To save yourself from the heat, you can carry a fan with you, but it is better to add a breeze by dashingly riding a bicycle or roller skates. Of course, there is a risk of injury, because no one can protect you from falls. That is why in the summer you often have to choose: wear beautiful mini-skirts or join the world of extreme sports and enjoy life, hiding
The problem with all wounds and cuts is that they take a long time to heal. The crusts crack every now and then, and when the wound finally heals, it leaves a scar. The constant access of oxygen is capable of accelerating the process, it enhances
In this sense, the usual iodine and brilliant green are outdated. The fact is that by cauterizing the skin around the wound, these funds not only disinfect it, but also contribute to the formation of a crust, under which, alas, air does not enter either, and the healing process slows down.