Fetal asphyxia, or asphyxia, is a situation in which there is cardiopulmonary failure in a newborn or fetus. As it concerns basic life activities, it can lead to permanent damage to the health and life of a child. Sometimes asphyxia lasts quite a short time and then it is not a direct life-threatening condition, but when it is a long-term process, it can lead to the death of the fetus or newborn as a result of hypoxia. What factors can trigger asphyxiation and how can you prevent them?
Asphyxia – causes
The brain is an organ that is very susceptible to hypoxia. Already a few minutes without a constant supply of oxygen to the brain can lead to its permanent damage. The brain of a fetus or newborn is particularly susceptible to hypoxia, which is one of the main causes of its damage. Direct cause asphyxiation are the most common abnormalities in the transport of oxygen from the mother’s circulation to the fetal circulation. Disturbances in the proper flow of oxygen also occur in the umbilical cord and in the placenta, which may lead to its premature detachment. All these situations can lead to severe damage to the central nervous system, including the cerebral cortex and the brainstem. Damages have very serious consequences, such as disturbances in the proper development of a child.
Additional risk factors are various maternal ailments: anemia, eclampsia, diabetes, hypothermia, arterial hypertension or vaginal bleeding, as well as: advanced age of the mother, alcohol consumption, smoking or the use of other types of stimulants. Cause asphyxiation there is also an incorrectly carried out labor, during which abnormal contractions of the uterine muscles may occur.
Asphyxia – symptoms
Asphyxia it is characterized primarily by disturbances in the normal respiratory rhythm. Breathing difficulties in the fetus may lead to aspiration of the amniotic fluid. This type of disorder is clearly noticeable on cardiotocography (CTG). The doctor then diagnoses problems with the proper functioning of the heart. In this case, there is also a characteristic symptom of the so-called green amniotic fluid. In a newborn asphyxia it is noticeable by assessing the skin integuments. Typical symptoms it is pale or even cyanotic. In addition, the child shows abnormal respiratory functions – his breathing is irregular and shallow.
Consequences asphyxiation may affect the further proper functioning of a child who may suffer from cerebral palsy, epilepsy, psychomotor disorders, paresis, mental retardation, distraction or learning difficulties.
Asphyxia – treatment
Asphyxia requires a very quick response from the medical staff, who should immediately open the child’s airways. After the airway is opened, oxygen is given to the baby. Occasionally, it is necessary to perform CPR or resuscitation of the newborn. A child whose respiratory function is restored is subjected to many tests aimed at assessing the health condition in terms of neurology, cardiology and ENT. The so-called ultrasonography przezciemiączkowa. The child who passed asphyxiation, it should also be subject to physical exercise and sometimes – if necessary at a later time – psychological therapy.
Asphyxia – prognosis
Prognosis in case of asphyxiation mainly depend on the speed of the reaction. If the appropriate examinations are performed in time, the child should not be in danger of losing his life. Doctors then decide to induce labor and provide intensive medical care for the newborn. Therefore, the experience of the doctor and the quick assessment of the situation are not without significance.
Asphyxia – prevention
To avoid asphyxiation a woman who is planning a pregnancy should check her health. Basic blood tests, hormone levels should be performed. What is very important, you should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or taking other stimulants that affect psychomotor behavior. This is important not only during pregnancy but also in the planning phase.