Female hormone progesterone
He is responsible for the onset of pregnancy, awakens the maternal instinct in a woman and makes her feel tenderness at the sight of babies. All this can only be done by him alone – the female hormone progesterone.
It is the female hormone progesterone, which is produced in the ovaries, that is responsible for making the desired pregnancy real and, if possible, as comfortable as possible for the expectant mother.
The female hormone progesterone: responsible for “femininity”
Female hormone progesterone in women, it is produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle by the corpus luteum of the ovary, the adrenal cortex, and also by the placenta – during pregnancy. In men, the hormone is also present and produced by the seminal vesicles.
The female hormone progesterone is also generally responsible for women’s health. If in the second part of the menstrual cycle the estrogen content is higher than the progesterone level, this threatens the development of various hormonal diseases – endometrial polyposis, uterine myoma, mastopathy, etc.
The lack of the female hormone progesterone threatens miscarriage during pregnancy, infertility and, in general, negatively affects the female reproductive function. During pregnancy, progesterone must inhibit the activity of the muscle layer of the uterus, and if it is not produced enough, this can lead to a miscarriage. Frequent miscarriages in most cases indicate a lack of progesterone in the body, therefore hormonal drugs are prescribed to women with similar problems.
At the same time, progesterone is actively used as a contraceptive, as it prevents ovulation. The mood of a woman also depends on progesterone – for example, with a low rate of the hormone in the blood in the second half of the cycle, a woman may experience irritability, which, in turn, can lead to depression.
Progesterone – the female hormone of the maternal instinct
The fact that a woman at the sight of small children feels tenderness or even a well-known love of girls for soft toys is also explained by the female hormone progesterone. It is so programmed by nature that at the sight of a certain “infant form” (small body, big head, large eyes), the level of progesterone in the blood of women rises. For this reason, the female hormone progesterone is considered to be responsible for the maternal instinct – it is under its influence that a woman becomes psychologically ready for raising and caring for a child.
Finally, the production of breast milk also lies on the “conscience” of progesterone, because it prepares the mammary glands to produce milk at birth.
The female hormone progesterone, in conjunction with other female hormones, is responsible for women’s health, regulates her ability to conceive and bear a child, shapes the female body, is responsible for her metabolism and even affects such seemingly psychological characteristics as maternal feelings and mental balance.
For this reason, a woman should be attentive to herself and regularly visit a doctor and be tested for hormone content.
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