Fetal heartbeat: when it appears for the first time, for how long can you hear,

Fetal heartbeat: when it appears for the first time, for how long can you hear,

The main indicator of the vital activity of the unborn child is the fetal heartbeat. The work of the baby’s heart is closely monitored, because any deviation can indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy.

When does the heartbeat appear?

The development of a baby’s heart is a rather complex and lengthy process. The rudiment of this organ is formed in the 4th week, and by the end of the 5th week, pulsating contractions first appear. By the ninth week of pregnancy, the small heart becomes four-chambered, but still it differs from the organ of an adult.

Fetal heartbeat is an important indicator

You can recognize the work of a small heart even in the early stages. For example, a vaginal ultrasound sensor detects the heart rate or heart rate of a baby as early as 3-4 weeks, and a normal abdominal sensor – at 5 weeks. The number of beats per minute depends on at what stage of pregnancy the audition is carried out:

  • 6-8 weeks – heart rate reaches 110-130 beats per minute;
  • 8-11 weeks – the permissible maximum reaches 190 strokes;
  • the norm after 11 weeks varies in the range of 140-160 cuts per minute.

When listening, the obstetrician pays attention not only to the course of pregnancy, but also to the condition of the mother herself. In addition, the baby’s heart rate is affected by the phase of fetal activity and listening time.

How is heartbeat listened to?

There are many methods for hearing the beating of a small heart.

The rate of the fetal heart rate depends on at what stage of pregnancy the study is being carried out

In medical practice, the following are most often used:

  • Ultrasound. This research method is recommended for every woman registering. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor can not only assess the work of the heart muscle of a developing child, but also identify various pathologies based on the size of the fetus and the state of the placenta.
  • Auscultation. This research method is carried out with a special medical stethoscope at every appointment with an obstetrician after the 18th week.
  • Cardiotocography. A very effective method that allows you to identify deviations even in the early stages. But, as a rule, such studies are carried out only after the 32nd week and immediately before childbirth.
  • Echocardiography. Such studies are resorted to at the 18-28th week only if there is a suspicion of a heart defect in a baby.

A timely study of the fetal heart rate helps to identify any pathologies and prescribe adequate treatment.

How can you hear the heartbeat on your own?

It is not necessary to wait for the next visit to the obstetrician to recognize the beating of a small heart. After all, there are several methods thanks to which you can listen to the work of the heart of an unborn child:

  • Stethoscope. Such a medical device is not that expensive. But to listen to the heartbeat, you need an assistant. The only difficulty is that it will not be so easy to recognize the sound before the 25th week. In addition, the work of a small heart can be confused with the peristalsis of the mother, as well as the movement of the baby.
  • Fetal doppler. This portable device is equipped with headphones, thanks to which you can comfortably listen to your baby’s heartbeats as early as 8-12 weeks. But obstetricians recommend waiting with such studies until a later date. In addition, it is undesirable to use the device often and make sessions longer than 10 minutes. Another disadvantage of the device is its high cost.
  • Ear raising. Starting from the 30th week, the baby’s heartbeats are pronounced and can be recognized by simply listening to the belly of the expectant mother. Of course, if her body fat allows it. In this case, you need to focus on the location of the fetus.

It is important to monitor the work of the baby’s heart throughout pregnancy. Indeed, thanks to research, it is possible to identify any deviations from the norm and prescribe the necessary treatment.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed safely, and the development of the baby took place without pathologies, each woman needs to undergo examinations before planning pregnancy:

● clinical blood test,

● biochemical blood test,

● coagulogram,

● analysis of thyroid hormones,

● general urine analysis,

● analysis for TORCH infection,

● smear on flora,

● cytological examination of the cervix and cervical canal,

● ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal organs,

● ultrasound of the thyroid gland,

● PCR smears for sexually transmitted infections

● Blood group, Rh factor

Editorial staff of healthy-food-near-me.com, Anna Gerasimenko

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