Fertilizer Crystalon: agrochemical features of the product

Not only experienced gardeners and gardeners, but also beginners are well aware that both universal and highly specialized fertilizers should be used to improve the yield on their plots. But it must be remembered that not all minerals and trace elements are suitable and beneficial. Consider the use of Kristalon fertilizer, which has a fairly wide range of applications and is recognized by experienced gardeners.

Fertilizer description

Crystal is a range of mineral fertilizers that dissolve in water. They are intended for additional feeding of berries, vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants. This mineral complex effectively nourishes the plants with all the necessary elements. Crystal can be used on all types of soil, and applied with irrigation (even drip), as it is a water-soluble crystals with an ideal ratio of macro- and microelements. The indisputable advantage of the drug is the absence of chlorine.

Fertilizer Crystalon: agrochemical features of the product

Experts note that the fertilizer in question contributes to the production of high-quality products that can be safely used for the manufacture of baby food. In addition, it significantly increases the yield and resistance of various crops to fungal and other diseases.

Among fertilizers of this type, Kristalon of the following types is distinguished:

  • yellow (for wet and alkaline soils);
  • special (for vegetable / fruit crops);
  • cucumber (for pumpkin crops);
  • red (for strawberries, fruit and berries, melons, bulbous crops, as well as decorative flower plants);
  • brown (for vegetables, effective in the 2nd half of the growing season);
  • for roses (to improve flowering and growth);
  • universal (for increasing and developing foliage).

Video “About the manufacturer and the Cristalon tool”

Informational video about the manufacturer and about the Kristalon product itself.


Mode of application

Mineral fertilizers Kristalon are widely used in horticulture and horticulture. So, to improve the development of the root system, it is worth using Crystalon Special and Yellow (the required concentration is 0,7–1,5 g / l). To grow crops using low-volume technology, experts advise resorting to such subspecies: Brown, Orange, Red. An effective way to get strong and healthy seedlings is to use a solution prepared from 1–2 g per liter of water during each watering.

Fertilizer Crystalon: agrochemical features of the product

For plants after transplantation, it is recommended to use Crystalon Yellow for four weeks in a proportion of 0,5-1 g / l. This method of feeding effectively stimulates the development of the root system and accelerates growth. Crystal Red is used to obtain abundant and long flowering of various crops. The method of application is quite simple – it is necessary to use in the proportion of 0,8 g / l twice a week. Note that Kristalon fertilizers can be safely combined with pesticides as well as growth promoters. The mineral complex is saturated with elements necessary for plants in the form of easily digestible chelates.

Agrochemical features of the product

Crystalon – safe and chemically pure fertilizers that contribute to the production of environmentally friendly products. These funds significantly improve the stress resistance of plants to factors that appear under the influence of pesticides, fungal diseases or bad weather conditions, etc. They also significantly increase the yield and quality of cultivated crops. Experts note that thanks to Crystal:

  • plants are quickly saturated with all vital macro- and microelements;
  • the composition of the soil is regulated and the mineral nutrition of plants is improved;
  • biochemical processes are activated in crops, which positively affects the yield.

This type of fertilizer goes well with growth stimulants and pesticides. And in the case of application in irrigation systems, it does not react with the soil colloidal complex. The use of these mineral additives significantly increases the yield, has a beneficial effect on the formation of healthy fruits, promotes earlier and more abundant flowering of indoor and garden flowers.

Video “What you need to know”

Required information about the tool.

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