Female ejaculation is a little talked about subject. However, “fountain women”, as those who manage to ejaculate profusely are called, are the subject of many fantasies and preconceived ideas. So, what is female ejaculation and what causes this physiological phenomenon?
What is a woman fountain?
Over the past ten years, many studies have been carried out on squirting women to understand what female ejaculation is. Concretely, it is, just like for male ejaculation, a physiological phenomenon which appears during orgasm. At the time of orgasm, the woman produces a transparent liquid, in several small jets. This is a so-called “reflex” reaction: the body has an involuntary muscular response, in response to a stimulus (in this case, sexual pleasure and orgasm). However, we distinguish female ejaculation, which consists of producing liquid in small quantities and in several small jets (this is why most of the time, this phenomenon goes completely unnoticed), squirting women, who produce they a greater quantity of this same liquid, in an abundant and continuous manner.
Where does “female sperm” come from?
The liquid produced during female ejaculation comes from glands located in the urethra (the outlet for urine that leaves the bladder and leads to the vulva, between the clitoris and the vagina). These female glands, called the para-urethral or Skene glands, are often compared to the prostate in men, whose function is to secrete some of the seminal fluid. During orgasm, if there is ejaculation, they then produce a transparent and odorless liquid in greater or lesser quantity, often in several consecutive jets. In squirting women, this amount can reach up to 150 ml per orgasm, and the spray is often continuous. Finally, be aware that the role of this liquid, if it had to have a particular one, is to this day still unknown to researchers and gynecologists.
How to successfully ejaculate when you are a woman?
The main thing is above all to relax, to be confident, and to have fun. Indeed, the women who confide to have already ejaculated or been women squirting in their life all agree on one point: ejaculation takes place only when they really take pleasure and that the felt orgasm is powerful. Stimulation of the G-spot (an area located on the inner and anterior wall of the vagina, very close to the entrance), however, seems to promote the phenomenon of ejaculation. But then, is anyone with a vagina able to ejaculate?
Can all women be fountain women?
As we have seen, certain positions or practices seem to favor the appearance of this phenomenon. But can all women ejaculate? On this point, researchers are not unanimous. Indeed, each body and especially each person is different. It is therefore difficult to generalize, especially when it comes to sex. We all react differently to pleasure and stimulation and all have our own unique way of enjoying and expressing our orgasm. So, although it would appear that a large majority of women emit fluid in varying amounts (often only a few milliliters) when they cum, it would be inappropriate to assert that anyone with a vagina is able to experience it. ejaculation. It is up to everyone to understand their body and their pleasure, and to try to experience this phenomenon.
Stop preconceived ideas
We have long heard that female ejaculation did not exist, that it was in fact only a jet of urine produced when the woman was stimulated while she had a full bladder, or worse: that it was a disease or even a dysfunction. This misconception has since been contradicted by researchers, thankfully. We now know that the liquid produced is neither urine, nor discharge, nor cum (a secretion produced by the vagina during sexual arousal). The publication of scientific studies as well as the liberalization of speech in the sexual field has enabled women to demystify this subject, too long reserved for a minority or associated, wrongly, with pornography. Today, female ejaculation is a subject that tends to be better approached and understood by the general public, so that everyone can experience fulfilling sexuality, without taboos or misconceptions.
There are two types of people in the world: those who wonder what the thing is female ejaculation, and liars. This is as legitimate a scientific question as any other question about physiology, so it shouldn’t surprise you that there are scientists in the world who have devoted part of their careers to investigating this sensitive topic. So, here’s what they found out .

First of all, ejaculation cannot occur unless it is preceded by an orgasm. Both men and women can ejaculate when they cum, but the male version of the eruption is significantly different from the female. The male mechanism is simple: a few minutes of intense stimulation, familiar fireworks. Women are more complicated – they have several ways to achieve orgasm, and their bodies are capable of secreting different types of fluids.
Some women need very little to reach the final, others take much longer. Features of the psyche, mood, emotional comfort play a huge role in many cases. How many types of orgasm women can experience is a moot point, but science divides these sensations into two types. In the first case, orgasm is caused by the penetration and stimulation of the entire vaginal-clitoral complex, in the second case, by external stimulation of the clitoris.
Sometimes a girl’s achievement of orgasm is accompanied by the release of fluids, again, completely different from those that the body of an excited guy throws out. Men always shoot a mixture of sperm and enzymes, but only 1-4 women out of 10 experience uncontrollable orgasm. The volumes of this liquid vary greatly – from 30 to 150 ml . This phenomenon is known as “squirting”, and for centuries, scientists, thinkers and, of course, women themselves have wondered what it could be. No sperm, of course, then what does it consist of and why is it needed?
Common sense dictates that any ejaculate should contribute to the reproductive process, that is, ideally, the female ejaculate exists in order to help the male enter the uterus. If the spermatozoa are placed in an additional amount of fluid of the right temperature, viscosity and acidity, they are more likely to meet the egg.

One recent study has sought to determine whether squirting is indeed an act of “hyperhydration”. French biologists invited seven women who, according to their own words, could fill a small glass with secretions during an orgasm, to participate in the experiment. They emptied their bladders and provided the scientists with urine samples, after which they lay down in the ultrasound machines and indulged in love pleasures – some with a partner, some on their own.
A sample of ejaculate was taken from each, then the doctors examined the ultrasound images. They were in for a surprise – despite the fact that the women’s bladder was empty before orgasm, it quickly began to fill just before the moment of supreme pleasure, leading to the conclusion that squirt is nothing more than a sharp release of urine .
Subsequent laboratory tests found that two of the seven women ejaculate was almost entirely urine. The five others had traces of prostate-specific antigen ( PSA ) in the fluid, which was also mostly urine . PSA is a substance that is responsible for the buoyancy of sperm, in men it is produced by the prostate. But the female body also produces it (in Skene’s gland, located in the urethra), it colors the liquid in a milky white color.
The research team came to the conclusion that there are two types of female ejaculate: the first is almost pure urine, and the second, which was recognized as the “true” ejaculate, contains a substance that helps conception. In terms of the pleasure of the subject, they are equivalent , and those who did not experience squirt experienced no less pleasure. Regarding the physical ability of women to have a wet orgasm, gynecologists still have not come to a consensus whether it is a distinctive feature of some people or theoretically all women can do it.

It’s funny that the day before, female ejaculation was listed as a banned act in UK-produced porn – along with choking, fisting, face sitting, hard whipping, sexual assault, penetration of objects associated with violence, and offensive epithets of intercourse in each other’s address. Male ejaculation was not included in this list.
The ban on squirting has sparked protests as it means female ejaculation is considered perverse, as opposed to “natural” male ejaculation. The basis for the decision was that most of the squirting fluid is urine, which reduces it to the level of “unnatural” acts during sexual intercourse, such as asphyxia, intentional violence and “golden rain”, which is on the same list.
As many commentators here point out , the fact that female ejaculation releases primarily urine does not make it fundamentally different from male ejaculation. If you draw the line between an enzyme solution with microscopic tadpole-like creatures and a carbamide solution escaping from the same place, something is clearly wrong with you. Well, really, what difference does it make if everyone enjoys it?
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