Feng Shui for home: zones, symbols, celebrity houses, raising money, success

Feng Shui for home: zones, symbols, celebrity houses, raising money, success

Wday.ru visited famous people and checked how the space around them is suitable for life.

The lower part of the room of Dmitry and Polina Dibrovs is made “like a stone”, in natural color, – says feng shui specialist Victoria Mishina. – It is associated with the element of the earth, which gives solidity and confidence. The ceiling is draped with a soft and flowing fabric that does not overpower and creates a sense of movement. The photos on the wall tell about the values ​​of this family: motherhood, children, unity. It is wonderful in feng shui to use the symbols of love – hearts. They maintain the state of constant love for this couple.

The living room of the Dibrovs is made in black and white colors, very laconic, but somewhat aggressive. There are many sharp corners: frames on the wall, sofa, carpet, lamp. Feng Shui prefers rounded surfaces. A vase with branches and a coffee table “softens” the interior a little – its legs are slightly curved. I would advise you to dilute such a room with soft fabrics and bright spots, for example, round pillows, a blanket. Add lambrequin and hooks to the curtains. The white color of the walls of the room fills the subconscious with the energy of empowerment. It carries the element of metal, so I advise you to use white in the western and northwestern parts of the house.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of the Dibrov family

A large bright room is perfectly zoned due to floor and ceiling coverings and walls. The rounded chandelier above the table gives a cozy feeling, as does the rounded bar counter. I would add soft fabrics and bright spots to the room: vases, dishes of bright colors.

This girl only looks fragile, because reinforced concrete will is hidden behind her external grace. Otherwise, Ulyana Donskova would hardly have been able to become an Olympic champion, having received a gold medal in rhythmic gymnastics at the London Olympics. And Ulyana is also the wife, mother of a wonderful son and a participant in the Dancing with the Stars project.

Walking through a furniture store, the athlete opted for a modernly furnished room.

“The room is more like an office,” says Victoria Mishina. – Too many sharp corners. Everything is rigid, metal, little wood, little movement. The white walls of the room do not evoke emotions, it is better to meditate here. Certainly, the carpet with bright stripes gives some comfort to the room, but it is better to choose an interior to match the soft and delicate Ulyana. “

The living room of actress Maria Semkina makes a favorable impression: the sharp corners of the furniture are absorbed by the rounded arch above the TV. Brickwork on the wall gives a feeling of protection and reliability, multi-colored pillows on the sofa – comfort. Here are the open shelves of a bookshelf – not favorable for feng shui. Books should cover the open “edges” of the shelves, protecting those in the room from the negative energy of sharp edges.

In this room, I like the chandelier: its bulbs look up and give more positive energy. Successfully zoning a room with a rack and a fabric divider.

Photo Shoot:
Dmitry Drozdov / “Antenna”

As I already said, brick protects from negative energy, and bright color spots of pillows and curtains echo, give a feeling of warmth and comfort. The rounded bottom of the table lamp softens the sharp corners of the fireplace. I really like Masha Semkina’s house!

In the kitchen, it is important that the stove and sink are separate. Favorable energy in the room is also supported by a lamp – white, rounded. The brown color scheme of the kitchen is associated with the element of earth and gives confidence to the hostess. Knives are stored in a special stand with the blades down – that’s right. But it’s best to keep them in your desk drawer.

The singer’s kitchen seems to be overlaid with bricks – that’s smart. A brick wall is a means of insulating against environmental influences. Inside the house, it only enhances the protective properties. In the kitchen, it would be good to place a mirror in front of the entrance or on the side so that the hostess can see those entering without turning her head. The sink and stove, as I said, should be separated by a feng shui work surface. Otherwise, two elements come into conflict – water and fire. If, nevertheless, there is no countertop between the sink and the stove, place a wooden container of salt on their border and change it once a month. Salt will absorb the negativity of the struggle between fire and water.

In 2014, Victoria Lopyreva opened a restaurant in Moscow, where guests are treated to the same dishes that the beauty herself prepares for friends. The hostess’s hand is visible in the design of the halls – an exquisite interior, luxury and comfort.

“The energy of water is present in the restaurant’s premises,” argues Victoria Mishina. – She will bring the hostess material well-being. Sofas and armchairs create comfort thanks to the soft upholstery. Round table shapes are associated with material wealth and luxury. I really like round chandeliers – again with round pendants. Everything here speaks of success and raising money. The halls of the restaurant are divided by an arch, which is much better than if the opening was rectangular. It is easier for favorable energy to move in space and between people. “

Ekaterina Tokareva and Yuri Slobodyan

Former members of “House-2”, before they bought an apartment, and then left for Poland altogether, rented an apartment. But the guys furnished and equipped everything according to their own taste. It turned out very cozy!

“A money tree grows on the windowsill of young people – and it grows very well,” says a feng shui expert. – If you tie three Chinese coins there, it will enhance its effect. However, there are photo frames next to the tree. By themselves, they are wonderful, but the zone of love and the zone of money should be delimited. “

Smooth lines give positive energy: sconces over the table, ellipses in the backs of chairs, Katya and Yura even have a rounded table! A good solution is to separate the kitchen-dining room and the living room with a screen.

The sofa in the hall is sharp enough. But the guys are great here too: soft toys and a blanket with round patterns “balance” this sharpness. I would advise you to hang a painting in blue and gold on the blank wall above the sofa, if this wall is on the southeast side.

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