This dietary component, although widespread on the food and pharmaceutical market, is still not used by consumers. And that’s a big mistake. Gone are the days when it was considered an ingredient of no value. Because while it has no nutritional value, it has the value of cleansing the body of toxins.
Fiber is a complex of diverse and multivariate components of all plants, which is not subject to the process of digestion by the human body. And asking yourself the question – What does it bring to my diet – it turns out that you know nothing about its salutary effect, even in the process of weight loss!
Cellulose, pectin and lignin are just some of the ingredients that make up it. The structure of this fiber helps to cleanse our intestines perfectly. When fiber enters the digestive tract, it begins its natural work, i.e. absorbing everything into its spongy structure toxinsthat remain in the intestines and prevent their patency. Thanks to this, it catches particles that are not assimilated by the body or accumulate in it. It improves by its properties peristalsis intestines and enhances their action up to three times. Therefore, it is recommended primarily for people who have a problem with regular bowel movements.
Proper bowel function is one of the most important stages of weight loss. The effects of a perfect figure can be seen not only after diet and exercise, but also by the way and quality of digestion of what we eat. Because even the lightest diet may turn out to be insufficient when our body will not digest what it receives.
Fiber clogs!
It clogs in the best sense of the word. When a dry piece of it enters the stomach, it begins to swell under the influence of water and juices contained in it. Thanks to this, information is sent to our brain that it has satisfied the need for food and appetite. It is true that lying has short legs, but in this case it works, because we do not care about maintaining the feeling of satiety throughout the day, but only for 3-4 hours at most. And in this respect, fiber is second to none. With no caloric value, it shouldn’t hurt.
Fiber is a snack, not a main course!
Eat it sensibly. The daily requirement should not exceed 40g for an adult. It should also be remembered that when supplementing the body with fiber, it is advisable to drink about 1 liter of water a day more, because it tends to absorb it. Therefore, the body cannot be brought to extreme exhaustion, which is a consequence of dehydration.
Fiber Sources
You will find it primarily in fruits and vegetables – both those from the plot and exotic. Its large deposits are found in legumes, bran and cereal mixtures. So it’s worth eating wholemeal bread. For a pleasing figure, make friends with wholegrain must, as well as paddy rice and all types of groats.