Female talent for pleasure

What determines the female “talent” to get an orgasm? It is believed that pleasure in sex directly depends on the psychological state – trust in a partner, confidence and love play an important role. However, we receive pleasure through the body, and a lot also depends on its condition. What physiological features allow you to get even more pleasure from sex?

Recent studies have shown that the degree of female satisfaction in sex largely depends on the pelvic nerve. This is the “wire” through which the signal from the female organs rises to the brain – to provide a firework of experiences there.

The location of this nerve is unique and inimitable, like a fingerprint: if the nerve passes close to the surface of the body (genitals), then the woman is excited much faster, orgasm can come suddenly, brightly, insanely and almost from scratch. If the nerve runs deeper, then events will not develop so rapidly.

We cannot influence this anatomical feature in any way. We are all different, and the process of arousal is different for us due to different anatomical structures. The location of the nerve may affect the speed at which orgasm is achieved, but not its quality. More “deeper” natures love a slightly longer foreplay, a more subtle sense of intimacy, various caresses – and receive no less multifaceted pleasure.

A bright and beautiful orgasm “was” only when the lower back relaxed

The physiological factor that affects the intensity of the female orgasm is the health of the lower back. It would seem, where is the intimate area, and where is the lower back? In fact, it’s not that far. The same pelvic nerve that we talked about above exits the lumbar spine, and if there are hernias or curvatures in this area, the signal from the pelvis to the brain may not pass correctly.

Girls who “lost” their orgasm repeatedly came to me at seminars on female Taoist practices – they used to have it, but then somehow “weakened” and “wasted”. They wanted to work on intimate muscles, increase sensitivity. In the course of the classes, it became clear that with sensitivity everything was getting better and better, but … A bright and beautiful orgasm “was” only after a seminar on improving the spine: when the lower back relaxed.

Lower back relaxation exercise

To really relax the lower back, I offer a simple and effective exercise from the course “Youth and health of the spine” – it is called “Snake Rings”.

A little theoretical preparation: the human thoracic region consists of 12 vertebrae. The first thoracic vertebra is at the base of the neck, and the 12th is opposite the solar plexus. Below, under the 12th thoracic, there are five lumbar vertebrae: they are much larger than the thoracic vertebrae.

1. Stand up straight, knees straight, feet hip-width apart. Lower your head so that it seems to bend under its own weight.

2. Mentally imagine that you are tilting on the first thoracic vertebra: it seems to be hanging. Make this micro-movement: the head hangs, the neck is relaxed, and after it the second thoracic vertebra hangs, the third … And so on until the 12th. Note that this is a very slight forward lean, and the most important thing about it is a subtle, careful concentration of attention; the inner gaze seems to follow from vertebra to vertebra.

3. Hang on the 12th vertebra: check that the head hangs freely and the entire pelvic region is relaxed.

4. Continue to develop the slope: the first lumbar vertebra hangs, the second, third, fourth, fifth. It is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately concentrate on each vertebra. Follow the subtle sensations in your body.

5. Having enjoyed hanging, we begin to grow up. Slightly bend your knees, the pelvis is relaxed, the whole body hangs – and the fifth lumbar vertebra rises (sprouts). The fourth one rises, the third, the second… Your task is to rise, keeping the relaxation found in hanging. All the muscles of the back and pelvis are relaxed, only the next vertebra seems to “build on” the previous one. Grow – slowly and relaxed – to the first thoracic vertebrae.

Repeat this exercise 2-3 times, paying special attention to relaxing the pelvis and lower back on the rise. Please note: if there are “pinchings” in the lumbar region, hernias are diagnosed, this exercise should be done while sitting and with a minimum amplitude.

Do the exercise for a week every day, and then … Evaluate how the feeling of intimacy has changed! I’m sure the difference will be noticeable.

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