscopy – indications, contraindications, the course of the examination

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ENT disorders affect us relatively often. Occasionally, patients experience a fear of thorough examination for fear of pain and complications. Is it right? Fiberoscopy is the answer.

What is fiberoscopy?

Fiberoskopia is the name of an examination that consists in a careful inspection of the upper respiratory tract, also in places that are generally difficult to see, thanks to which the doctor can determine changes, if any. For the test it is used fiberoscope ended with a camera.

Fiberoscopy – indications

Fiberoscopy is used in inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and the nose, as well as in respiratory disorders in both adults and children. Fiberoscopic examination is performed in children when adenoid enlargement, commonly known as the third tonsil, is suspected. Nasal obstruction, sleep apnea, snoring, nasal speech, prolonged runny nose or hearing loss may indicate such a problem. For adults fiberoskopia it is used to verify the suspicion of nasopharyngeal cancer. Alarming should be a lump in the neck, hearing loss on one side, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, ear pain, and double vision.

Fiberoscope allows you to take a tissue sample for subsequent tests. Another indication do fiberoskopii there is control after treatment of neoplasms of the upper respiratory tract. It can also be used in people who, for example due to retching, cannot be tested by another method indicated to their ailments, i.e. with a rigid endoscope or a laryngeal mirror. By fiberoskopii you can also track the effectiveness and side effects of nasal medications. The remaining indications These include: voice disorders, swallowing, foreign body sensation in the esophagus, or chronic throat complaints. It happens that the execution fiberoskopii occurs as a test to refine a doctor’s previous findings observed in another test, when the results are inconclusive.

Fiberoscopy – the course of the examination

Fiberoskopia takes a few minutes. The form of the test does not require any special preparations beforehand. It is recommended not to take any meals or liquids three hours before fiberoscopy. They are performed in a sitting position, with the head resting on the chair’s headrest. Before the examination, anesthesia is not performed because it is painless. The exceptions are children and extremely sensitive people. In such cases, anesthesia in the form of a spray is given to surface anesthetize the area of ​​the nasal and throat mucosa. Next fiberoscope it is inserted into the nose and the nasopharynx and other parts of the upper respiratory tract that we want to examine. The entire test area is visible on the monitor. It is an effective examination as the device being introduced adapts to the surface being tested, so that even hard-to-reach areas can be thoroughly examined, giving a holistic view of the health condition. The examination is recorded on a CD and handed over to the patient.

Advantages of fiberoscopy

Undoubtedly an advantage fiberoskopii it is possible to carry out a precise examination even in hard-to-reach places, thanks to which it is easier and faster to diagnose lesions, if any. Fiberoscope allows you to examine all elements of the upper respiratory tract, from the nasal cavity through the middle pharynx to the larynx and lower pharynx. What’s more, fiberoskopia makes it possible to perform the examination even with anatomical changes in the nasal cavity and in the presence of swelling and hypertrophy of the mucosa. The undoubted advantage is also the short time of the examination and its painless execution. In addition, it is a more accurate examination than radiological examination, thanks to which we obtain better results and do not expose ourselves to unnecessary radiation. This is important for pregnant women and children.

Contraindications for fibroscopy

There are not many contraindications for carrying out fiberoskopii. It should not be performed in the presence of upper respiratory tract infections, because the patient’s coughing prevents the examination.

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