Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Home cucumbers grow in special conditions. They do not have access to many of the nutrients found in open field or greenhouse soil. Therefore, constant feeding of homemade cucumbers is the key to a good harvest. This crop requires complex feeding based on mineral and organic fertilizers.

Soil fertilizers

To grow a good crop of cucumbers on the balcony, you need to prepare the soil for future plantings. This requires containers with holes for water drainage and pallets.

You can buy soil for homemade cucumbers in gardening stores. It already contains the ingredients needed to grow this crop.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

You can prepare the soil yourself. Its composition includes earth, peat and humus in equal proportions.

Advice! You can add a little sawdust to the soil for cucumbers.

At this stage, every 10 kg, the soil is fertilized with a special mixture:

  • nitrophoska – 30 g;
  • wood ash – 0,2 kg;
  • urea – 15 g.
Important! Fertilizers are applied to the soil to a depth of 4 cm.

Nitrophoska is a complex of mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. For cucumbers, a sulfate version of the fertilizer is used, which contains, in addition to the listed components, sulfur. This element helps the absorption of nitrogen and the formation of protein.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Another source of nitrogen for domestic cucumbers is urea. Due to nitrogen, the green mass of the plant is formed and the foundation is laid for the formation of a healthy bush.

Advice! One plant requires up to 5 liters of soil.

After fertilization, cucumbers are planted. Between plants leave up to 30 cm to avoid excessive planting density. The containers are placed in a warm place with good lighting.

Seed dressing

The first shoots of balcony cucumbers appear 5-7 days after planting, which depends on the variety and external conditions. The initial stage of their development requires a complex fertilizer consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium.

Seedlings require several types of top dressing:

  • 14 days after the germination of cucumbers. A fertilizer is prepared for processing, consisting of urea (10 g), superphosphate (10 g) and water (3 l). Top dressing is carried out by introducing the resulting liquid under the root of cucumbers. For each bush, 60 g of solution is enough.

    Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

  • 10 days after the previous treatment. You can feed the plants with a special complex fertilizer intended for cucumbers and other vegetable crops. The fertilizer should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For top dressing, you can use the “Rossa” tool, 25 g of which is diluted in 3 liters of water. Each plant needs 100 g of the resulting solution.
  • In the next 10 days.

Processing of grown seedlings of cucumbers is carried out with a solution containing:

  • nitrophoska – 10 g;
  • ash – 30 g;
  • water – 3 l.

The finished solution with fertilizers is consumed taking into account the norm of 200 g of the mixture for each bush.

Advice! Before applying fertilizer for cucumbers on the balcony, the soil must be well watered.

Pre-watering allows you to evenly distribute useful components in the soil. Processing is carried out in the morning or in the evening when there is no direct exposure to the sun.

Processing for the ovary

30 days after planting, the flowering of cucumbers and the formation of an ovary begin. At this stage, difficulties often arise in the further development of cucumbers: inflorescences fall, leaves turn yellow, fruit set does not occur.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

The reasons for the depressed state of cucumbers on the windowsill are:

  • incorrect composition of the soil;
  • lack of lighting;
  • too high or low temperature in the house;
  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • lack or excess of fertilizers.

During flowering, cucumbers need abundant nutrition. After the appearance of the first inflorescences, complex fertilizer is applied to the soil:

  • ammonium nitrate – 10 g;
  • double superphosphate – 10 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 10 g;
  • water – 10 l.
Attention! The nitrogen content during the formation of the ovary is reduced so that the cucumbers can direct their vitality to fruiting.

Ammonium nitrate serves as a source of nitrogen for plants, strengthens their immunity and protects against diseases.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Potassium sulphate increases the content of vitamins and sugar in fruits. Therefore, after processing with this fertilizer, cucumbers with good taste qualities grow.

Important! The solution for irrigation is prepared in a separate container.

When working with mineral fertilizers, safety rules are observed. It is best to use protective equipment to avoid contact with the skin, eyes or respiratory organs.

Feeding during fruiting

When the first fruits appear, cucumbers require special feeding. This includes both mineral and organic fertilizers. It is best to alternate several types of dressings.

Ash processing

When the first fruits begin to appear, cucumbers are fed with ashes. For 1 liter of water, 100 g of wood ash is required. Products for incineration of garbage, various waste, paper or building materials are not suitable for make-up.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Pre-solution is infused for a day. Then the ash is filtered, and the resulting liquid is used to water the cucumbers.

Advice! For 1 bush, 1 glass of ash-based solution is required.

After using the ash, the growth of cucumbers accelerates and the activity of metabolic processes increases. This fertilizer contains potassium and calcium, which contribute to the emergence of new ovaries.

Introduction of complex fertilizers

The next top dressing of cucumbers is based on nitrophoska. For 3 liters of water, 10 g of this fertilizer is required. Nitrophoska saturates plants with useful substances necessary for active fruiting.

Important! Treatment with nitrophoska is carried out every 10 days by watering.

Another option for feeding cucumbers is the use of azofoska. Its composition is identical to nitrophoska, however, phosphorus is contained in a water-soluble form.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Application of organic fertilizers

Natural fertilizers are no less useful for ripening cucumber fruits. The simplest method of feeding is the infusion of bird droppings. It is obtained by mixing with water in a ratio of 1:2. After 2 hours, a liter of infusion is diluted with 10 liters of water and used for irrigation.

Advice! Bird droppings are added dry to the soil, after which the cucumbers are carefully watered.

Other types of manure are suitable for feeding cucumbers. However, they need to be insisted for a week, which is not always possible at home.

emergency top dressing

The lack of nutrients negatively affects the appearance and fruiting of cucumbers. You can determine the deficiency of a particular element visually by special signs.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Advice! By external signs, it is not always possible to unequivocally diagnose which substances are lacking in cucumbers. Then a complex fertilizer is applied (nitrophoska, ammophoska, etc.).

Lack of nitrogen

With a lack of nitrogen, indoor cucumbers look frail, the stems become thinner, the leaves droop, and small fruits form. Watering with urea-based fertilizer will help solve the problem.

If nitrogen is present in excess, the foliage will turn dark green and older leaves will curl. With excessive nitrogen intake, cucumbers die in a few days. You can solve the problem by daily watering or spraying with calcium nitrate.

Lack of potassium and calcium

You can determine the lack of potassium by the presence of a yellow border on the leaves. To process cucumbers, you need 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Calcium deficiency is reflected in young leaves, on which yellow spots appear. The reverse side of the leaf acquires a purple hue. You can feed cucumbers at home on the windowsill with ash, which is brought into the ground or added to the spray solution.

Phosphorus deficiency

If cucumbers grow dense small leaves, twisted down, then this is a sign of phosphorus deficiency. Another symptom is the presence of reddish veins.

Superphosphate in the amount of 1 tbsp will help fill the lack of phosphorus. l. Fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the plants are watered.

Foliar processing

Leaf processing has a positive effect on cucumbers at home. To work, you need a spray gun with a fine spray.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Foliar top dressing has its advantages, among which are the rapid absorption of nutrients and the low consumption of components.

Advice! Sheet processing of cucumbers is performed in the morning or in the evening.

During the preparation of fertilizers, the established proportions must be observed. If the content of the substance exceeds the norm, then the cucumbers will get a leaf burn.

Before fruiting, cucumbers are sprayed with a solution of urea. It is obtained by dissolving 5 g of this substance in 3 liters of water.

Attention! Foliar feeding is especially important during the formation of the ovary.

Boron is responsible for the fruiting of cucumbers. This fertilizer promotes the absorption of calcium and synthesizes the production of active substances.

To process cucumbers, a solution is prepared containing 1 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. The procedure is performed every 10 days.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Folk methods

You can prepare an effective fertilizer for feeding homemade cucumbers from improvised means. Folk remedies are completely safe for others and have a positive effect on the development of cucumbers.

Banana peel

Banana peel contains potassium, magnesium and calcium. In smaller quantities there is phosphorus and nitrogen. This combination of elements contributes to the flowering of cucumbers and further fruiting.

Important! Banana peel should be dried on a radiator, then crushed and added to the soil for seedlings.

On the basis of banana skins, you can make a watering agent, which must first be infused for 3 days. For 3 liters of water, 4 peels are used. Before watering cucumbers, water is added to the resulting fertilizer in a ratio of 1: 1.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  


The eggshell contains 93% calcium in an easily digestible form, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and other trace elements.

You can get fertilizer for homemade cucumbers by grinding eggshells. The resulting mass is poured with water and left for three days. During this time, useful substances will enter the liquid. Infusion is not recommended to close the lid.

Advice! For 3 liters of water, you need the shell of 4 raw eggs.

Dried shells can be placed on the bottom of a container for growing cucumbers. Such a layer will ensure the circulation of the liquid without the formation of its stagnation.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Lukovaâ Husk

Onion peel saturates the soil with useful substances and improves its structure. It contains carotene, phytoncides and vitamins. Carotene has antioxidant properties and increases the resistance of cucumbers with increased gas pollution in the city. Phytoncides help to cope with various fungi that provoke diseases.

Advice! Processing cucumbers with onion infusion is performed twice per season.

For preventive purposes, a solution is prepared on onion peel: 2 cups of this component are poured into 2 liters of boiling water. The solution takes 2 days to infuse.

Onion infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and used for spraying.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Coffee grounds

During the preparation of the soil for planting homemade cucumbers, you can add coffee grounds to it. For these purposes, only roasted grains are suitable. If the grains have not been previously processed, they will have a deoxidizing effect on the soil.

Coffee grounds improve the quality of the soil, making it looser, able to pass moisture and air. As a result, cucumbers receive nutrients: magnesium, nitrogen and potassium.

Sugar boost

Glucose is a source of energy for living organisms. This substance is found in dietary sugar. For watering cucumbers, you can use sweet water obtained by dissolving 1 tsp. Sahara.

Another option is to use glucose directly. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets or solution. Feeding is done every month.

Fertilizers for cucumbers on the balcony at home  

Potato peelings

Potato is a source of starch, glucose and organic acids for plants. Potato peels are pre-dried, after which they are placed in the ground before planting homemade cucumbers. Based on them, you can prepare an infusion and apply it by watering.


To grow cucumbers at home, you need to provide them with access to nutrients. For this, complex processing of plants is carried out. Top dressing of cucumbers is carried out by watering and spraying the leaves.

Top dressing is required for cucumbers at every stage of development, from preparing the soil for sowing. Then fertilizers are applied when the first sprouts appear, at the stage of flowering and fruiting. If the plants are in a depressed state, then additional processing is performed.

What to feed cucumbers. Fertilizer seedlings on the balcony.

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