Femininity and sexuality: how they differ and how to develop them

At first glance, they seem to be synonyms. But it is not. In particular, these two conditions differ in how they are formed and then manifest in a woman’s life. The psychologist tells about the nature of femininity and sexuality.


First, let’s try to understand the terminology. Often these two concepts are given the same meaning, but this is not entirely true. Sexuality is a manifestation of one’s sensual, passionate part. The seduction of a man for sexual, bodily contact, which is based on instincts.

Femininity is a manner of behavior, a set of qualities inherent in a woman in accordance with gender stereotypes. This is tenderness, flexibility, coquettishness, lightness, care. This is a soft energy, unlike sexuality, which is often aggressive.

It is important to understand the difference between these concepts and their manifestations, because the reaction of others to her depends on what kind of energy a woman transmits. Sexuality is about the body and bodily pleasures. Femininity is about femininity and relationships in the classical sense of the word.

Where does femininity come from?

Femininity is largely about a model of behavior. A girl learns to be a woman from her mother, naturally copying her actions. Therefore, the way she grew up speaks of her childhood environment.

If the mother is feminine, caring, gentle, then the girl perceives such behavior as the norm and, as an adult, easily shows femininity. If the mother was emotionally cold, distant, rude – and her adult daughter will be characterized by such a character.

What else can interfere with the manifestation of femininity:

  • if the child perceives this behavior as dangerous or wrong – for example, when the mother competes with her daughter or is jealous of her father. Or when the parents shame the girl by reacting negatively to her words and actions;
  • if femininity is a taboo topic, and the parents themselves treat each other rather coldly and detachedly;
  • if the girl identifies herself not with her mother, but with her father, choosing him as an example of a role model.

Where does sexuality come from?

Children’s sexuality, which is also called infantile, differs from adult. But its manifestations in adolescence and adulthood reflect what was formed in a person in childhood.

Perception of one’s body and attitude towards it, sexual orientation, manifestation of sensuality – all this is formed at an early age, in parallel with the development of the psyche.

One of the facets of the manifestation of sexuality is confidence in one’s attractiveness. What does it depend on? From what emotional response the girl received from her father when she began to try on the role of a woman.

No less important for the development of sexuality is the freedom to express one’s feelings and desires, the absence of shame for bodily pleasures. It is of great importance here how the child’s parents treated questions about intimate relationships, about changing his body.

If sex is talked about as something indecent, then this can affect a woman’s ability to have an orgasm and enjoy intimacy in general.

How are femininity and sexuality related?

Femininity and sexuality may exist separately from each other, may be present together or be weakly manifested. However, they are interdependent and complement each other.

So, femininity without sexuality creates the impression of an infantile woman. And sexuality without femininity is aggressive and emotionally cold. It is the combination of these two qualities that keeps a balance in a woman’s life and influences how others perceive her.

The absence of one or the other trait does not mean anything fatal and does not require a complete change in yourself and your life. Especially if you feel in harmony. But if you still want changes, then achieving them is not so difficult.

How to learn to be feminine and sexy?

Sexuality is revealed through acquaintance with one’s body, sensuality, through the freedom of manifestation of desire. Femininity – through the definition of one’s own identity and the search for an example.

You can start change by asking yourself:

  • Which women seem feminine to me? Which ones are sexy?
  • What qualities do they have? Which of these qualities do I like?
  • Which ones do I already have?
  • What qualities would I like to have?
  • Why should I be more feminine (sexy)?
  • Do I believe that these changes are possible? If I don’t believe it, why not? What is an obstacle?

From the list of desired qualities, select those that you already have. Then those that take a little time to manifest. And those that, in your opinion, are the most difficult to develop. Why do they seem inaccessible to you?

Try to imagine how you would behave if you were already as feminine as you want? Feel, live this state. What can you do right now to feel close to him?

Look in your environment and among famous people for those women whose behavior, demeanor, style you like. Watch them. Pay attention to details.

Check your attitudes and fears related to the role of a woman and femininity. What is the role of a woman? What advantages do I see in this role? What dangers do I see?

Think about what and who feeds your female part. See what kind of people make you confident in your attractiveness and inspire you. Try to communicate more with them, notice compliments and attention in your address.

Why is femininity necessary?

There are patterns in the behavior of men and women that have been laid down for millions of years. The woman is feminine and the man is masculine. And it is a man and a woman who form a couple. For this puzzle to work, both pieces are needed.

Speaking of femininity, we mean, first of all, not the appearance. We are talking about the energy that a woman transmits, about how she perceives herself. It is natural for a woman to be feminine.

Of course, life makes its own adjustments, so the representatives of the “weaker sex” often have to be strong. But allowing your feminine side to emerge does not mean becoming infantile. It means to enrich your life and show the man that there is a place for him next to you.

About expert

Ekaterina Pavlenko – psychoanalytically oriented psychologist, psychotherapist. Her blog.

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