Fertilizing mash for moonshine: 9 ways at home

Both novice moonshiners and experienced distillers periodically encounter sluggish or prolonged fermentation. The process seems to be going on, but it is not in a hurry to the natural finale. In this case, to activate fermentation, it is recommended to use one of the popular methods of feeding the wort.

It is best to use the above methods to speed up maturation at the initial stage, when the yeast is most active. In this case, make-up is thrown along with the rest of the ingredients. This is especially true for sugar wort, which without additional “feed” can work poorly.

It is hardly possible to spoil the mash with such additives, but it is quite possible to improve it. Fruit and grain types of wort usually do not need to be fed, since yeast works well in them.

Fermentation timing

In order to find out when it is time to throw the “feed” into the “asleep” wort, it is better to familiarize yourself with the maturation time of different types of mash. Subject to the optimal temperature for the operation of yeast fungi (in the range from 22 to 28 ° C), approximate times are as follows:

  1. Grape/fruit on natural yeast – up to 2 months

  2. On malt – 3-5 days

  3. Potato / starch – about 4 days

  4. Sugar – 1-2 weeks

Fertilizing mash with raisins

The simplest and highest quality option that can be used for any type of must.

For 40 liters of mash, you need about 200 grams of raisins. In order not to destroy the wild yeast contained on the surface of the berries, it is not recommended to wash them.

To activate the process, simply throw the raisins into the must. If desired, you can grind dried fruits with a blender.

In the same way, the mash is fed with prunes or dried apricots.

As an alternative, crushed raspberries, strawberries, cherries, freshly squeezed fruit juices (1 glass per 10 liters), old jam without mold (0,5-1 liters per 50 liters) are used.

Feeding malt with malt

You will need sprouted rye, barley, corn or millet grains, which must be thoroughly crushed before use. You can buy ready-made malt in the store.

For 40 liters of wort, 1 kg of nutrient powder is enough. For other types of wort, this method is not used. Usually malt is included in the recipe right away and dissolved in hot water before sugar is added.

Fertilizing mash with bread

To activate fermentation, only rye pastries are used and always fresh.

Before adding to the mash, the bread is crumbled or cut into small pieces. It will take 0,2-0,5 kg per 50 liters of wort.

Fertilizing mash with black bread is one of the oldest ways to accelerate maturation. In modern conditions, it does not always work, since the recipe for a cereal product has not changed for the better. It should be borne in mind that such recharge can make moonshine cloudy. You can remove the “veil” using a double distillation.

Feeding braga with peas

For 40 liters of sugar wort, you will need about 1 kg of legumes. Throw ground (optimally), steamed or boiled peas at the initial stage of fermentation to stimulate the process. The result will be noticeable almost immediately in the form of active seething and the formation of abundant foam.

The “minus” of this method is the specific smell and taste of moonshine, which will be eliminated only by repeated distillation.

Fertilizing mash with corn grits

For 50 liters, you will need about 1 kg of feed. Groats, like peas, are pre-crushed / boiled / poured with boiling water, after which they are poured into sugar wort along with other ingredients at the beginning of fermentation.

Alternatively, you can use cornmeal or ground grains.

It is definitely worth checking the freshness of the cereal: no more than six months should pass from the date of production, otherwise the mash will be bitter. This type of top dressing works best in combination with malt or sugar syrup.

Fertilizing mash with carbamide

This method is used only for sugar mash. The calculation is made by the amount of the main ingredient. Approximately 1 g of urea is required for 1 kg of sugar. One teaspoon contains approximately 2,5 g of the nutrient.

It is desirable to combine this type of top dressing with superphosphate (3-4 g per 1 kg of sugar), but it can also be used separately.

Fertilizing mash with flour

Used for sugar or malt wort. More often, rye or wheat flour is added, although other options (corn, rice, oats) are also suitable. Grinding and category do not really matter, although premium products contain more starch, which means they work a little better.

The amount of flour corresponds to the volume of sugar / malt: 1 kg of the main ingredient will need the same amount of top dressing. It should be borne in mind that rye must is actively fermenting, so the container should be with a margin. You can cook mash exclusively on flour (3 kg per 12 l), water and yeast, but in this case you will have to add special enzymes.

Top dressing of sugar mash with apples

If there is an excess of fruit, you can crush them and use them to stimulate fermentation. Apple pomace or soaked dried fruits also work great. The latter must be ground and steamed before use. For 5 kg of sugar, approximately 3-4 kg of cake or fruit mass will be required.


According to Makarov S.Yu., fermentation of apples with pulp leads to the accumulation of methanol, which passes and accumulates in the body.

Top dressing of sugar mash with hercules

The high starch content of oatmeal allows it to be used to promote fermentation. For 30 liters of water, approximately 2 kg of hercules and 1 kg of sugar will be required.

Oat moonshine turns out to be soft, with a pleasant aroma, but its yield is small. By increasing the proportion of sugar (or including malt), more alcoholic product can be obtained. For each additional kilogram of the sweet component, 4 liters of water are added.

Relevance: 25.03.2019

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, For mash and moonshine

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