Feng Shui

Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui can be likened to home acupuncture. Indeed, if we start from the principle that energy circulates inside the human body, plants but also habitats, or workplaces, it is possible to orient or correct this energy as would an acupuncturist practitioner, in shiatsu, or even through martial arts, yoga etc.

Feng Shui can give rise to work such as:

  • develop outdoor spaces, even small;
  • modify the openings;
  • change the function of certain parts;
  • arrange the furniture differently so as to modify the axes of circulation;
  • clear spaces;
  • add or remove colors;
  • integrate symbolic objects (mirrors, chimes) or natural elements (from the animal, plant or mineral kingdom) for their stimulating or soothing effect (they are called “energy correctors”).

Feng Shui is based on the principle that places of life reflect their inhabitants. This is easy to understand, we all felt, one day or another, when entering a place, a more or less positive impression. In addition, we easily understand the close link between a person and his living space (just look at the craze in recent years for decoration).

Unstructured energy inside a habitat will therefore have a negative impact on the lives of the inhabitants. This can be played out in all areas of life, such as work, marital relations, health, friendships, social and family ties, financial matters, etc.

By balancing the flow of energy, the lives of residents are improved. It should be noted that Feng Shui is one of the branches of Chinese medicine, although it is not widely used in the West by practitioners of Chinese medicine.

The benefits of Feng Shui

By balancing the flow of energy in places of life and work, Feng Shui allows you to regain health and harmony, prevent ailments and live in peace.

It promotes family relationships and with children, couple relationships, friendships, well-being at work, the financial health of the home, a balanced spirituality, a healthy body, caring people around you, a good confidence and good self-esteem.

Even if Feng Shui is not decoration, the advice applied in the interiors creates a soothing and balancing visual harmony.

In her excellent book on Feng Shui “The Truth of Appearances”, Hiria Ottino explains: “Feng Shui starts from the idea that the world of living beings (…) is in constant relation with its physical environment – natural or created – and that this environment deeply influences in a favorable or unfavorable way the existence and the destiny of those who live there (…). The latter (the Feng Shui Masters) will endeavor (whenever possible and if necessary by minor modifications of the physical environment or of the architecture or arrangement of the habitats) to eliminate blockages or obstacles to a free circulation of energies and thus to harmonize as much as possible what one could call the adjustment of humans or their habitats with their environments ”.

The different types of Feng Shui

  • The traditional current
  • The current resulting from the teachings of Lilian Too
  • The current says “from the door”
  • The Vastu Shastra
  • For individuals wishing to improve their life and develop their well-being (house, apartment, studio, and even student room)
  • For professionals and business leaders wishing to promote their turnover, increase their profitability, enhance the well-being of their employees and at the same time reduce absenteeism. It is not without reason that many large companies resort to Feng Shui! Among others, we find Yahoo, Shell, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Mark & ​​Spencer, NM Rothschild and all the companies and banks in Hong Kong and Singapore.
  • For architects, interior designers, urban planners, landscapers can call on Feng Shui to complete their recommendations and many of them form this complementary discipline.
  • For therapists, assistants in helping relationships, well-being and personal development professionals, complete their course with training in Feng Shui, in order to offer a wider range of tools to their clients.

Feng Shui of therapists

It is the Feng Shui closest to the original Feng Shui, the most complicated too. It is based on quite complex calculations and includes Bazi or Chinese astrology. It is practiced using a compass (Chinese Luo Pan compass or classical compass).

Its origin originates in the traditional current, is practiced using a compass. It includes the school of form (study of the influence of environments on places), the school of the compass (sectorization of places to activate each of the areas of life), school of flying stars (work on energy changes depending on time periods, years and even months).

It is the most widespread Feng Shui because it has been widely diffused thanks to popularization so we spoke above. It is also relatively easy to understand and use Feng Shui, while remaining effective.

He would have several origins, sometimes Tibetans called the black caps, sometimes Americans. This current is practiced without a compass, the point of reference being more the North but the entry point of the place. It is therefore a much simpler technique to use, but which leaves aside aspects and in-depth calculations of Feng Shui, such as the calculations of the flying stars, or the calculations of personal directions which allow the inhabitants to be positioned (beds, desks , kitchen etc…).

Some practitioner trainers associate the so-called gate current with the compass current, they make a kind of mixture of the two techniques.

In principle, it is not possible to mix the different techniques, so it is important to be well informed about the current with which you have the most feeling.

Current from India, quite different from Chinese Feng Shui, quite focused on divinities. It is a Feng Shui which has not taken much in the West, perhaps because it remains very far from our culture. There are only a few practitioners using this current.

In all cases, the major principle of Feng Shui is to create an energetic balance of places, among other things by using decorative elements such as the position of furniture, colors, materials, decorative objects etc …

Practical details

No regulation controls the teaching of Feng Shui, and everyone who has read a few books or attended a few workshops can declare themselves a consultant, or even a trainer in Feng Shui.

Contrary to what is sometimes announced, there is no degree in Feng Shui, which means that the teaching is not recognized strictly speaking.

It is therefore advisable to obtain information and explore (in particular on the Internet, thanks to word of mouth) before choosing, and to have direct contact, at least by telephone, with the consultants. It is interesting to know the course of the practitioners, their experience, their benevolence, and their integrity. Choose a consultant with whom the flow is flowing.

Course of a session

There are as many types of Feng Shui consultations as there are consultants. It all depends on the type of habitat or business, the customer’s demand and need, the way the practitioner works in Feng Shui.

The consultant can travel or work remotely From the plans provided to scale and thanks to photos of the places, he can offer a more expensive full consultation or divide the consultation into several parts according to the request and the prior interview with his client.

A full consultation will in all cases require working from the plans to scale, and the consultant will provide a set of advice and recommendations to be put in place (depending on the professional, this can range from a placement to a simple object to do important work. This is part of the preliminary questions to ask before committing.)

Conventionally, the advice will be at most to move furniture, existing decoration, or add points of color, images, plants etc … The recommendations can be provided on paper, digital, or online. ‘oral.

For a complete consultation (i.e. the entire home, with advice on positioning the inhabitants, colors, materials and decoration for each of the rooms), with the submission of a written report, and follow-up by the practitioner in time, it takes an average of 600 to 800 € depending on the surface of the habitat and the number of working hours. The consultation only needs to be done once (except in the event of a move of course), in certain cases, the consultant will be able to propose energy adjustments each year.

Some consultations are offered at a lower price, but generally the advice may not be as complete, so it is again very important to ask for the information of what is included in a price before committing. It is also important to understand that Feng Shui is a holistic, comprehensive discipline, and that less expensive work on a small part of the habitat does not always provide the desired results.

La formation en Feng Shui

There is no diploma training in Feng Shui, at most during your apprenticeship, you will obtain a certification from the trainer. Also note that the names “School”, “Institute”, “Academy” remain only names of companies and are neither a guarantee of quality nor a guarantee of obtaining a recognized diploma!

To choose your training, contact the trainers, ask for the programs, find out about the objectives of the training, the teaching means, the follow-up, the trainer’s training and his / her experience, the existence of an exchange group of ‘students, updating trainer and teaching knowledge, and pick someone with whom you feel good (make sure that the lessons will be given by the person announcing and not by a third person).

Contraindications of Feng Shui

Even if we act, Chinese doctors use Feng Shui as a complementary tool for observing the body of patients, Feng Shui is not a medicine, but a technique promoting well-being, serenity and harmony.

There is therefore no contraindication to the practice of Feng Shui at home, even in a self-taught way with the help of books on the subject. However, the information is so manifold and often contradictory that for concrete results in your life, it is best to contact a practitioner.

A little history of Feng shui

Feng Shui appeared over 4000 years ago in China, along with its sister branch, Yi King (or I Jing), a divination technique highly prized by emperors, particularly in times of war.

The Feng Shui Masters have known repression and exile especially under the dictatorship of Mao Tse Toung (who used this discipline for his own palace!). Many Masters have thus emigrated to America and Europe. Despite a great loss of many books burned, this repression had the effect of starting to make Feng Shui known in the West.

In the 80s, Madame Lillian Too, a Harvard graduate living in Malaysia, began to popularize Feng Shui, which earned her much criticism from purists. However, this had the beneficial effect of making this discipline nebulous and mysterious to Westerners, much more accessible. She is the author of numerous books on the subject, easy to understand and apply. She also offers training in Malaysia among others and has multiple Feng Shui stores, physical and on the Web.

Feng Shui is a centuries-old discipline, of Chinese origin, aimed at promoting the circulation of energy in homes, offices, shops, cities. It makes it possible to increase the well-being of the occupants, and is, for this, classified today in the techniques of well-being and personal development.

In Asia, as in Hong Kong or Singapore, no bank or business center will open its doors without the advice and intervention of a Feng Shui Master, and this, even today. The city of Hong Kong is entirely built on its foundations, like the Principality of Monaco, moreover, on the initiative of Princess Grace Kelly.

We saw its appearance in France about thirty years ago, and is already very well established in North America, particularly in Canada and the United States, where it is, for example, part of the clauses in leases of certain rentals and sales of habitats. It is also commonly used in urban traffic and in the creation of new neighborhoods.

In France and in Europe, its establishment is more timid, despite a growing number of consultants, trainers, articles in magazines and books on the subject, in particular for the past fifteen years. There are also a few shops for Feng Shui items, in major cities and on the web, as well as a multitude of websites and blogs.

Some large companies have taken the plunge and called on Feng Shui consultants to build or renovate their premises, for example terminal G at Charles-de-Gaulle airport, certain hotels in the Sofitel chain, Bouygues Télécom. and many others.

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