Fever – causes, types, antipyretic drugs. Home remedies for fever

Fever is an increase in body temperature that appears as a result of an illness as a defense of the body against the attack of bacteria and viruses. We speak of a fever when the thermometer shows a temperature above 38 ° C.

Fever – role

A fever is a body temperature of 38 ° C or higher. It appears as a defensive reaction of an organism that has become ill with a medical condition caused by:

  1. bacteria,
  2. viruses
  3. parasites,
  4. neoplastic growth,
  5. an allergic reaction
  6. inflammatory reaction,
  7. auto-aggression mechanism.

The body increases its temperature because it is under such conditions that the effectiveness of the body’s defense mechanisms (including the production of antibodies) increases. We distinguish:

  1. low-grade fever – above 37 ° C, 
  2. acute feverish condition, 
  3. chronic feverish state (feverish tracks).

To check your body temperature regularly, you should have a good-quality thermometer in your home medicine cabinet. You can buy a Tech-Med device that will measure without contact at Medonet Market. On the website you will also find the Neno Medic T02 or Neno Medic T05 thermometer with the function of measuring the temperature of the liquid.

To sum up, high body temperature allows us to fight harmful factors (the higher the temperature, the more effective is the multiplication of leukocytes and the production of antibodies).

Nevertheless, high fever has a negative effect on the human body, because it accelerates the heart rate and can damage nerve cells, which results in confusion and loss of consciousness of the patient. The adverse effects of high temperature occur especially in children, the elderly and pregnant women. The risk group also includes people suffering from chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Usually, when we see that the child has a high temperature, we want to reduce it as soon as possible. This is a mistake because high fever has a positive effect on the immune process and the course of the infection. In addition, it shortens the duration of the disease and alleviates the accompanying symptoms. Therefore, it should not be lowered too quickly. However, it should be checked frequently to prevent it from growing too much. Use the Vitammy Zoom Wireless Electronic Thermometer to measure your body temperature.


A fever higher than 41,5 ° C may damage proteins.

The causes of the fever

Obviously, fever occurs most often because of viral infections. The flu is the most dangerous. Symptoms that accompany infection are:

  1. sore throat,
  2. cough,
  3. runny nose,
  4. muscle pain.

Sometimes there is even diarrhea and vomiting. A viral infection usually lasts a few days and goes away on its own, thanks to, inter alia, elevated body temperature. We treat viral infections by alleviating its symptoms, you can take painkillers and antitussives. If your fever is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, remember to replenish your fluid and electrolytes.

Raspberry leaves, which can be used to make tasty tea, have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties,

The second factor contributing to fever is bacterial infections that affect the respiratory tract. Often it is the throat, larynx, nose or sinuses, sick patients additionally have a cough, runny nose and headache. We often mistake the symptoms for a viral infection, so don’t take antibiotics on your own! Adults should consult an internist, and the youngest – a pediatrician.

Lower respiratory tract infections (bronchi, lungs) may also appear, followed by difficulty breathing, coughing with thick discharge, and sometimes chest pain. The bacterial infection can also attack the digestive tract, urinary tract, and less often the central nervous system.

Autoimmune diseases are another cause of feverduring which our body fights its own tissues with the help of the immune system. Local inflammation may occur, accompanied by high fever.

Fever is often the first symptom of cancer. Some tumors produce pyrogens that raise the set temperature in the hypothalamus. Others may be subject to bacterial superinfections, resulting in systemic symptoms of inflammation. In order to prevent the development of neoplasm, consult an oncologist if disturbing symptoms occur.

Medications are another reason that temperature can be triggered. Fever can be especially caused by: immunosuppressants, antibiotics, barbiturates, antihistamines or neuroleptics. After stopping their use, the fever should go away by itself;

The reasons may also be allergic, in other words, the immune system incorrectly recognizes foreign, but completely harmless factors, i.e. antigens, as dangerous and takes an unnecessary fight.

To easily and conveniently check whether the body temperature is elevated, we recommend the Fever Set: non-contact thermometer + gel compress. Thanks to the compress, you will quickly reduce a fever if your body temperature is too high.

We also recommend: Why is the body temperature 36,8 degrees Celsius

A fever for no reason

If the fever continues for an extended period of time and the cause of the fever is still unknown, we are talking about fever of unknown cause. High temperature is usually caused by undiagnosed cancers, infections (viral, bacterial) or autoimmune diseases. In some patients, even after a series of specialist tests and diagnostics, it is not possible to identify the origin of the fever.

The daily course of the temperature is important in identifying the cause of high temperature. Before a doctor’s visit, we should often measure the temperature (you can write the results on a piece of paper) and then present the data to the doctor. How the temperature rises or lowers during the day is a symptom characteristic of some diseases, thanks to which it is easier to identify the cause. Good communication between the patient and the doctor is important in making an appropriate diagnosis.

At Medonet Market you can buy a Tech-Med non-contact thermometer, which is characterized by high quality and fast measurement time.

Find out more: Fever in pregnancy – temperature norms, treatment

Do you need a consultation with a family doctor?

Don’t know how to beat a fever? All home remedies fail? Make an appointment for a free consultation with a family doctor as part of the NFZ by changing the health care clinic on the haloDoctor platform. The change form is available here

Measuring your fever

There are devices for measuring body temperature available on the market – electric thermometers that quickly and easily determine whether we are dealing with a fever. We usually measure it in the armpit, rectum and mouth. It should be borne in mind that the result of measuring body temperature in the armpit is 0,3–0,6 ° (ie by 3–6 lines) lower than in other parts of the body. You can buy a classic mercury-free thermometer at a low price at medonetmarket.pl.

Where can body temperature be measured?

  1. in the mouth – the correct temperature in adults should be between 33,2 and 38,2 ° C;
  2. armpit – this is the most common method of measuring fever, but the least accurate as it measures the skin’s temperature, not the body’s temperature; in an adult it should be from 35,5 to 37,0 ° C, in children from 35,6 to 37,2 ° C;
  3. in the ear – in this case, the temperature of the tympanic membrane is measured; in adults, the normal temperature should range from 35,4 to 37,8 ° C, in children from 35,6 to 37,7 ° C;
  4. in the rectum – this method gives the most reliable measurement, in adults from 34,4 to 37,8 ° C, in children from 36,6 to 38,0 ° C.

The best thermometer for use in infants and children under 3 years of age is the rectal thermometer. In turn, in children between 3 and 5 years of age, it is recommended to measure the fever in the ear, and in children over 5 – under the armpit. The measurement time is also important and depends on the thermometer used. The fastest result is obtained with an electric thermometer.

Try the TM-CLASSIC Waterproof Electronic Thermometer with a flexible tip, which is convenient and safe to use. We also recommend a waterproof thermometer with a flexible tip AccuTerm Flexi that also allows ractal measurement.

Find out more: How to correctly measure the temperature?

Fever – effect on the body

During fever, our body:

  1. shrinks the blood vessels of the skin, which makes a sick person with a high temperature pale (a person with a fever loses less heat);
  2. makes skeletal muscles vibrate (we have so-called chills);
  3. the work of the muscles causes the release of significant amounts of heat;
  4. tightens the muscles of the hair (we have the so-called goose bumps then);
  5. burns fat tissue, especially the so-called brown fat;
  6. increases the activity of thyroid hormones, which means that the energy generated in the metabolic processes in the body is not used effectively (e.g. for work or the synthesis of chemical compounds), but is dispersed in the body in the form of heat.

A persistent fever can be very dangerous. In this case, you should contact your doctor immediately. It is best not to leave home – make an online teleconsultation with your family doctor at haloDoctor.pl. There you will do it quickly and safely.

Mercury thermometer – how does it work? What to do when it crashes?

Fever and low-grade fever

Low-grade fever often happens during pregnancy, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, as well as during physical exertion or in emotions. It should also be remembered that due to the daily cycle of vital activity, the body temperature in the afternoon is a few lines higher than in the morning (the traditional value of 36,6 ° C usually refers to the morning measurement).

In people with a fever, this feature is usually preserved and the body temperature in the afternoon is about 1 to 1,5 ° C higher than in the morning, which is a typical fever pathway. If this path is different, the fever is defined as:

  1. constant fever – the difference between morning and evening temperature is less than 1 ° C;
  2. digestive fever – the difference is over 2 ° C, and its extreme form is called hectic fever (difference over 3 ° C);
  3. intermittent fever (also known as periodic) – fever every third or fourth day;
  4. bactrian fever, i.e. the appearance of high fever for a few days, then after a short improvement with low fever – high body temperature again, with the daily routine being usually typical.

For regular body temperature measurements, it is worth using a safe thermometer, such as the VITAMMA nano 1 electronic thermometer with fever alarm.

Also read: Non-contact thermometer – which one to choose? [WE EXPLAIN]

Fever – types

There are several types of fever:

  1. fever with accompanying symptoms – symptoms include, for example: nausea, severe headache, burning sensation when urinating, photophobia, persistent cough, disturbed consciousness, pain in the lumbar region, severe and sudden abdominal pain, and blood in the stools. In such cases, it is urgent to consult a doctor;
  2. sudden fever – that is, a state of suddenly elevated temperature or a very high fever (over 40 ° C) may suggest hyperthermia, the symptoms of which are, among others: visual disturbances, dizziness, nausea and weakness of the body. When we are dealing with hyperthermia, it means that there are problems with the body’s cooling mechanisms. In extreme cases, this can result in serious brain damage or even death. When such a condition occurs, the sick person must be hospitalized as soon as possible;
  3. chronic fever – If low-grade fever or fever continues and there is no apparent cause, see a doctor;
  4. low fever with no alarming symptoms – in the case of normal symptoms (headache or muscle pain) with a fever of up to 39 ° C, do not worry too much, because the natural and natural functioning of our body is appropriate. In such situations, it is recommended to bask in bed and take antipyretic drugs. If the fever lasts up to a week, it is a sign that the body is fighting the disease.

Management of fever

As for the management of fever, they will depend on: the course and speed of the fever’s rise, the circumstances of the fever and accompanying symptoms. Typically, a short rise in temperature is not cause for concern. Most often it is caused by an infection, cold or food poisoning.

It should be remembered that an increase in temperature is a natural symptom of the body’s defense, which responds properly to infection. A fever is only part of the disease and a sign to see your doctor, take your medication and rest in bed.

The situation is different in the clinical situation. When we are dealing with a fever not reaching 39 ° C, and the symptoms are just muscle aches and headaches, then we are probably dealing with a viral infection. This does not require an appointment with a doctor right away, but consideration of over-the-counter antipyretic drugs and bed rest.

You can also try the Chang Shang Extract dietary supplement, which is recommended for fever and inflammation. You can find it on Medonet Market. Buy the Black Without SOLHERBS supplement, which is recommended during declining immunity and as an aid in the fight against fever. Also LIPOTERM syrup with vitamin C and linden is helpful in case of elevated temperature and infections.

If a fever lasts up to a week, it is not a sign that we are dealing with a severe case, because that is the time needed for our immune system to produce antibodies and cells to destroy the infectious agent. However, if the fever and its symptoms do not improve, see a doctor.

You should be afraid if we are dealing with fever coexisting with very serious symptoms and a serious condition of the patient. Characteristic examples include, for example:

  1. severe headache with impaired consciousness;
  2. shortness of breath, dry or moist cough, often chest pain;
  3. angina (purulent inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils) with a mottled red rash;
  4. nausea, vomiting, stool and wind retention, severe stomach pain;
  5. cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis with photophobia, bactrian fever;
  6. relatively mild fever, with indigestion, vomiting, discolored stools and jaundice which develops over several days;
  7. burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination and sometimes a bloody color, sometimes pain in the lumbar region.

If we are dealing with the symptoms listed above, see a doctor as soon as possible. You may need immediate hospitalization.

In turn, when we are dealing with a low fever, i.e. below 39 ° C, and during which there are no characteristic symptoms, at the same time this condition persists for quite a long time, it means that the situation is very serious. In such cases, it is referred to as fever of unknown cause. We deal with a fever of unknown cause if it exceeds 38 ° C and lasts longer than three weeks. In such a situation, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes there may be a situation in which the body temperature rises very quickly, this may most likely mean not a fever but hyperthermia. This means that each case when we deal with an increase in body temperature above 40 ° C requires quick and specific actions, i.e. administration of 1g of acetylsalicylic acid or 1g of paracetamol and a large amount of cold fluids, and in the event that it is not enough, the sick person with wet and cold sheets or ice, and then apply cool baths. It is also necessary to report to the Emergency Department as soon as possible or call an ambulance.

At some point, high temperature ceases to be a defensive version and begins to be a serious threat to our lives. A change in body temperature exceeding its normal level by 4 ° C damages cell structures and disrupts many chemical processes in the body.

Our brain experiences high temperature the most, if our fever exceeds 41 ° C, its functioning becomes seriously impaired, which may result in irreversible changes in the structure of proteins in nerve cells.

Even a lower temperature that lasts a long time is dangerous because it burdens our body. Fever is a threat especially for the elderly (coronary artery disease), as it causes the heart to beat faster, and thus a greater need for oxygen (heart ischemia may appear). Sometimes the high temperature leads to a collapse in adults, while young children may develop seizures.

Check if you should consult a doctor? Go through the initial medical interview yourself.

A fever in a newborn less than four weeks old should be an immediate indication for a doctor’s appointment. It is necessary to conduct research and exclude a bacterial infection, which often does not give any additional symptoms.

Also, the temperature above 40 degrees Celsius, which lasts for about 5 days, and the general poor condition of the child should be medically consulted, especially when accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea and rash. The same applies to febrile seizures that are dangerous to the baby.

See also: Temperature in the newborn

Fever and hyperthermia

Hyperthermia is a condition characterized by an elevated body temperature and a thermoregulatory system that is not shifted to a higher temperature. Although the control system tries to keep the temperature down, the impaired heat excretion or excessive temperature production remains high in the body.

One of the most common causes of hyperthermia is exposure to very unfavorable conditions and high humidity. People who exercise in such conditions (in the sun) are particularly vulnerable. The body is overheated and it is unable to give up enough heat, and as a consequence, it causes heat stroke.

Standard antipyretic drugs must not be taken to treat hyperthermia as they have no effect. These types of preparations only show the temperature in the hypothalamic thermostat (a person with hyperthermia has no problem with this). So what to do? Move the patient to a cool place, take off his clothes and give him cool drinks, and use cool compresses, e.g. from towels. In the event of unconsciousness or suspicion of heat stroke, an emergency room should be called immediately as the condition is life-threatening.

Wraps can be made with the use of special compresses or the Sanity Rubber Hot Water Bottle. We also recommend the Loffme cherry stone and lavender hot water bottle, which can be used both hot and cold.

Fever – diagnosis

The doctor conducts an interview with the patient and, if necessary, orders additional tests. It is very important that the patient tells exactly about their symptoms, such as cough, muscle aches and headaches. In addition, it is necessary to mention such circumstances as recent trips (especially when it comes to traveling abroad), a tick bite and medications or herbs taken.

The doctor examining the patient will pay attention to, for example, the condition of the mucous membranes, skin rashes, auscultation changes over the lungs, heart, swelling of the limbs, joint swelling, local or generalized abdominal pain, or redness along the vein. With infectious diseases, lymph nodes will be enlarged.

If there is a need to conduct additional tests, these will be:

  1. peripheral blood count with white blood cell smear;
  2. a general urine test with urine culture and an antibiogram to show which medications to use;
  3. CRP, OB. ALT, AST, amylase, rheumatoid factor.

It all depends on the doctor’s suspicions about the disease he is dealing with. If there are diagnostic problems, the doctor may order microbiological tests, including: blood cultures for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, sputum tests for tuberculosis and other bronchial tree infections (sometimes with an antibiogram), cerebrospinal fluid tests or specific serological tests for individual infectious agents (viruses, bacteria and parasites).

Sometimes it also happens that in case of fever, imaging tests are ordered, such as: abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, cardiac echocardiography or magnetic resonance of areas suspected of the disease causing the fever, sometimes bone scintigraphy and ultrasound examination of the vessels.

Fever – antipyretic drugs

Most often, antipyretic drugs are used to reduce the fever. The drugs that bring the best results are preparations based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Paracetamol (eg Apap) has antipyretic and analgesic properties and causes relatively few side effects, but it should not be used too often, as it can damage the liver.

Other drugs belong to the group of drugs based on Ibuprofen (eg Ibuprom) and are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that fight fever and have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, like their predecessors, they can cause many side effects, such as digestive system ailments (abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea). In addition, gastrointestinal bleeding and the formation of gastric ulcers may occur.

Other preparations reducing fever include acetylsalicylic acid (eg Aspirin, Polopyrin) and metamizole (eg Pyralgina).

It should be borne in mind that the drugs should be appropriately adapted to the health condition of the person and his age. Depending on the age, the form of administration of the preparation is also different: adults usually reach for tablets, children drink syrups, and in the case of infants, rectal suppositories are used. It is also very important to follow the information contained in the leaflets added to each drug and, if in doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

It is always worth helping in the case of fever with teas and herbal infusions, for example, plantain leaf with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

we recommend: Lowering the fever can increase the number of flu victims

It should be emphasized once again that fever is not always an indication to implement antipyretic measures immediately. The temperature not exceeding 38 degrees Celsius usually does not disturb the body’s functions.

The situation is different when it exceeds 40 degrees. Then it should be borne in mind that there may be disturbances of consciousness and other serious damage. Such a fever must be lowered immediately. Of course, your doctor may recommend that you implement treatment at lower temperatures.

It is not recommended to give the child antipyretic drugs, e.g. before compulsory vaccination, as this can completely reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine administered. Administering antipyretic drugs in a child is primarily aimed at improving his comfort, so there are not always absolute indications for this. Rather, you should ensure that your child is drinking sufficient fluid to prevent dehydration.

Fever makes us weak, chills, and makes us feel generally unwell. Treatment is aimed not only at lowering the temperature but also at relieving the symptoms. Antipyretic preparations are available at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Usually, it is recommended to use paracetamol (for children in the oral form, it is administered in a dose of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight, maximum every 6 hours) and ibuprofen (in a dose of 5-10 mg per 1 kg of body weight (max. 20-30 mg per kg / bw / day), maximum every 6 hours).

It is not recommended to use acetylsalicylic acid in children under 12 years of age due to the possibility of Reye’s syndrome.

The alternating use of paracetamol and ibuprofen is not recommended, as this may lead to errors in the amount of doses taken and at the required intervals. As a consequence, it may be toxic to the baby’s body. Although both preparations are safe, paracetamol is better used in children under 6 months of age with kidney disease and dehydration.

Read more about it: High fever in a child – causes and methods of lowering the temperature

Home remedies for fever

In emergency home pre-medical care, you can use home remedies for fever:

  1. placing the feverish person in bed, in a half-sitting position,
  2. the administration of herbal diaphoretic and antipyretic agents, for example tea with raspberry juice, tea from birch leaves, infusions of linden flower, flower or elderberry fruit; 2/3 cup of fresh infusion 2-3 times a day,
  3. single administration of pharmacological antipyretics,
  4. re-measuring the temperature one hour after administration of the above-mentioned preparations, for example with a Visiofocus Mini thermometer, in order to have an overview of its formation trend; 3 hours after the administration of the above-mentioned drugs, the body temperature should be checked again and if there is no tendency to decrease it – repeat the above-mentioned drugs a second time in the doses already given,
  5. placing cupping on the back during the period of increased illness with flu and flu-like conditions, in young people with efficient circulation and normal blood pressure, especially with cough and other symptoms of colds; however, it is desirable that, if possible, the indications for cupping should be determined by a physician.

It should be remembered that chronic fever, which cannot be reduced at home, obliges the patient to see a doctor immediately.

See also: How to beat a fever? Here are some home remedies

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