Phosphorus is very important for tomatoes. This valuable element plays a major role in plant nutrition. It stimulates metabolic processes, so that tomato seedlings can continue to fully develop. Tomatoes that get enough phosphorus have a healthy root system, grow quickly, form large fruits, and also form good seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to properly use phosphate fertilizers for tomatoes.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

How to determine the lack of phosphorus

The peculiarity of phosphorus is that an excess of this substance in the soil is simply impossible. In any case, even if it is more than necessary, the plant will not suffer from this. And an insufficient amount of phosphorus can have a very bad effect on tomatoes. Without phosphorus, no metabolic processes simply will occur.

Among the signs of a lack of phosphorus, the following can be distinguished:

  • leaves change color to purple;
  • the outlines of the leaves change, and then they completely fall off;
  • dark spots appear on the lower leaves;
  • the growth of tomatoes is delayed;
  • the root system develops poorly.

How to properly apply phosphate fertilizers

In order not to make a mistake when applying phosphate fertilizers, you must follow these rules:

  • granular fertilizers must be applied exactly under the root of the plant. The fact is that it simply does not make sense to scatter fertilizer on the surface of the soil. Phosphorus does not have the ability to dissolve in the upper layers of the soil. You can also apply fertilizer in the form of liquid solutions or when digging the soil;
  • it is best to dig up the beds with the introduction of phosphorus in the fall. Thus, the best results can be achieved, because during the winter the fertilizer can be fully absorbed;
  • you don’t have to expect results right away. Phosphate fertilizers can accumulate for 3 years, and only then give good results;
  • if the soil in the garden is acidic, it is necessary to carry out liming a month before the use of phosphorus fertilizers. To do this, the soil is sprinkled with dry lime or wood ash.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

Phosphate fertilizers for tomatoes

Gardeners have been using phosphate fertilizers for many years. Practice shows that the following substances showed themselves best:

  1. Superphosphate. This fertilizer must be applied to the hole when planting finished seedlings. For 1 tomato bush, you will need about 15–20 grams of superphosphate. It is also effective to make a solution of this substance. To do this, five liters of water and 50 grams of the drug are combined in a large container. Tomatoes are watered with a solution at the rate of half a liter of the mixture per 1 bush.
  2. Ammophos. This drug contains a large amount of phosphorus (52%) and nitrogen (12%). You can apply the substance once during planting seedlings or use the drug to prepare a solution for irrigation. The best period for making diammophos is the time when the tomatoes begin to bloom.
  3. Potassium monophosphate. The amount of phosphorus in this fertilizer is about 23%. It also contains 28% potassium. For the entire growing season, top dressing with this fertilizer is carried out only 2 times. Suitable for root and foliar dressings.
  4. Nitrofosca. Such a preparation contains potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus in equal amounts. Such a balanced diet has a very positive effect on tomato seedlings. A solution of nitrophoska is prepared from 10 liters of water and 10 teaspoons of the drug. Water the tomatoes with this mixture a week after planting the seedlings.
  5. Bone meal or bone meal. It contains about 19% phosphorus. During planting seedlings, two tablespoons of the drug should be added to the hole.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

Important! Unfortunately, phosphorus is not so common in organic substances. Gardeners use wormwood or feather grass compost for this purpose.

Superphosphate for feeding tomatoes

One of the most popular phosphate fertilizers is, of course, superphosphate. Many gardeners love it and often use it on their plots. It is suitable for fertilizing not only tomatoes, but also other crops. The drug can be stored for a long time without losing useful properties. Plants are not afraid of an overdose of phosphorus, as they absorb it only in the amount that they need. With experience, every gardener can determine how much fertilizer to apply to the soil in order to get a good harvest.

Among the advantages of this fertilizer, one can single out the fact that tomatoes begin to develop faster, bear fruit longer, and the taste of the fruit becomes even better. Lack of phosphorus, on the contrary, significantly slows down the growth of seedlings, which is why the fruits are not so large and of high quality.

Plant needs for phosphorus can be seen in the following ways:

  • leaves become darker, acquire a light blue tint;
  • rusty spots can be seen throughout the plant;
  • the underside of the leaves turns purple.

Such manifestations may appear after hardening seedlings or a sharp jump in temperature. It happens that during a cold snap, the leaves may change their color for a while, but as soon as it gets warmer, everything will fall into place again. If the plant does not change, it is necessary to fertilize the bushes with superphosphate.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

This complex can be applied directly to the soil during soil preparation in spring and autumn. But, it will not be superfluous to add the drug to the hole when planting seedlings. For 1 bush of tomatoes you will need 1 teaspoon of the substance.

What soils need phosphorus

Phosphorus is a harmless substance. Therefore, it can be used on any type of soil. It can accumulate in the soil, and then be used by plants as needed. It has been noticed that it is most effective to use superphosphate in soils with an alkaline or neutral reaction. It is much more difficult to use the drug in acidic soil. Such soil prevents the absorption of phosphorus by plants. In such cases, as mentioned above, it will be necessary to treat the soil with lime or wood ash. Without this procedure, plants will practically not receive the required amount of phosphorus.

Important! Choose only high-quality proven drugs. Cheap fertilizers in acidic soils can lead to the most unpredictable results.

Poor-quality raw materials may not harm plants in fertile soil at all. But, at a high level of acidity, phosphorus can turn into iron phosphate. In this case, the plants will not receive the necessary trace element, and, accordingly, will not be able to fully grow.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

Application of superphosphate

Using superphosphate to fertilize the soil is very simple. It is usually applied to the soil immediately after harvest or in the spring before planting vegetables. For a square meter of soil, you will need from 40 to 70 grams of superphosphate, depending on the fertility of the soil. For depleted soil, this amount should be increased by about a third. It must be borne in mind that the soil in the greenhouse is more in need of mineral fertilizers. In this case, use about 90 grams of fertilizer per square meter.

In addition, superphosphate is used to fertilize the soil where fruit trees are grown. It is applied directly to the hole during planting, and regular watering is carried out with a solution of the drug. Planting tomatoes and other crops is carried out in the same way. Being in the hole, the drug can directly affect the plant.

Attention! Superphosphate cannot be used simultaneously with other nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It is also incompatible with lime. Therefore, after liming the soil, superphosphate can be applied only after a month.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

Types of superphosphates

In addition to the usual superphosphate, there are others that may contain different amounts of minerals or differ in appearance and method of use. Among them are the following superphosphates:

  • monophosphate. It is a gray friable powder containing about 20% phosphorus. If the storage conditions are observed, the substance does not cake. Granulated superphosphate is made from it. This is a very cheap tool, which is why it is in great demand. However, monophosphate is less effective than more modern drugs.
  • granular superphosphate. As the name implies, this is a regular superphosphate in granular form. Has good flowability. It is much easier to use and store.
  • ammoniated. This preparation consists not only of phosphorus, but also of sulfur in the amount of 12% and potassium (about 45%). The substance is highly soluble in liquid. Suitable for spraying bushes.
  • double superphosphate. Phosphorus in this preparation is about 50%, potassium is also present. The substance does not dissolve very well. Inexpensive, but very effective fertilizer. Affects the growth and formation of fruits.

By itself, superphosphate is poorly soluble in liquids. But, experienced gardeners found a way out of this situation. From this fertilizer, you can prepare an excellent nutritional extract. To do this, superphosphate is poured with boiling water and left for a day in a warm place. This cooking option allows you to save all the useful properties. The mixture must be stirred regularly to speed up the dissolution process of the substance. Ready top dressing should be similar to fat milk.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

Then proceed to the preparation of the working solution. To do this, mix 10 tablespoons of the mixture with 1,5 liters of water. From such a solution, fertilizer for tomatoes will be prepared. To prepare a nutrient mixture in one container, mix:

  • 20 liters of water;
  • 0,3 l of a solution prepared from superphosphate;
  • 40 grams of nitrogen;
  • 1 liter of wood ash.

The most important component in this solution is nitrogen. It is he who is responsible for the absorption of phosphorus by plants. Now the resulting fertilizer can be used for watering tomatoes.

Using superphosphate for tomatoes

Superphosphate is used not only for fertilizing vegetable crops, but also for various fruit trees and cereals. But still, the most effective fertilizer is for crops such as tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. The use of superphosphate for tomato seedlings allows you to get strong bushes with more fleshy fruits.

Important! The normal amount of superphosphate for 1 bush is 20 grams.

Dry or granular superphosphate is used to feed tomatoes. The substance must be distributed over the top layer of the soil. Do not bury superphosphate too deep, because this substance is poorly soluble in water, which may not be completely absorbed by plants. Superphosphate should be in the hole at the level of the root system of tomatoes. Top dressing is used throughout the entire vegetative period, and not only when planting seedlings. The fact is that about 85% of the phosphorus from the fertilizer goes to the formation and ripening of tomatoes. Therefore, superphosphate is necessary for tomatoes throughout the growth of the bushes.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus

Also consider the amount of potassium in the fertilizer when choosing superphosphate. It should be as much as possible. This element, like phosphorus, allows you to increase the yield and quality of fruits. These tomatoes have the best taste. The important point is that young seedlings absorb phosphorus much worse, while adult tomato bushes absorb it almost completely. And tomato seedlings may not benefit from phosphate fertilizers at all. In this case, top dressing is carried out not with dry superphosphate, but with its extract, the preparation of which is mentioned above.

The importance of superphosphate for tomato seedlings cannot be overestimated. This is undoubtedly the best fertilizer for tomatoes. Not only phosphorus itself makes this substance so popular, but also the presence of other minerals in it. The most important among them are magnesium, nitrogen and potassium. Some types of superphosphate contain sulfur, which also plays an important role in the development of tomato seedlings. Superphosphate allows you to increase the resistance of bushes to temperature fluctuations, and also has a positive effect on the formation of fruits and the strengthening of the root system.

Fertilizing tomatoes with phosphorus


As you can see, phosphorus top dressing is very important for growing tomatoes. It is almost impossible to satisfy the need of seedlings for phosphorus with folk remedies. Therefore, most gardeners use complex fertilizers for tomatoes based on phosphorus. This top dressing gives the tomatoes strength to fight diseases and changes in weather conditions. Phosphorus is also responsible for the formation of fruits and the growth of roots. All this together makes the plant stronger and healthier. The article listed some preparations for feeding tomatoes based on phosphorus. The most popular substance today is superphosphate. It fully satisfies the need of tomatoes for phosphorus.

Phosphorus and phosphate fertilizers

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