Festive (“Prazdnichnaya”)

Visually, the Prazdnichnaya bottle resembles the legendary Stolichnaya — the same colors and fonts on the label, the same bottle shape and a metal screw cap without a dispenser. Just a little more red. The name is engraved on the glass, which is the only protection against falsification.

“Celebration” is a budget Russian vodka of the “standard” class, which is produced at the Kursk Distillery. Classic recipe: softened and purified water from an artesian well, luxury alcohol, sugar syrup, citric acid. The drink is produced for the domestic market, but it is also known in the countries neighboring Russia – Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus.

Brand History

For the first time, Prazdnichnaya vodka appeared on the shelves of USSR stores in 1967 and almost immediately became popular due to its low price and good quality. Already in 1968, the drink received its first award – a gold medal at an exhibition-competition in the Czech Pardubice. In total, there are 80 awards in the arsenal of the trademark, and some of them have already been received in the XNUMXst century:

  • bronze in 2000, silver in 2002, Grand Prix in 2006 at the ProdExpo competition;
  • silver medal in Brussels at the United Vodka & Spirits competition in 2002;
  • gold award at the Moscow festival “Golden Autumn” in 2003;
  • Grand Prix of the competition “ROSAGRO-2004”.

When the plant became part of the newly formed Kristall-Lefortovo group of companies, the production of Prazdnichnaya doubled thanks to the modernization of the enterprise. In 2016, Kursk Kristall already produced a seventh of all Russian vodka products, and the company firmly established itself in leadership positions. His drinks are sold in all regions of the Russian Federation, they are in the assortment of seventy thousand stores throughout the country. Kursk vodka is known in Colombia, the United States, China and the post-Soviet countries.

About the manufacturer in numbers and dates

June 12, 1900 The construction of the Kursk state-owned wine warehouse with production facilities for four hundred buckets of wine has been completed. At that time, 160 people worked at the plant.

1960 The reconstruction of the plant has been completed, the enterprise has 4 workshops, its own laboratory and a spacious alcohol store.

1994 The enterprise went through the privatization procedure and became a closed joint stock company.

2008 The closed joint stock company was reorganized into LLC “First distillery “Kursky”.

2011. The enterprise became the first plant that was acquired by the Kristall-Lefortovo group of companies in order to expand its own production base. As a result, the growth of sales of the plant’s products in the domestic market amounted to 200% in just nine months.

year 2013. In accordance with the requirements of international standards, a unified certification system has been introduced at the enterprise.

year 2014. The enterprise was renamed, its official name today is PK Kristall-Lefortovo LLC.

Characteristics of vodka “Festive”

Prazdnichnaya (40%) is a transparent drink of the “standard” class. A classic vodka with a subtle vodka aroma and a mild taste with hints of wheat grain. Produced from luxury alcohol and softened artesian water, without additives. Serve chilled to 5 ºC. Emphasizes the taste of meat and fish dishes, sets off the aroma of spicy and spicy vegetable snacks. It goes well with Russian cuisine, with fish soup and hodgepodge, with pies, mushrooms and pickles. Due to its neutral organoleptic characteristics, vodka can be served as an aperitif – in a pre-chilled glass, with a slice of lemon or a soaked apple.

Festive (“Prazdnichnaya”)

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