The appendages are the ovaries and fallopian tubes and the surrounding tissues. Almost every woman is affected by problems with appendages. The symptoms of these conditions may be severe or asymptomatic. Neglecting treatment can have serious consequences for a woman’s fertility and, in some cases, lead to cancer. Learn about the most common problems of female appendages.
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1/ 10 adnexitis
Adnexitis is a very common cause of abdominal pain in women. The cause of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes is pathogenic microbes. Bacteria and fungi can get from the lower parts of the genitourinary system, where the infection takes place. Inflammation of the ovaries can also be caused by circulating bacteria in the blood, originating from tooth decay or diseased tonsils, e.g. in the course of angina. The disease manifests itself as lower abdominal pain, fever, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, and urination disorders. Adnexitis should be treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs after proper microbiological testing. If left untreated, it can become chronic and cause adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Read more in Troublesome infections.
2/ 10 polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome manifests itself as menstrual disorders, with hair on different parts of the body that is unusual for a woman. The ultrasound image shows enlarged, polycystic ovaries with several identical follicles. The disease is caused by hormonal abnormalities, mainly female hormones LH, FSH, prolactin, but also insulin and thyroid hormones. The disease can be detected by ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs and by performing hormonal tests. photo BE&W Everything about polycystic ovary syndrome – read in health.TvoiLokony
3/ 10 ovarian cyst
An ovarian cyst may be painful, constipated, tight in the abdomen, or be asymptomatic. The cyst can be examined by a gynecologist during a routine examination or with the help of transvaginal ultrasound. Assessment of the size, shape, exact location of the cyst and its content allows us to approximate the type of cyst, although the final method is laparoscopic evaluation and histopathological examination of the tissue. It is recommended to measure the level of hormones (estrogens, progesterone, LH, FSH) and determine tumor markers (CA-125). The cause of the formation of cysts may be untreated inflammation of the genital tract, genetic factors, endometriosis, and hormonal disorders. Treatment of a cyst depends on its type, size and location. Sometimes hormonal and anti-inflammatory treatment is sufficient, in other cases surgery is necessary. Rupture of the cyst can be dangerous and can cause peritoneal irritation and inflammation. Read more in Ovarian cysts – Benign or Malignant? photo of BE&W
4/10 ovarian cancer
It is a very insidious tumor, 75% of patients at diagnosis are in a very advanced stage of the disease. Only 25% of women survive 5 years from the diagnosis of cancer. The most common disease is women over 50 (over 60%), although the disease occurs in about 10% of young women before the age of 20. Genetic factors and the family occurrence of not only ovarian cancer, but also breast and colon cancer are of great importance. It should also be strongly emphasized that it occurs much more often in women who have never given birth. The symptoms are not specific: abdominal pain, constipation or frequent urination, unexpected enlargement of the abdomen. A thorough interview with the patient and a gynecological examination together with an ultrasound examination are currently the only methods of early detection of ovarian abnormalities. Photo: BE&W
5/10 endometriosis
The most common symptom of endometriosis is pain in the pelvic area. Pain associated with endometriosis can be felt: before, during or after menstruation, during ovulation (ovulation) or during urination. In addition to the pelvic area, it can also be found in the lower back. In addition, there may also be other, additional symptoms: diarrhea or constipation (in some cases, they may occur in a specific phase of the menstrual cycle), repeated bloating, vaginal bleeding, feeling weak. At the root of this disease is the growth of the lining of the womb (endometrium) outside the uterine cavity. Endometrial tissue may be located in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, in the intestines, in the peritoneal cavity or in the bladder. As a result of inflammation, nodules and adhesions may form in these organs. The so-called chocolate cysts filled with blood. The rupture of such a cyst can be life threatening. Read more about endometriosis. photo of BE&W
6/10 chlamydioza
Chlamydia trachomatis is a very common bacterium and can be caught in the swimming pool or by sharing toiletries. But chlamydia is mostly transmitted sexually. The bacterium causes inflammation of the cervix, inflammation of the urethra. If the infection spreads to the area of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, adnexitis occurs. The disease is often asymptomatic, leading to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes and infertility. If adnexitis is suspected, diagnosis for chlamydiosis should always be performed, as it is a common cause of problems with the appendages. See photo galleries about venereal diseases.
7/10 zrosty pozapalne
The cause of post-inflammatory adhesions may be surgery in the abdominal cavity, even unrelated to the appendages. Often the formation of adhesions is a consequence of inflammation, endometriosis, cysts in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Adhesions can be treated surgically, pharmacologically or symptomatically with the use of irradiation and mud compresses. photo of BE&W
8/ 10 ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancies most often develop in the fallopian tube, but can also occur in the ovary and between the intestines. The development of the embryo outside the womb is life-threatening for the woman and should therefore be removed quickly. The growing embryo can tear tissues and vessels apart, causing internal hemorrhage. The main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are abnormal vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain and fainting. Ectopic pregnancy is caused by inflammatory adhesions in the ovaries and fallopian tubes that prevent the embryo from reaching the uterus from the fallopian tube. photo of BE&W
9/ 10 ultrasound of appendages
Transvaginal ultrasound is a good method to detect disturbing changes in the reproductive organs. Every woman should undergo this examination at least once a year. photo of BE&W
10/ 10 painful ovulation
Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle and may result in lower abdominal pain, a feeling of wrinkling and slight spotting. Spotting between your periods should always be consulted with your doctor, as it can be a symptom of a serious medical condition such as cervical cancer. photo by BE&W Take care of your child’s immunity and protect them from catching a cold!