Fever after the flu shot: the child has risen, holds on, what to do

Fever after the flu shot: the child has risen, holds on, what to do

After the introduction of the vaccine in the child’s body, protective mechanisms are turned on, a temperature, fever appears. This is a completely normal reaction. When to sound the alarm and how to lower the temperature after a flu shot.

Why did the child have a fever after vaccination?

A few hours after vaccination, the child has a fever. This suggests that the immune system has begun its work, antibodies to the virus are being formed. Normally, the fever goes away on its own within 1-3 days and does not require treatment.

Fever after a flu shot is normal.

Normally, the temperature ranges from 37–39 ° C. You need to knock it down if the thermometer is more than 38,2 ° C. It is impossible to predict how high the temperature will rise, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the immune system.

Don’t give up on your flu shot. It does not cause colds, SARS, runny nose or cough, diarrhea. The child is not infected and cannot infect other children.

If the temperature does not rise after vaccination, this does not mean that the vaccine is of poor quality.

Remember, younger children are at higher risk for fever. It can be combined with general weakness, drowsiness, muscle pain, or headache.

What to do when the fever lasts for several days

At elevated temperatures, the child can be given antipyretic drugs. If after a while the fever does not go away, and the temperature only increases, urgently call an ambulance.

You can alleviate the child’s condition by the following actions:

  • ventilate the room regularly, keep the humidity above 30%;
  • avoid active games, educational activities, a long stay at the computer monitor;
  • remove from the diet sweet, sour, foods that are heavy on the stomach.

For the period of vaccination, do not change your usual diet, do not introduce complementary foods and new foods. Cancel planned activities in circles, it is better to read a fairy tale to your child, play board games.

Monitor the injection site closely. Normally, there should be no swelling, swelling, severe redness and fluid or pus from the wound. If these symptoms are observed, do not hesitate to visit your doctor. Self-treatment will only make the situation worse.

Prepare correctly for vaccination, follow all the recommendations of a specialist in order to avoid negative consequences. If the temperature still rises, monitor its indicators and take action in time.

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