Fiber – benefits, properties, supplementation. Natural sources of fiber

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Fiber is a dietary fiber that the body does not digest. Although it does not provide nutrients on its own, it is essential for nutrition. It has properties that improve human functioning. Find out more.

The benefits of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is the type of fiber found in food (what? More on that later). Its most important and visible effect is to improve the functioning of the intestines, it enables regular bowel movements, and prevents constipation. It works like a broom that sweeps waste and toxins out of the intestines.

However, that’s not all – fiber has other properties:

  1. reduces the absorption of cholesterol, thanks to which it has a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases,
  2. lowers blood glucose levels (protects against diabetes),
  3. reduces the risk of cancer, especially gastric and breast cancer,
  4. absorbs water, reducing the feeling of hunger and delays the moment when food leaves the stomach (supports weight loss),
  5. stimulates the secretion of saliva, which has a protective effect on teeth (protects against caries),
  6. binds and buffers excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach, increases the secretion of digestive juices,
  7. improves the appearance of the skin, strengthens nails and gives shine to the hair.

As fiber plays a very important role in the body, it cannot be deficient. You will find a blend of natural fibers in the Solgar dietary supplement. The preparation, thanks to natural ingredients, will help to supplement the daily requirement for fiber and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Can you eat fiber without restrictions?

Eat fiber, but be wise. It turns out that the “golden mean” is the best. Fiber deficiency is bad for your health, but too much fiber is bad. Why? Well, fiber hinders the absorption of vitamins and minerals (those fractions of fiber that dissolve in water partially limit the absorption of iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins that are soluble in fat). So, after a long time of abuse, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies or even anemia, despite healthy eating.

In addition, excess fiber may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, cholesterol-lowering drugs, etc., so it is recommended to keep a 2-hour interval between a meal rich in fiber and the administration of the drug.

Therefore, the The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends providing the body with 20-40 g of fiber per day. It is possible with rational nutrition.

Fiber can be delivered to the body through appropriate supplementation. Try Fiber Complex + FOS – Fiber with FOS Viridian in capsule form.

Also check: A high-fiber diet inhibits the growth of prostate cancer

Natural sources of fiber

Fiber-rich foods include:

  1. wholemeal flour, i.e. baked goods and meals made of this flour,
  2. whole wheat bread 0k. 6 g of fiber in 100 g of bread),
  3. rye flakes (over 11 g / 100 g),
  4. fruit and vegetables (5 servings a day are recommended, currants and raspberries have the most fiber),
  5. sunflower seeds (8,6 g / 100 g),
  6. pumpkin seeds (6g / 100g),
  7. dried apricots, figs and plums,
  8. spices such as turmeric.

The most fiber from easily available and cheap products is flaxseed (27,3 / 100g), even more – chia seeds (3 tablespoons of grains a day meet the needs of an adult). You can buy good quality chia seeds at You can also try Intenson flaxseed as an addition to dishes and drinks. At Medonet Market, you can also buy Intenson ground flax in 200g packages, as well as almond flakes by weight at a favorable price.

A valuable source of fiber is acai Intenson berry extract, which additionally has a positive effect on cholesterol levels in the body.

Apples are also rich in fiber, and at Medonet Market you can buy 400% concentrated Natjun apple juice, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

We also recommend Pro Natura brand products, e.g. various types of Flakes and Bran or Flours, as well as:

  1. Natural brown rice,
  2. Spelled crisps,
  3. Corn noodles,
  4. Corn grits.

Your body must gradually get used to eating high-fiber foods. Otherwise, digestive and excretory perturbations may occur.


Do not forget to drink water, fruit and herbal teas, because if you don’t drink enough fluid (less than 2 liters per day), fiber can cause constipation. A good choice will be a set of natural Natjun teas, which have a distinctive taste and a pleasant, fruity aroma.

Do you want to enrich your diet? Are you trying to change your eating habits? Make an appointment with a dietitian for an e-consultation today.

What is fiber made of?

Fiber is made of a number of different substances and each of its fractions, although very important, has a different effect on the body. This fraction can basically be divided into two groups, i.e. soluble fiber i insoluble. The former swells in the water environment of the small intestine, resulting in the formation of a highly viscous gel, which in turn increases the density of the chyme. The second one is practically completely degraded in the large intestine (it is a breeding ground for bacteria) and influences the development of the bacterial flora of the large intestine.

See what types of fiber are available on Medonet Market. We recommend, among others Oat fiber VEGE OstroVit or Blackcurrant fiber VEGE OstroVit.

Soluble and insoluble fiber has the ability to ferment, thanks to which the bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract break down fiber (gaining energy), stimulate the immune system, and take part in the production of vitamins and hormones.

The Loclo dietary supplement will help provide a daily dose of fiber. The preparation contains fiber obtained from apples and oat bran. The Loclo supplement has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and the entire body.

Insoluble fiber – composition and properties

Insoluble fiber has a positive effect on the digestive system, stimulating intestinal peristalsis and making bowel movements regular. In addition, it increases the volume of food in the stomach, which causes a faster feeling of fullness. Insoluble fiber influences the increase in fecal mass and its consistency. It is mainly found in grain products. This fiber is further divided into: lignin, cellulose and starch.

Cellulose is responsible for cleansing the body of toxins, supporting excretion and preventing constipation. It also affects blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of neoplasms affecting the end parts of the digestive system. It can be found in products such as: peas, Brussels sprouts, potatoes and beans.

Lignin, in turn, affects the removal of excess bile acids and dietary cholesterol, prevents the formation of gallstones and cancers of the final section of the digestive system, and prevents constipation. It is found in e.g. cereal grains.

Starch is responsible for lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of developing colorectal cancer and improving the absorption of minerals from food. It occurs, for example, in potatoes or bananas.

Find out more: A high-fiber diet lowers the risk of premature death

Soluble fiber – composition and properties

Soluble fiber has a positive effect on reducing insulin secretion and reducing blood glucose levels, which translates into the prophylaxis of the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In addition, it reduces cholesterol and changes the rate of digestion and absorption of nutrients, which in turn translates into a longer feeling of satiety, thanks to which it has a positive effect on weight reduction. This fiber is divided into: gums, mucilages, pectins, hemicelluloses, fructooligosaccharides, beta-glucan and glucomannan.

Vegetable gums affect the reduction of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as blood pressure. An example of this type of fiber is gum arabic (acacia), i.e. plant secretion obtained by cutting the trunk and branches of Senegalese acacia, as well as other species of African acacia. It causes the multiplication of species of bifidobacteria and lactic bacteria.

Plant sluices they are responsible for lowering the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood and cause a feeling of fullness. Some of them are used as mild laxatives (e.g. flaxseed or psyllium). They act as shielding, softening, protective and anti-inflammatory agents.

Pectins they are responsible for lowering blood cholesterol levels, reducing the amount of bile acids and is involved in the prevention of gallstones and cancers of the digestive system. It is found in fruits.

Hemicellulose is responsible for removing constipation, reducing weight gain and preventing colon cancer. They can be found in bran and cereal grains (e.g. wheat, corn, rye, oats or barley).

Fructooligosaccharides are responsible for the multiplication of bacteria that have a positive effect on the human body. In addition, they inhibit the development of carcinogens, i.e. factors that affect the development of cancer and lower the pH in the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to which they affect the formation of organic acids positive for the body (lactic, butyric, propionic and acetic acids). They can be found in e.g. sugar beet, garlic, onion, wheat, honey and bananas.

Beta-glucan improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels. It can also significantly lower cholesterol and increase the feeling of fullness. The main sources of beta-glucan are oats and barley.

Glucomannan has a positive effect on weight loss, combats constipation and reduces the risk of heart disease. For example, it is found in the Japanese konjac plant.

You can find both soluble and insoluble fiber in JeliHerbs Good Intestinal Function – a herbal blend that you can buy at a great price on Medonet Market.

Worth knowing: Why is it worth eating bran? The values ​​and properties of bran

A high-fiber diet and your baby

It is recommended to include fiber in your child’s daily diet. This is due to the fact that the child after the first year of life is still too small and should not receive the same foods as adults (the diet of adults will not meet the child’s special nutritional needs, e.g. certain nutrients).

The Do.Best brand offers a dietary supplement with fiber that is safe for children. The preparation has a powdered form, so it can be administered with a meal. Do! Detox will help provide the daily dose of fiber to the youngest children, from the age of 3.

  1. Also try apple fiber

Vital fiber – properties

Although dietary fiber is found in many foods, some people suffer from a deficiency, which manifests as constipation. Aversion to fruits and vegetables, eating highly processed foods are the causes of fiber deficiency. For such people, vital fiber is recommended. It is a dietary supplement used in the case of fiber deficiencies. It consists of natural fiber from psyllium and psyllium. The action of such a preparation is identical to that of dietary fiber. You can buy the high-fiber plantain husk at

You will also find fiber in Baobaba BIO powder, which perfectly complements the diet, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and additionally contains vitamin C and magnesium.

How to dose vital fiber?

Dissolve 3 teaspoon of the powder in 1 liters of any liquid 0,5 times a day and drink this mixture (or eat it with the soup). Additionally, you need to drink 2 liters of fluid a day. People who have difficulty getting fiber with food or drink are recommended fiber tablets.

Also reach for the blend of natural fibers that is available on Medonet Market. It will improve the work of the intestines and accelerate the metabolism.

Fiber – contraindications

Due to the fact that natural fiber is a product of natural origin, there are no contraindications to its use. However, you must bear in mind that natural fiber is a supplement, and before starting any supplement (especially for the elderly, pregnant women and children), consult your doctor.

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