Festering eyes in an adult
If the eyes of an adult fester, it is important to know the reasons for this. Most often, discharge from the eyes is formed during inflammation – conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other eye diseases. But it is important that the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the right treatment.

The cause of suppuration of the eyes in an adult, as a rule, is inflammation. The cause may be infection, irritation, injury to the eye or eyelid, allergies, autoimmune disorders. In this case, there is often a discharge of mucus or pus, the formation of crusts on the eyelashes.

Symptoms of inflammation can spread to the eyeball, its membranes, eyelids, or surrounding tissues. In addition to suppuration, they may include:

  • blurred vision, veil before the eyes;
  • pain in the eyes or eyelids;
  • redness;
  • eyelid swelling;
  • an increase in the temperature of the tissues around the eye.

Eye inflammation is common, occurs in people of all ages, and can last from minutes to years, depending on the type and severity of the underlying disease, disorder, or condition. Inflammation can occur in one or both eyes at the same time.

Why do the eyes of an adult fester

There are several main reasons.

Infections. They can cause inflammation in various structures. The cause of suppuration can be:

  • blepharitis – inflammation of the edge of the eyelid;
  • conjunctivitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • barley – inflammation of the ciliary bulb;
  • keratitis – inflammation of the cornea;
  • chalazion – inflammation of the sebaceous gland;
  • dacryocystitis – inflammation of the lacrimal ducts;
  • endophthalmitis – inflammation of the inner membranes of the eyeball;
  • periorbital cellulitis – an invasive infection of the eyelids and soft tissues around the eyes;
  • scleritis – inflammation of the white of the eye.

Injuries. Eye inflammation and suppuration can also cause injury. The most typical of them:

  • injury;
  • burns, including chemical;
  • insect bites;
  • abrasion or ulcer of the cornea;
  • foreign objects in the eyes;
  • orbital fracture.

Allergy. This is also a fairly common reason. The most common allergies that cause eye problems are:

  • medicinal;
  • food;
  • hay fever (pollen allergy);
  • allergy to animal fur;
  • allergic to insect stings, such as bees.

However, the eyes in adults fester with allergies only if a secondary infection joins.

Autoimmune diseases. Eye abscess can also be caused by certain autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system triggers an inflammatory response in the body’s own tissues, including those in the eyes. It may seem that the diseases listed below have nothing to do with the eyes, and yet there is a connection – one of the symptoms of all these diseases is dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye, which leads to suppuration. Among these diseases:

  • ankylosing spondylitis – inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae of the spine;
  • Behcet’s syndrome – a type of vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) that causes ulcers;
  • dermatomyositis – inflammation of the muscles and skin;
  • Graves’ disease – a type of hyperthyroidism that leads to excessive production of thyroid hormones;
  • rheumatoid arthritis – inflammation of the joints;
  • juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a type of arthritis that occurs in children
  • Reiter’s syndrome – reactive arthritis;
  • psoriatic arthritis – a type of arthritis associated with psoriasis;
  • multiple sclerosis – a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing weakness, coordination, imbalance and various eye problems;
  • Sjögren’s syndrome – damage to the lacrimal and salivary glands;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus – a disease in which the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues;
  • Wegener’s granulomatosis is an inflammation of the blood vessels.

How to treat festering eyes in an adult

Treatment for inflammation and suppuration of the eyes depends on the underlying cause.

Allergy. If the cause is an allergy, the first thing to do is to avoid contact with the allergen. Cosmetics are often the cause of eye inflammation. And even hypoallergenic products can still irritate the eyes. So you have to give up cosmetics.

Antihistamine eye drops can help relieve allergic inflammation. And it is better if they are in combination with a vasoconstrictor – they will relieve redness about the swelling of the eye. But a doctor must prescribe them!

Barley. The faster it breaks through, the faster the festering of the eye will pass.

To speed up the ripening process of barley and facilitate the release of pus, you can apply a hot compress to the eyelid – every day for a few minutes.

Infections. They are treated with antibacterial ointments, drops and other drugs. However, you should not choose from it yourself, it is important to determine the cause of the appearance of pus with a doctor, and only he will prescribe the right treatment.

Not obvious reasons. Eye lotions containing astringents will help to cope with irritation, redness and suppuration of the eyes. They can be recommended in cases where there is no specific syndrome, for example, when “eye fatigue” has appeared, but there is no pronounced conjunctivitis.

If an eye disease cannot be treated with simple means, medical attention should be sought. Otherwise, some conditions may become chronic (eg, blepharitis) and some may require antibiotic treatment (eg, severe infectious conjunctivitis).

Complications of untreated inflammation of the eyes with the release of pus can lead to loss of vision. Following a treatment plan designed specifically for you by your doctor minimizes the risk of complications.

And remember: simple hygiene measures, such as using separate towels, will help prevent the spread of infection to other family members.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about suppuration of the eyes in adults ophthalmologist of the highest category Natalya Voroshilova.

How to remove pus from the eye?

Pus from the eye can be removed with a cotton pad – moisten it with boiled water and wipe the eyes from the outer edge to the inner. Each eye has a separate disc.

When to see a doctor if your eyes fester?

If pus is released for a day or more, you definitely need to go to the doctor. Do not use any drops yourself! And I categorically do not recommend using vasoconstrictor and glucocorticosteroid drops in a situation where there is pus.

Is it possible to treat festering eyes in adults with folk remedies?

Festering eyes in adults (and in children too) should not be treated with folk remedies. Do not use any tinctures, decoctions or lotions. Never put tea in your eyes! Neither for adults, nor even for children.

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