Fertilizer Krepysh for seedlings: instructions for use

Every gardener will agree that good seedlings are the foundation of a future harvest. To grow healthy and strong plants, you need not only high-quality seeds, but also the timely application of top dressing designed specifically for young growth. In this case, liquid and instant products are considered the most suitable and effective, which include Krepysh, a complex fertilizer for seedlings of the Fasco brand. “Krepysh” for seedlings is a highly effective balanced mixture designed to stimulate the growth of young plants at the initial stage of their development. Fertilizer contributes to the formation of a powerful and developed root system, due to which the plants become stronger and more resistant to diseases. And this, in turn, will certainly affect the quantity and quality of the crop.

Fertilizer description

The preparation “Krepysh” is a complex organomineral fertilizer with potassium humate, designed specifically for growing seedlings of garden and flower crops. The product contains an optimally balanced composition of vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for the development of young plants at the initial stage: potassium – 22%, nitrogen – 17%, phosphorus – 8%, as well as magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, iron and other important elements. “Krepysh” is a universal fertilizer, it can be successfully used for different purposes:

  • for baiting vegetable crops: tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers – according to summer residents, cucumbers grow especially well and bear fruit after watering;

Fertilizer Krepysh for seedlings: instructions for use

  • for pre-soaking and germinating seeds before sowing;
  • for growing greens and garden plants on window sills, balconies;
  • during the dive of seedlings into separate pots, or open ground;
  • for watering young plants after planting in the soil;
  • for the care of decorative indoor plants and flowers.

All substances present in the composition of the fertilizer mixture are in a form available to plants, which ensures its 100% digestibility by crops. The high efficiency of the drug “Krepysh” was repeatedly confirmed in the process of many years of testing. The fertilizer is available in the form of a highly concentrated liquid and soluble granules. Before use, a liquid agent must be diluted with water to the required concentration, granular – also dissolves in water, after which it is used for irrigation.

Video “Helpful Tips”

Informative video with helpful tips for fertilizing seedlings.

Advantages and disadvantages

When creating the Krepysh preparation, the main emphasis was placed by the developers on the presence of a large amount of potassium, which is readily soluble in water, which significantly activates the development of the plant root system. It is powerful, well-developed roots that help crops take root in the soil faster and better after transplantation. Also, a strong root system increases the resistance of seedlings to diseases, weather factors. A high concentration of nitrogen in the preparation contributes to the active growth of plants, and phosphorus is necessary as a foundation for a future harvest.

Due to the well-balanced composition of useful elements, fertilizer has many advantages over other means:

  • universality – the drug is suitable for almost all plants;
  • all components contained in the mixture are in an ideal ratio and are easily absorbed by plants;
  • the fertilizer is enriched with potassium humate, which improves the quality of the soil;

Fertilizer Krepysh for seedlings: instructions for use

  • does not contain chlorine and its components;
  • significantly accelerates growth and improves the properties of plants;
  • increases the immunity of crops, makes them resistant to drought, cold, bacteria and pests;
  • promotes growth and better rooting of the root system in the soil;
  • it goes well with other both mineral and organic products;
  • dissolves quickly in water and is easy to dose.

It has practically no disadvantages. However, when using, it must be borne in mind that the product contains a high concentration of chemicals, especially nitrogen and potassium, therefore it is recommended to dilute and water with rubber gloves. Also, many gardeners noted that frequent watering contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits, so you should not exceed the recommended norms and water garden crops after the formation of the ovary.

Fertilizer Krepysh for seedlings: instructions for use

How to apply for seedlings

As indicated in the instructions for use, a granular water-soluble agent should be diluted at the rate of 2 teaspoons (10 g) / 10 l of water, a liquid agent is diluted with water in a ratio of 10 ml / 1 l of water. The resulting solution is used mainly for watering seedlings, but indoor plants can also be fed. Feeding seedlings begins with the appearance of the first leaf. During this period, crops need a lot of potassium, so watering is carried out at intervals of 1 time / 7-10 days. For plants already planted in the soil, watering is carried out 1 time / 2 weeks. Fertilizer is consumed at the rate of 100-110 ml of the finished solution / 1 plant.

In liquid form, “Krepysh” can be used to soak seeds. At the same time, it does not need to be diluted with water, but simply pour the seeds with a solution for a day, and then sow in the soil. When diving young plants, the soil in which they are planted is watered with an aqueous solution. The effectiveness of the drug “Krepysh” increases with the use of additional lighting.

Fertilizer Krepysh for seedlings: instructions for use

Video “How to choose top dressing”

Video review with recommendations on the selection of good and high-quality top dressing for young seeds.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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