Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

When it comes to flower beds, the question invariably arises – how to decorate and protect them. After all, every day people will walk past flower beds, touch flowers, and this is not the best way to care for plantings. On the other hand, beautiful fences only emphasize the landscape and design solutions that were implemented when creating the flower bed.

How to choose a fence

All kinds of fences are quite easy to make with your own hands from improvised materials. Plastic bottles, stones, bricks, iron pipes, trees, in general, everything that can be found are used. They are also used to divide flower beds into zones when it is necessary to emphasize certain features of the flower garden.

When choosing a fence, analyze what plants you will plant. If there are predominantly plants that love moisture, then you should not use wood, it is better to build fences from iron pipes, stone or plastic. If flowers that love dry soil and an abundance of sunlight prevail, then wooden, stone, and plastic components will be used. The choice of materials also depends on the design you come up with – iron and stone fences are more suitable for a desert composition; for a rustic pastoral composition – brick, stone, wood.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

If the fence performs a decorative function, then a small fence 6-8 cm high should be preferred. For borders along the paths, a stable structure 10 cm high and above should be chosen. Brick and stone fences are built around flower beds raised above the ground.

If you need to protect flowers from uncontrolled growth, then plastic, iron nets or brickwork will come to the rescue. To protect against children and pets, you will need high fences, at least 40 cm in height, – wooden, plastic or forged metal. As you can see, most flower beds can be beautifully bordered with the help of improvised materials.


Once you have decided on the functional purpose of the fence, you should take care of the selection of materials. Slate – before use, cut to the required size, trying not to make the segments too narrow and long, in order to avoid breakage. Wood – snags, rods, chocks, picket fence. Previously, raw materials from wood should be cleaned from the bark and treated with antiseptic agents to prevent the formation of microbes, rot, and beetles.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

Stone – both decorative stones and ordinary stones, which can be found in abundance near reservoirs or quarries, are suitable. Before use, they should also be treated with antiseptics, and subsequently thoroughly cleaned of lichen and moss. Brick – both whole bricks and their fragments will do. If desired, you can dig brick blocks into the ground or build walls out of them with your own hands.

Concrete – Concrete fences are used quite often because of their high functionality and durability. Plastic – in the form of a mesh or plastic fence, it is suitable for temporary fences that can be easily moved from place to place. Car tires – use both separate places for flower plantings, and for framing large flower beds.

Discs, vinyl records – a very original way to create a fence for a flower bed. Agree, you rarely see this. There is really an incredible amount of improvised materials and only an inopportunely hibernating imagination can stop you in search of your original solutions.

Video “DIY flower bed»

Video selection of examples on creating a flower bed made of stone.

DIY flower bed

Do-it-yourself fence options

You already know that you can build a fence with your own hands from improvised materials. Let’s now take a closer look at working options that will serve as the basis for your own experiments.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

Wooden fences

There is nothing simpler and more elegant than a handmade wooden fence. Natural material will look good in any conditions. And given that over time the tree decomposes, in a few years the earth will receive high-quality fertilizer.

Traditionally, a picket fence is used to create a fence for flower beds. You can control the height of such a fence, besides, you do not need to have special skills to create it yourself. Adjust the height of the picket fence, connect it to each other with a transverse board, and then nail it to the bases previously driven into the ground.

Wicker fences made of willow vines are no less popular. You will need a large number of vines to be debarked, warp pegs firmly planted in the ground, and some time to weave. Pass the vine between the driven pegs, braiding them, fasten the ends of the lashes with nails.

A do-it-yourself chock border is another version of a wooden fence. First, select wooden logs of the same diameter in the right amount. Dig a trench around the flower bed, fill it with sand and drive the chocks into the ground, tamping them tightly against each other. Then add earth to level the earthen part of the fence and tamp it tightly.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

You can also use driftwood to create an original fence. Dig and tamp the driftwood around the flower bed, laying them one on top of the other. Remember that most wooden components must first be cleaned of bark and treated with an antiseptic.

Stone and brick fences

You can create fences from stones of the correct or irregular shape. They won’t stick together so easily, so use cement to form a fence. For high fences (more than 30 cm), flat stones are used, since they are more firmly linked to each other. Choose the size of the stones according to your wishes. Creativity in decorating flower beds with stones is encouraged by modern stone production – you can include glowing stones in stonework or create patterns from small stones.

Another option is brickwork. Firstly, brick blocks come in different colors, so it will not be difficult to choose the perfect one for the color palette of the flower garden. Secondly, bricks adhere much better to each other, allowing you to create tall, neat, stable structures. However, you can not cement the brickwork, but dig individual blocks into the ground – alternately laying them edgewise on the ground.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

Fence of music discs

Probably many of us have made flower pots out of vinyl records that have been gently heated over a fire. This is not their only secondary use. You can decorate with both CDs and vinyl records. Alternately fasten a section of 6 disks together (using glue, for example), and then fasten them to pegs previously driven into the ground. You get a rather original DIY design, which on clear days will fill your garden with sunbeams.

Car tires as a guardrail

The use of car tires is another option to create a fence with your own hands. They can be dug ⅓ into the ground, and then painted in bright colors. Or, inside each tire, arrange a separate flower garden, then to build a pyramid. Keep in mind that such a decor will require a large flower garden, otherwise it will not look very nice.

Slate fences

Slate scraps can be found, probably, in any barn. By dividing them into separate segments, you can dig the fragments into a small trench and support them with rods – you get a standing fence. Or you can lay out the border of the flower garden with pieces of slate, creating a kind of panel. Remember that when using slate, you can not make too narrow or long segments, as it will burst under load.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

bottle fence

The king of improvised means is plastic or glass bottles. In order to make a fence with your own hands, you will need a large number of bottles and sand. Wash them, remove the labels, fill them with sand and dig them upside down around the flower bed. Such a fence will not require a lot of time, effort, but it will look neat and unusual. It is best to use brown or green glass bottles.

concrete fence

Do-it-yourself concrete fencing is a little more difficult to make than from bottles or wood, but at the same time, the functionality of the structure increases significantly. You can also use ready-made concrete blocks or rings, digging them into the ground, then filling them with fertilized soil. The strength of such structures depends mainly on the quality of the connecting material, adhesive or cement, as well as on the overall quality of the concrete.

Fencing a flower bed with your own hands from improvised materials: fences

Video “Flower beds from improvised materials”

Examples of how to create decorative flower beds with your own hands.

Flowerbeds from improvised materials. Decorative flower beds

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