In the last 12 months, the fewest children have been born in Poland since the Second World War. At the same time, we recorded the largest number of deaths in the post-war history of Poland. We are observing a demographic collapse in our country. The population is getting smaller every month.
- In January, 25 were born in Poland. children – according to the Central Statistical Office data. This has been for at least a decade. 46 died during this time. people
- As of September 2019, the monthly rate of population increase has been low, and for four months its number has been double-digit
- Poland’s demographic situation is deteriorating from month to month. The sum of deaths in the last 12 months is the highest since World War II
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Most deaths in Poland since World War II
The demographic situation in Poland has long been very bad. The number of births is falling, as is the fertility rate. The government’s social incentives to improve these statistics had only a short-term effect. The downward trend has been further exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Data on births and deaths published every month by the Central Statistical Office are depressing.
The latest figures confirm this. In January this year, only 25 were born in Poland. kids. A year ago, in January 2020, there were 33,2 thousand. births (more by 8,2 thousand). In the first month of 2021, 46 thousand people died. people. 12 months earlier, 36,6 thousand died. people, or almost 10 thousand. less.
These data were presented on Twitter by economist Rafał Mundry, who regularly publishes statistics and charts on demographic indicators in Poland. The figures look even gloomier when you add up the figures for the last 12 months.
«The total number of births for the last 12 months is 347,1 thousand. The least since WWII. The sum of deaths for the last 12 months is 486,7 thousand. Most since WWII»Wrote Mundry
According to GUS data, in January the population in our country amounted to 38 million 244 thousand. That’s the least in ten years. In the years 2011 – 2012, Poland was inhabited by about 38,5 million people. In September 2011, there were 38 million 545 thousand of us. – the most in the last 10 years.
- The population in Poland in 2020 is the lowest in over a decade
Since 2013, the population in Poland has been systematically decreasing. In January 2019, it amounted to 38 million 406 thousand. The most dramatic decline took place from January 2020 to January 2021. From 38 million 379 thousand. inhabitants of our country became 38 million 244 thousand. – 135 “disappeared” in twelve months Poles.
2020 is the worst year since World War II
According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, in December 2020 the population of Poland amounted to 38 thousand. 265. In December 2019 it was still 38 million 383 thousand. Thus, in 2020 the population in Poland decreased by 118 thousand.
This is the result of both a record high number of deaths and a very low number of births. In the whole of 2020, 486 were recorded in Poland – according to the data in the Register of Civil Status. 345 deaths. This is the most in the post-war history of Poland, more than the previous record (414 in 200) by over 2018. people.
- Over 29 infected with COVID-19. Record in Poland
Such a high number of deaths is primarily the effect of the coronavirus. Although the Ministry of Health reports say about 30 thousand. deaths in 2020 (currently over 50) related to SARS-CoV-2, the second number of deaths could be related to system failure caused by the virus. In this case, it is referred to as “surplus deaths”. The “excess mortality” index, in addition to COVID-19 victims, also takes into account cases of death in situations where, inter alia, The covid hospital could not accept patients with other diseases or the ambulance did not reach the person with a heart attack on time, because the priority was a patient with coronavirus.
It was also terrible when it comes to birth. In January 2020, 33,2 thousand people were born to the world. kids. Each subsequent month was worse, the downward trend was very clear – only 2020 thousand were born in December 25,8. kids. The total number of births last year was 355,3 thousand.
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