EM technologies, widely recognized in many developed countries, have been used in domestic agriculture for many years. Their use made it possible to replace traditional artificial crop growth stimulants with organic fertilizers based on effective microorganisms (EMoc). One of such developments is the microbiological agent Baikal EM-1, a highly effective multi-purpose fertilizer for cultivated plants.
Fertilizer description
Baikal contains a self-regulating symbiotic complex of living microorganisms, which achieves a natural balance between crops and soil. The exclusively organic basis of the fertilizer allows to significantly improve the properties of the soil, restore regenerating processes in it, and, accordingly, grow a good crop of high quality. Baikal EM-1 is the most successful domestic development in the field of microbiology. The drug is a concentrated aqueous solution containing a whole complex of specially grown live microorganisms:
- lactic acid bacteria – restore the soil depleted by chemicals, prevent the growth of weeds;
- nitrogen-fixing bacteria – retain nitrogen in the soil, prevent its evaporation, accelerate the development of cultivated plants;
- photosynthetic bacteria – regenerate culture tissues at the cellular level;
- yeast – contribute to the production of substances that protect plantings from diseases.
When interacting with the soil, these organisms begin to produce physiologically active components, enzymes and amino acids, creating ideal conditions for the development of plants. Unlike mineral and pure organic top dressings, the long-term use of which depletes the soil, Baikal EM-1 recreates the natural nutrient medium due to its regenerating properties.
All organisms present in the preparation should normally live in high-quality soil suitable for agriculture, therefore nothing superfluous and harmful is introduced into the soil with Baikal. On the contrary, for depleted soil, he is a real doctor who does not treat symptoms, but eliminates the cause of the disease, restoring a natural healthy microenvironment. Strains of beneficial bacteria for the creation of the Baikal EM-1 preparation were taken from ecologically clean soils of Transbaikalia.
Based on them, microbiologists have grown more than 80 species of various beneficial microorganisms that are lacking in good fertile soil. One liter of the product contains approximately 1 billion effective live bacteria, as well as the remnants of the medium in which they were grown. So, in fact, fertilizer is a real “living” organism.
How to use Baikal
The drug is a solution of very high concentration, the use of which requires dilution with your own hands in the appropriate proportion. The rules for preparing and the method of using an aqueous solution of Baikal depend on many factors, as well as the purpose of feeding:
- To increase germination, the agent is applied to the soil in the spring, as soon as the soil has warmed up to 12 ° C. It is not recommended to fertilize at a lower temperature – beneficial bacteria will freeze. For this purpose, a standard solution is prepared at a concentration of 1:1000.
- During autumn tillage, a more concentrated solution of 1:100 is applied. A plot of land, together with traditional organic top dressing, is dug up, after which it is watered with Baikal at the rate of 3 l / 1 sq. m of land.
- For the treatment of seedlings, a solution of 1: 2000 is used. The first shoots are recommended to be watered and sprayed with Baikal alternately. Alternatively, the seedlings can be treated with a solution of 1:2000 for the first time, and then fertilized once a week with a stronger solution – 1:1000.
- For regular watering of indoor flowers, the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:2000. With a concentration of 1: 1000, it is recommended to feed indoor flowers no more than 1 time / 3 months, and it is better to do this during the budding period.
- For fruit trees and shrubs, foliar feeding is relevant in spring, mid-season, and autumn. Baikal, diluted in a ratio of 1:2000, is abundantly sprayed with foliage, as well as trunks.
- The tool can fertilize the soil during loosening, both in spring and throughout the season. For direct application to the soil, the preparation is diluted 1:1000, and allowed to brew for about 6 hours. Some gardeners believe that a freshly prepared solution is immediately ready for use, but this is not so. The tool needs to stand for several hours for the bacteria to multiply – such a solution is more effective.
- Thanks to the use of the drug, you can easily prepare compost with your own hands. This will require the remains of any organic products, some fresh earth, and a concentrated EM solution in a ratio of 1:100. All components must be laid in layers, and then pour the compost heap with the prepared solution.
When preparing solutions with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that the fertilizer contains exclusively live bacteria, and therefore its preparation requires precise adherence to the proportions indicated in the instructions for use of the drug.
Video “How to use a concentrated EM solution”
Recommendations from an experienced gardener on the intricacies of the preparation and use of Baikal EM-1.
Usefulness and benefits of fertilizer
The benefits and high efficiency of the use of the tool can not be overestimated. One of its main advantages is the complete absence of genetically modified organisms. In addition, Baikal EM-1 has the following properties:
- stimulates the flow of physiological processes in plant cells, which has a positive effect on vegetation – the fruits are tied and ripen earlier;
- stimulates the process of photosynthesis and accumulation of chlorophyll;
- retains useful components in the soil, in particular nitrogen;
- contributes to the dissolution of mineral and organic compounds, which are then much more easily absorbed by cultures;
- accelerates the germination of seeds, increases the germination of seedlings;
- increases the immunity of plants, makes them resistant to diseases, frosts and droughts;
- improves soil properties: increases its air permeability, accelerates the process of humus formation;
- slightly increases the temperature of the soil, which accelerates the development of crops: seedlings appear earlier, the root system develops faster, flowering and ovary occur more intensively;
- improves the quality and taste characteristics of fruits.
In comparison with similar dressings, Baikal EM-1 compares favorably with the following positive aspects:
- by accelerating the growth of crops, it allows you to take several crops, and more efficiently use the sown area;
- thanks to its universal application, the drug can be used simultaneously for all plants: garden, garden, indoor;
- the use of the drug allows you to eliminate unpleasant odors from the decomposition of organic matter – if you water the compost with Baikal, then the characteristic smell of fermentation and decay will disappear;
- the introduction of Baikal into the soil makes it possible to reduce additional mineral supplements by more than 50%, and improve physical and chemical parameters by 40%;
- thanks to the use of the product, a significant increase in productivity is noted: grain crops – by 10 centners per hectare, root crops – by 60 centners, corn and sunflowers – by 20 centners;
- is environmentally friendly, its use does not violate the ecosystem;
- promotes the cultivation of environmentally friendly products;
- easy to use: the drug is easy to prepare with your own hands – just dilute with water in the correct proportion.
What crops are suitable for
Baikal is a universal fertilizer. It can be successfully used to protect the garden, vegetable garden, and even for indoor plants. From garden crops with Baikal, it is good to fertilize all types of cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, root crops. For a high yield of these vegetables, the first dressing is recommended to be applied to the soil in the spring at the pre-sowing stage at a concentration of 1:100.
After germination, seedlings of vegetable crops are treated with Baikal by spraying and simultaneously embedding the product in the ground. For spraying seedlings of pepper, cabbage, tomatoes, a solution at a concentration of 1: 1000 is used. Spraying is carried out twice: before planting in the soil, and then after 9 days. The approximate consumption of the solution is 20 l / 1 weave. By the same principle, you can feed vegetable crops grown in greenhouses.
Root crops: potatoes, carrots, beets, as well as onions and tomatoes still need to be processed twice during the growing season, cabbage and peppers – once. All cultures should be treated with Baikal at a concentration of 1:1000, only for potatoes the concentration of the solution should be increased to 1:250. Berry bushes can be fertilized with an EM solution according to the same rules as vegetables. Processing at the stage of ovary and initial maturity is considered the most effective, so it is advisable not to miss it. Fertilization of shrubs is carried out by watering with a solution in a ratio of 1: 1000 twice a season. On one bush it is necessary to pour 2 buckets of the diluted agent.
Spraying shrubs involves the complete wetting of branches and foliage. It is recommended to periodically fertilize berry bushes from May to August – earlier spraying can cause premature bud development, and later it will interfere with preparing for winter. The use of the drug contributes to the high yield of strawberries, and especially strawberries. Spraying these plants with a solution at a concentration of 1:1000 throughout the season, starting after the snow melts, significantly increases the number and quality of berries, increases the resistance of crops to putrefactive infections.
It is recommended to fertilize fruit trees with Baikal 2-3 times per season. Tree treatment consists in spraying the foliage, and carefully watering the bark. To do this, they even make small holes in the upper layer of the bark, into which the solution is poured. Trees, like shrubs, are processed from May to the end of August. When planting seedlings with a solution at a concentration of 1:100, the bottom of the pit is abundantly watered. It is also good to put compost under the root with a layer of 5-10 cm.
Baikal can be used to water lawns and front gardens. For these purposes, the drug is diluted in a ratio of 1:2000 (approximately 1 tsp / 7 l of water). Lawn grass is watered 2-3 times / season, flowers – during germination, and during the flowering period. Fertilizer is best suited for perennials. Its introduction into the soil in the fall kills pathogenic flora, which facilitates the wintering period of flowers.
Indoor plants will also be happy with the use of the drug. For watering indoor flowers, the product is diluted in the same way as for garden flowers. It is recommended to fertilize indoor flowers 1-2 times / 7 days, preferably in the evening.
Useful tips:
- You can increase the effectiveness and beneficial properties of Baikal with the help of sweet products: honey, sucrose, glucose. For bacteria, this is an excellent breeding ground. A couple of tablespoons of honey, or another sweet product, is put into the prepared solution, and insisted for about a week. It is better to add honey in small portions – one spoon at a time.
- Before spraying, decoctions and infusions of useful plants can be added to the Baikal solution, and thereby increase the effectiveness of the drug. An additional component can be a tincture of garlic, aloe, chamomile, or plantain.
Video “Watering with the use of Baikal EM-1»
Video review of top dressing for soil and plants, as well as useful fertilizers.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina