Fernet liqueur: what is it, history, what is it made of + how to drink

Fernet (Fernet) – This is a bitter liquor on herbs with a strength of up to 45%. As a rule, it is of Italian origin and belongs to the group – amaro.

Prepared liquor according to a special recipe

Based on grape alcohol with the addition of caramel and various herbs. Today, the exact composition and proportions of the drink depend on the manufacturer. But in the classic version must be present: saffron, aloe, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom, oregano and myrrh.

The definition of “Fernet” includes drinks that are well known to us. And among them:

  1. Fernet-Branca (Italy, Milan)

  2. Fernet Stock (Czech Republic, Pilsen-Bozhkov and Italy, Trieste)

  3. Becherovka (Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary)

  4. Riga Black Balsam (Latvia)

A Brief History of the Fernet Drink

To date, there is no clear chronology of the appearance of this drink. And at once four countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Austria and France) claim the title of the birthplace of this bitter drink.

But most researchers of alcohol culture tend to believe that Fernet first appeared in the XNUMXth century in the Italian region of Lombardy.

There is also every reason to believe that the creators of this alcohol are the founder of the Italian brand Amaro, pharmacist Bernardino Branca and his partner, a doctor from Switzerland, Mr. Fernet. Actually, the liquor is named after him.

Features of the production of Fernet liqueur

Each company has its own production secrets, but still the basic processes are a bit similar to each other and include the following steps:

  1. Soaking herbs and roots in grape spirit

  2. Beverage filtering

  3. Aging in oak barrels from 6 to 12 months.

Popular brands of herbal liqueur Fernet

  1. Fernet Branca

    Made in Italy since 1845. Initially, this drink was created purely for medicinal purposes for the treatment of gastric diseases.

    Today, the drink is produced on an industrial scale by Fratelli Branca Distillerie Srl Fernet Branca infused with 27 herbs that are collected on five continents.

    The drink matures for a year in oak barrels. The alcohol content is from 39 to 40%, in rare cases – up to 43%.

  2. Fernet stick

    Czech analogue of herbal liquor with a strength of 40%. It began to be produced in 1884 in Trieste, but after the collapse of Austria-Hungary, the plant was moved to the Czech Republic.

    Fernet Stock contains only 14 herbs, but due to the fact that the recipe is kept in the strictest confidence, only three components are known: gentian, Roman chamomile and centaury.

During the production process, the herbs are soaked in alcohol for 2-3 months, and then the bitter is left to mature in oak barrels.

How to drink and what to eat Fernet liqueur

Despite the fact that the alcohol we are considering is quite strong, it is still customary to serve it as a digestif. But you can also drink it before meals, as the herbs contained in the liquor contribute to better absorption of fatty and unhealthy foods.

Most lovers of herbal drinks prefer to drink it in its pure form. Someone likes a slightly chilled version, while someone prefers a drink at room temperature.

As an appetizer, it is best to serve fruit, ideally if it is oranges or grapefruits.

For example, in Argentina, Fernet is very popular among the local population and is diluted with cola. There are no clear proportions, you can experiment and look for your perfect taste balance.

Relevance: 31.01.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Brands of liqueurs

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