Festive tincture of tangerines on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)

An aromatic drink with a characteristic citrus flavor. Tangerine tincture is considered an attribute of the New Year, but it is also in demand on other days. The recipe uses only peels, the pulp can be used for other needs or simply eaten.

For tincture, you need ripe, preferably hard (easier to peel) tangerines of any variety. The main thing is that the fruits are free of signs of rot and mold. The stronger the smell of the peel, the more aromatic the tincture will be.

The preferred alcohol base is vodka, cheap cognac or alcohol 40-45%. You can also insist on moonshine, tangerine peels well hide the shortcomings of a poorly purified distillate.


  • tangerines – 8-10 pieces;
  • vodka – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons (optional)

Recipe for tangerine tincture

1. Wash tangerines in warm water and wipe dry to remove any wax or chemical residues that cover the surface for long-term storage.

2. Carefully remove the zest (the upper yellow part), being careful not to touch the white pulp.

If you just peel the tangerines with your hands and add the crusts to vodka, the tincture will have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.

Festive tincture of tangerines on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)
Let’s get it right!

3. Press 80-100 ml of juice from the pulp, close tightly and refrigerate for clarification. The juice will smooth out the sharp vodka taste, making the tangerine tincture softer. Peeled unused fruits can be used for other needs.

4. Fold the zest into a jar for infusion, pour in vodka, mix, close tightly. Insist 18-20 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the jar every 3-4 days.

5. Filter the infusion through gauze. Add tangerine juice (no sediment) and sugar, mix.

6. Keep the tincture for 2-3 days before use. If the drink becomes cloudy, filter through cotton wool.

Festive tincture of tangerines on vodka (alcohol, moonshine)

Shelf life in a place protected from direct sunlight – 3 years. Fortress – 28-32%.

Tangerine tincture on peels with juice – a simple recipe

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