Fever, vomiting, cough in a child. When is there no need to see a doctor?

Pediatricians emphasize that even it is difficult for them to immediately distinguish flu, coronavirus, RSV or other infection in a child. Likewise, parents may find it difficult to judge the situation properly. Sometimes we go to the doctor too soon, unnecessarily exposing the child to e.g. long waiting at the clinic, sometimes consultation with a doctor is necessary. When are the symptoms of a child so serious that it is worth visiting a doctor or an emergency department, and when is there no such need?

  1. The fourth wave of coronavirus is becoming more and more visible in Poland. At the same time, the flu and cold season is on
  2. Infections in children are accompanied by many symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, cough and breathing problems
  3. However, not all of them indicate that it is necessary to go to the doctor with the child
  4. Dr. Jacek Gleba, family doctor and pediatrician, talks about when medical intervention is actually required
  5. More similar information can be found on the Onet homepage

Dr. Jacek Gleba, family doctor and pediatrician from MDT Medical, emphasizes that the temperature often causes unjustified anxiety for parents.

Temperature is not an indicator of disease severity. Angina, flu are actually minor infections, often with high temperature, and serious diseases, such as pneumonia or meningitis can be without temperature or with a low fever – describes. However, he adds, “there can also be a significant infection with high temperature”.

When to go with the child to the emergency department?

Dr. Jacek Gleba draws attention to a very important issue: – There is a belief that the temperature will increase indefinitely and the protein will be cut. That’s not true. The temperature does not rise to such values ​​that it can be life-threatening, except in very special situations. However, it is worth paying attention to whether there are other disturbing symptoms, such as febrile convulsions, I emphasize convulsions, not chills. Then you should go to the emergency department.

Another most common reason why parents visit their doctor or ED is a runny nose and cough. Dr. Gleb says that runny nose does not require a visit to the doctor at all. Only a prolonged runny nose, lasting 2-3 weeks, requires outpatient treatment.

We report to the HED or to the doctor when the child makes wheezing noises when breathing with difficulty – explains Dr. Gleb. – We can find out for ourselves if there is a breathing problem when we place our hand directly on the child’s skin on the back or chest and feel the vibrations resulting from the different sounds coming from the lungs when breathing. Then we should go to the doctor, but remember that even bronchitis is not a reason to go to the ED. A visit to the doctor is enough – he describes.

Just because the baby is not breathing through the nose does not mean that he is short of breath. He is breathing through his mouth because his nose is blocked with a runny nose. This is not yet a reason to believe that he is breathless – adds the doctor.

  1. What symptoms are most often reported by COVID-19 patients now? A doctor from the Lublin region explains

Another group of symptoms that parents often visit the ED are gastrointestinal symptoms. – This is where the greatest fear of parents is dehydration. It is worth remembering that dehydration occurs quickly in young children, so a one-year-old or eighteen-year-old child should see a doctor sooner. A 4, 5, 6-year-old child can be left at home and monitored, says Dr. Gleb. Vomiting and diarrhea which declines within 6-12 hours are unlikely to require medical attention, but are usually viral intestinal infections that are self-limiting. In this case, the pediatrician recommends frequent watering of the child. – If the frequency of vomiting or diarrhea does not decrease, the child becomes flaccid, runny, we notice dry mucous membranes, dry mouth, go to the emergency room. – the expert dispels doubts.

An important change in the child’s behavior

Parents they should not only focus on the symptoms of the diseasesuch as runny nose, fever, cough or diarrhea and vomiting.

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Sometimes subjective symptoms are more important from the objective ones. The most important of these is the change in the child’s behavior, something that is hard to even name, but the parent notices it. The child behaves differently, is sleepy or agitated, we can see that something is happening. The child may not have a high temperature, and may develop meningitis, explains Dr. Gleb.

What about head injuries?

– The HED is also frequently visited by parents with children who have suffered minor head injuries – points out Dr. Jacek Gleba. The skull is hermetic, well cushioned, nothing happens after slight head injuries, e.g. when playing, after a fall or even if the child falls out of the stroller. If there is no hematoma or lump on the head, it is doubtful that something is going on inside. If, on the other hand, we notice local swelling, pain when touched, see a doctor.

  1. «Winter can be tragic. A dozen or so million Poles are still not immune »

Each situation when our child has something wrong should therefore be carefully analyzed in order to react appropriately. When a child has a runny nose, sore throat, cough and a low fever, but apart from these ailments, it is necessary to keep the child at home (do not send him to nursery, kindergarten or school) and watch carefully. During this time, mild (home) remedies such as natural syrups, vitamins and rest should be given. Fever up to 37,5 degrees C should not be suppressed. It is a natural reaction of the body, and thus the body defends itself against a developing infection.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Three-day-long (three-day fever) – symptoms, treatment, complications
  2. Temperature in the newborn
  3. Flu – symptoms, treatment, complications, vaccinations

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