Fetal heart rate detector – what should you know about this device?

Every woman is very concerned about her future mother role. They often search the Internet for additional information that will help them best prepare for their new assignment. Every expectant mother is simply bombarded with an excess of new products – medical and technical. What is worth paying attention to?

Future mothers want to know everything about their baby, even if it is not yet born. They also want to use gadgets available on the market. Various types of devices that will keep you informed about the child’s condition, without the need for constant visits to the doctor. This is a new trend that may have a significant and real impact on the health, life and safety of a future offspring. In the time of our parents or grandparents, there was no such technological progress that could make the life of our ancestors easier. Nevertheless, our current generation has such an opportunity and it is worth taking advantage of it. One of the very hot trends among future parents is listening to the baby’s heartbeat using special equipment. It would not be anything extraordinary, if not for the fact that such a device can be used in the privacy of a home. This device is a fetal heart rate detector. However, is it safe?

Fetal heart rate detector – how does it work?

The fetal heart rate detector is a new device that will help you keep track of your baby’s heart rate. It is a small device that uses ultrasound waves and the Doppler effect. Thanks to this combination, it is able to detect the fetal heartbeat and turn it into sounds. It is a completely safe device. This is confirmed by the tests that the equipment has been subjected to many times. Wave operation standards are meticulously followed.

Is the fetal heart rate detector safe for pregnant women?

The fetal heart rate detector is a device that is used by doctors in specialized offices.

There are devices on the market that can become dangerous when used by inexperienced parents. This is often the result of unskillful interpretations of the results and can create a stressful situation that directly threatens the child’s life. Moreover, such a device indirectly lulls parental vigilance, as the mother and father begin to rely more on the machine than on their own intuitions. Thus, they may miss some important signals sent by a woman’s body.

The device can be used from the 10th week of pregnancy, i.e. from the middle of the third month. It is definitely an attractive device for people who are simply looking forward to the appearance of their offspring in the world.

How to use the fetal heart rate detector?

A parent who is concerned with how and when this device can be used should know that it all depends on the respective model. The most modern versions are able to detect the heart rate even in the 10th week of pregnancy. You can check the instant heart rate as well as the heart rate at a specific time. However, it all depends on the selected model.

All detectors have a headphone input that allows you to focus on the heartbeat sound itself. You can use your own headset for this. Some models have built-in speakers or a small screen that shows a graph and the number of fetal beats. Many manufacturers of this type of devices outdo each other in the number of functions, so newer models with more options are appearing on the market. It even happens that this type of equipment may have a built-in printer that will capture our results.

The arrival of a child in the world is an extremely important and upbuilding experience for both parents. It is also fear, uncertainty and constant desire to gain knowledge in this field. It is worth preparing properly. However, remember that you should not rely solely on electrical appliances or gadgets. First of all, you need to listen to the female body and pay attention to the signs from the baby. They will tell you if anything dangerous is happening to your baby. Do not give up control tests in favor of gadgets. They will keep you informed about the exact condition of your baby. Only a doctor is able to read from the tests whether the child has developed any serious diseases or anomalies. Remember that previous generations did great without this type of device. Treat the detector results as a curiosity, not as the final result. Try to consult everything with your gynecologist.

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