Fenugreek – properties, health effects, price. Recipes with fenugreek

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Whoever has struggled with the hair fall must have heard about fenugreek. This plant counteracts this problem and additionally strengthens the hair. But these are not the only benefits of fenugreek. Its valuable properties are used in healing therapies for many serious diseases. So what else do you need to know about it?

Fenugreek – what kind of plant is it?

Fenugreek, or Greek hay or Greek clover, is a plant grown in the Mediterranean, Central Europe and North America. It has been used in Asian medicine for centuries. According to the traditional medicine there, its seeds are used in the treatment of diabetes – as a means of reducing blood sugar levels. In other countries, such as in Iran, fenugreek is used as a raw material supporting the treatment of eye diseases. Today, this plant has a number of uses. Its valuable properties are used not only in medicine, but also in the kitchen and cosmetics.

Fenugreek is used in the production of dietary supplements. Its wide spectrum of pro-health properties can be used to strengthen and regenerate many processes and organs of the body.

Fenugreek – properties

Fenugreek has many valuable properties. First of all, it works to lower blood sugar levels. The seeds of this plant contain 20-30 percent of the mucus substances, which include, among others, of the galactomannans. These substances slow down gastric emptying and also minimize the postprandial rise in glucose levels. Other ingredients contained in fenugreek also take part in lowering the sugar level. These are 4 hydroxyisoleucines – amino acids that stimulate the release of insulin and polyphenols that increase the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

At Medonet Market you can buy DIABETOPOL – a supplement with white mulberry and fenugreek, which has a positive effect on the metabolism of insulin and helps to maintain the proper level of glucose in the blood.

Fenugreek (fenugreek seeds) also helps to lower cholesterol – not only this total concentration, but also “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins. Such action is caused by steroid saponins, which increase the metabolism of cholesterol and intensify its transformation in the liver into bile acids. At the same time, saponins slow down the absorption of fatty compounds, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, the niacin contained in fenugreek protects against the development of atherosclerosis.

Fenugreek seeds + for a healthy stomach in the form of a dietary supplement in a package containing 90 capsules can be found at Medonet Market.

Other properties of fenugreek are antibacterial and antifungal properties. Extracts of this plant fight such batteries as:

  1. a stick of blue oil,
  2. Staphylococcus aureus,
  3. vaginal trichomonas,
  4. pneumonia bacillus.

In addition, fenugreek stimulates the hematopoietic activity of the bone marrow and at the same time contributes to the increase in the number of red blood cells, and as the number of white blood cells increases, the body’s resistance to pathogenic bacterial strains increases.

To increase the body’s immunity, order Curcumin Medicum today – Doctor Life curcumin and fenugreek dietary supplement, which is available on Medonet Market.

On the other hand, water extracts of fenugreek seeds, shoots and roots show antifungal activity against pathogenic microorganisms.

Fenugreek also has properties that improve digestion. Dried seeds or gruel made of them support digestive processes and soothe ailments such as dyspepsia, flatulence or gastritis. In addition, the seeds are used as an aid in the treatment of haemorrhoids due to the action of flavonoids sealing the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, fenugreek is also used in the case of stomach ulcers due to the presence of a polysaccharide fraction in fenugreek, which is one of the dietary fiber fractions. The action of polysaccharides is to cover the inflamed gastric mucosa with a protective layer, thanks to which the mucosa is protected against irritating factors, such as e.g. hydrochloric acid or pepsin.

All this reduces swelling and speeds up the healing time. Fenugreek also has a protective effect against the development of colorectal cancer, this is due to the presence of diosgenin, which inhibits the growth and stimulates the death of HT-29 human colorectal cancer cells.

Fenugreek in the form of oil, in turn, can be used as a means of regulating bowel movements, and additionally has an expectorant effect, because it stimulates the production of mucus, which translates into the removal of allergens from the respiratory system and toxins found in the urinary tract.

Fenugreek seed oil EKO is available in 100 ml bottles on Medonet Market.

Interestingly, according to specialists, fenugreek can help and even prevent neurodegenerative diseases, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s disease.

On the other hand, in Asia, fenugreek seeds are used as a milk-making agent to stimulate lactation, and thanks to the fact that fenugreek affects the endocrine system, it can enlarge a woman’s bust. Natural and vegan fenugreek dietary supplements are available on Medonet Market.

Fenugreek – price

The cost of ground fenugreek is about PLN 10 per kilogram, while the cost of fresh fenugreek seeds ranges from PLN 10 to 15 per kilogram. You can buy fenugreek without problems in health food stores, in spice stores, and sometimes also in supermarkets.

You can buy ground fenugreek in a convenient and safe way at Medonet Market.

Fenugreek for hair

Fenugreek for hair has a positive effect. Thanks to the content of valuable vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, potassium, B vitamins (including B6 and B12), the strands are well nourished and strengthened. Fenugreek also prevents hair loss and stimulates their growth. In addition, it soothes scalp irritations.

At Medonet Market you will find Vianek strengthening shampoo for dry and damaged hair. fenugreek extract.

More on this topic: Fenugreek for hair – use, rub, contraindications

Fenugreek – use in bodybuilding

Interestingly, fenugreek is successfully used in bodybuilding because it has properties that reduce body fat and increase testosterone levels. The information was confirmed in the conducted research, published in the 2010 “International Journal Sports Nutrition Exercise Metabolism”. Researchers from Baylor University gave young men 500 mg of fenugreek each day, and these men, in turn, trained with weight for the next four days a week.

After eight weeks had passed, it turned out that fenugreek reduces the amount of body fat and increases the level of total and bioavailable testosteronealthough it does not improve muscle strength and endurance.

Fenugreek – influence on libido

Fenugreek appears to contain compounds that the body can use to produce sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.

In one study, men who were given 600 mg of fenugreek extract daily for six weeks reported increased sexual arousal and more orgasms. Similarly, another study looked at the effect of a daily dose of 600 mg of fenugreek extract on women who reported low sex drive. There was a significant increase in sexual desire and excitement in the fenugreek extract group at the end of the eight-week study compared to the placebo group.

Read more: Herbs for the prostate. How to prepare the infusion?

Fenugreek – effect on weight loss

Fenugreek is very rich in soluble fiber. This soluble fiber is known to aid in weight loss as it causes the gastrointestinal tract to properly expand. As a consequence, fenugreek not only provides a feeling of satiety, but also works wonders by improving our appetite. In addition, it belongs to the category of thermogenic herbs that enhance the effect of exercise and accelerate weight loss through a short-term increase in energy.

Fenugreek also modulates carbohydrate metabolism, thus significantly lowering blood sugar levels. All in all, it’s a good idea to consume fenugreek for weight loss effects as it is completely natural and easily available.

Find out more: Herbs for slimming – examples and action

Fenugreek – menstruation and pms

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective in treating dysmenorrhea in approximately 80% of women with periods. However, they do have potential side effects. These include abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, although more serious side effects are possible.

NSAIDs also disrupt stomach mechanisms, such as the secretion of mucus and bicarbonate, which help us digest food and protect against ulcers. One study found that frequently, people using NSAIDs were about three times more likely to experience serious gastrointestinal adverse events than non-users.

Since herbs generally don’t carry the same risk of side effects as anti-inflammatory drugs, many people prefer them to NSAIDs for treating menstrual pain. The use of fenugreek to treat dysmenorrhea has been reported worldwide in menstruating women. In modern Egypt and India, fenugreek is still one of the most used herbs to treat menstrual disorders.

In addition to reducing inflammation and pain, fenugreek also exhibits antioxidant, antispasmodic, diuretic, antihistamine, antidiabetic and immunomodulatory properties. Scientists believe that these unique healing properties can give fenugreek the ability to fight PMS. The diuretic effect of fenugreek can help relieve bloating by removing excess water. Its antihistamine effect can help ease premenstrual tension. Its antispasmodic effect may relieve premenstrual gastrointestinal cramps

It should be added, however, that although menstruating women have been using fenugreek for centuries for dysmenorrhea, and while scientists have some idea of ​​how fenugreek works, so far we have only a few high-quality clinical studies on fenugreek.

Fenugreek – menopause

A study has been conducted providing evidence that fenugreek extract relieves a number of subjective symptoms of menopause and increases serum estradiol levels. These effects are believed to be due to the action of steroid saponins, alkaloids and non-proteinogenic amino acids on estrogen receptors that mediate the activity of estrogens and androgens.

Based on the data obtained, fenugreek extract appears to be moderately effective in a broad spectrum of menopausal symptoms. Participants in this study experienced an average of 3 to 5 hot flashes a day to 1-2 a day, and the severity of the mood and physical symptoms related to menopause was reduced by approximately half. In menopausal women, what constitutes appropriate management is individualized, so the reduction but not elimination of the symptoms observed in this study may or may not be acceptable for the individual patient.

Fenugreek – side effects and contraindications

When it comes to side effects, fenugreek affects the smell of our sweat through the substances it secretes. The scent is reminiscent of a goat’s scent or maple syrup aroma.

As for contraindications, pregnant women should refrain from taking fenugreek, because excessive consumption of this herb may cause uterine contractions, which in turn may lead to premature birth or even miscarriage. You should also bear in mind that fenugreek may interfere with the action of anticoagulants (as well as other herbs or spices, such as: sage, dandelion, chamomile, arnica, anise, horse chestnut, St. John’s wort, ginseng, or Japanese ginkgo. .).

In addition, you should pay attention to taking fenugreek in the appropriate, recommended doses.

Fenugreek – use in the kitchen

Fenugreek is often used in Asian cuisine, where the dried and powdered seeds of this herb are a valued spice. Fenugreek is used as an ingredient in sauces, soups, salads or as an addition to meat, fish or pasta. Fenugreek is used in casseroles and legume dishes (e.g. humus).

Fenugreek seeds are readily used as an ingredient in hot sauces or some cheeses. The seeds are also used in conjunction with preserves and honey. However, it should be mentioned that fenugreek seeds have a specific aftertaste of bitterness, so to get rid of it, fenugreek seeds are roasted like peanuts (but be careful not to do it too much, because it will only strengthen the bitterness taste).

In the case of leaves, these are added to salads, and if they are dried, they are crushed and then sprinkled on the dish. Dried fenugreek leaves are great for spicy vegetable dishes.

Fenugreek – recipes

Before consumption, fenugreek seeds can be toasted in a pan or powdered and added to honey or preserves. Fenugreek seeds should be taken orally twice a day, one teaspoon during a meal, especially in emaciated people.

Fenugreek decoction

Ingredients: 1 table spoon of powdered fenugreek seeds, 1 cup of water.


A tablespoon of powdered seeds should be poured with one glass of water and mixed thoroughly. Then, cook the prepared seeds, covered, over low heat for 3 minutes. After this time, set aside until it cools down. The decoction should be applied externally in the form of compresses for ulcers, boils, and skin inflammations.

Fenugreek wrap

Ingredients: 50-100 g of powdered fenugreek seeds, water, half a teaspoon of acetic acid (10%).


The powdered seeds should be mixed with water until everything is pasty. Then add half a teaspoon of acetic acid (10%) and mix again. In the next step, heat it up and put it on some material, and then put it on the “sick” place. The fenugreek wrap should be changed two to three times a day. You can use a compress in the case of inflammations, boils and ulcers.

Fenugreek compresses for abscesses

Ingredients: 20 g of fenugreek seeds, 10 g of fresh borage herb, 10 g of fresh melilot herb (or 10 g of fresh plantain leaves).


Crush the seeds in a mortar and, using a mixer, crush the borage and melilot herbs separately (or plantain leaves). Then mix everything together with the water until you get a mushy consistency. The whole thing should be warmed in a towel and transferred to gauze. A warm compress prepared in this way must be applied to the skin in the area affected by inflammation or abscess. The compresses should be changed two to three times a day.

Fenugreek lotion

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of ground fenugreek seeds, 150 ml of water, cling film.


The ground seeds should be poured with water, boiled and then set aside for about half an hour to cool. After this time, the specificity is ready and you should ventilate your hair. After that, the hair should be wrapped for three hours with cling film. Sweat time, remove the foil and wash your hair. Fenugreek lotion can be used once every 7 days or more, but you should watch if the amount of hair loss decreases. The wipe itself can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. It should be mentioned that the fenugreek pulp smells similar to broth or roast chicken, but the intensity of this smell depends on the freshness of the fenugreek itself. The wipe the longer it is stored, the stronger its smell.

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