Female and male friendship: 10 fundamental differences

Friendships are most often established for several reasons: common interests, mutual support, the need for communication. However, in men and women, these relationships usually develop differently.

Male friendship is usually built on common hobbies and joint participation in some activity, and female friendship is based on personal relationships. While there are more similarities than differences in the dynamics of friendships, men and women view friendships and interact with friends differently.

Relationships between girlfriends are often very close and deeply personal, and relationships between male friends are usually not so serious. It is not surprising that face-to-face communication is more important for female friendship: friends communicate more emotionally, willingly share their thoughts and feelings, and support each other.

It is more important for male friends to do things together, “side by side”, rather than communicate “face to face”. Their relationship with friends is not so close emotionally, mutual benefit plays a big role on the principle of “you to me, I to you.” It also differs in how often they communicate with friends, are involved in friendly relations, what personal problems they are ready to discuss.

Men are more likely to bond through common activities such as sports, while women are more likely to share personal secrets with each other.

Unlike women, men often do not need to discuss any changes in life with friends, and in general they do not always need to maintain regular contact. Men may not communicate with a person for a long time and continue to consider him a close friend. If a woman has not communicated with a friend for a long time, she will most likely decide that the paths have parted and the friendship is over.

And although there is less emotional closeness in friendship between men, their relationship is not as fragile as that of women. Men tend to bond more often by doing something in common, such as sports, while women tend to bond over personal secrets, talking, and spending time together.

Men make friends more easily because they don’t suspect each other’s ulterior motives and don’t feel the need to share personal information to maintain a friendship. At the same time, men who are not inclined to share their feelings with friends often willingly tell about their feelings to wives, girlfriends, sisters or girlfriends with whom they maintain a purely platonic relationship.

What is the difference between women’s friendship and men’s?

1. Men are friends “side by side”, their relationship arises and is maintained on the basis of common activities, deeds, interests and hobbies.

2. Women make friends “face to face”, their relationships arise and are maintained on the basis of emotional intimacy, communication and mutual support.

3. In friendships between men, there is less spiritual and emotional intimacy than in friendships between women.

4. Friendly relations between men are not as fragile as relations between girlfriends, that is, a man can continue to consider a person a friend even with long breaks in communication.

5. Women are emotionally attached to those they consider friends.

6. Men are more likely to stay friends after a fight or argument, while women are more likely to end relationships.

7. Women need to communicate more often with those whom they consider friends.

8. Men are more likely to tease friends and make fun of them, considering it harmless entertainment.

9. Women usually try not to make fun of their friends, for fear of hurting them.

10 Men are more likely to communicate in large companies, they have more fun together, while women prefer to go somewhere with just one good friend.

Of course, it cannot be said that these features apply to all men and women. These are rather general trends. Whatever your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend, it’s important to figure out exactly what you’re looking for in a friendship. The answer to this question will help you understand whether it is possible to build the relationship with a person that you would like.

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