Female alcoholism
Until recently, a drinking woman was an out of the ordinary phenomenon. But recently, female alcoholism has become very common. What is the reason and what to do to restore health?

Female alcoholism is a disease that is usually hidden, which is why it is detected already in the later stages of addiction. Agree, it is easier to imagine a man-alcoholic than a woman – the mother of a family. High social expectations and the lifestyle of women who are able to perfectly hide imperfections with the help of cosmetics and clothing suggest a latent course of the disease.

In recent years, the growth of female alcoholism has become an urgent problem. If earlier, according to statistics, the number of drinking women and men varied in the ratio of 1:12, then at the moment the figure is closer to 1:4. To meet a drinking girl in a bar, drunken women on March 8 no longer seems to be something out of the ordinary. The sight of a drinking lady has become socially acceptable, moreover, photographs with a glass of wine, noisy parties with a copious libation, a demonstration of love for elite alcohol have become elements of the image, an indicator of emancipation and openness, and not a reason for social condemnation of such a lifestyle.

“In fact, there are no special differences between female and male alcoholism,” says psychiatrist Artem Chernov. – In both cases, it is a chronic disease, which is formed due to the acquisition of a pathological craving for alcohol. Another thing is that women manage to hide this addiction for a longer time, or relatives cover it up out of a sense of shame in front of society. It is easier to imagine a man bullying his family with constant binges than a woman doing the same. Most often, attention is paid to female alcoholism when the situation becomes critical: a woman drinks all day long, loses her job, is unable to take care of her children and household, her appearance, sinks to the social bottom.

What is alcoholism

Alcoholism is a chronic disease in which mental and physical dependence on alcohol is formed.

An irresistible craving for alcohol defeats common sense, a person strives to drink every day, can ignore social and job obligations, break promises “not to drink”, do not remember himself in a state of intoxication, morally degrade, get into unpleasant, often criminal stories under the influence of alcohol, sit down in driving in this condition.

Alcoholism is formed under the pressure of many factors, ranging from aggravated heredity, metabolic changes in the body, ending with tragic events in the family (loss of a loved one, financial failures), depression, etc. Including alcohol dependence can be formed against the background of relative success in life, as well as the possibility of daily drinking without the need to work and a clear daily routine.

Symptoms of female alcoholism

It is rather difficult to convict a woman of the systematic use of alcohol if she continues to be socially active. This is especially true for women who live alone. In any case, relatives and friends should be wary not only when they directly see a woman drunk, but also judge by indirect signs:

  • sudden irresponsibility – a woman stops fulfilling her promises, postpones meetings, “forgets” about important matters;
  • sudden mood swings – aggressive behavior and anger can be traced during the day, or melancholy and sadness, despondency, which are subsequently replaced by fun and goodwill;
  • changes in appearance – a woman ceases to take care of herself, begins to look untidy, is not puzzled by her manicure, hairstyle, her own health, etc .;
  • lifestyle changes – giving up hobbies, playing sports, ignoring previous hobbies, not taking care of children, prefers to stay at home or, on the contrary, spends time in unknown places;
  • changes in consciousness – forgetfulness, inability or unwillingness to keep up the conversation, as before, inhibition of reaction, inappropriate jokes, generally inappropriate behavior;
  • the constant presence of alcohol at home, empty bottles in unexpected places, unwashed glasses, or vice versa – sterile cleanliness and all avoidance of talking about alcohol;
  • the appearance of new friends, meetings and communication with which end in a state of intoxication.

Causes of female alcoholism

There are several reasons that can lead to the formation of the disease:

  • controversial social status – a woman has not “found herself”, does not have a permanent job;
  • monotonous, routine lifestyle – the so-called “alcoholism of housewives”;
  • disharmony in the family – excessive demands from family members, high workloads at home and at work, caring for sick children or relatives, etc.;
  • cohabitation with a drinking husband or partner (“marital” alcoholism);
  • loss of a child, husband (the so-called “widow” alcoholism);
  • depression;
  • loneliness;
  • childhood abuse.

Stages of female alcoholism

The stages of alcoholism, both female and male, are the same.

I stage (compensated). Its signs are the loss of situational and quantitative control. Friends are selected exclusively on the topic of an alcoholic type of recreation, others become uninteresting. That is, a woman chooses exclusively alcoholic parties for herself. Those who are supposed to drink tea avoid, either hold on for a while, knowing that they will come home and drink there, or come up with a reason to skip a glass or two without judgment: “it was a difficult day”, “a young man left”, “a birthday with my sister”, “successfully passed the project”, etc.

At the same time, starting to drink alcohol, a woman does not know the measure, there is no gag reflex. He often gets drunk until he loses his memory, he does not remember how he gets home, in the morning he cannot restore some of the events. This phenomenon is called “alcoholic palimpsest”, the so-called “patchwork memory”. However, after waking up, there is still a feeling of shame, the woman promises not to drink anymore and can even hold out for several days. At this stage, she still has a false belief that if she wants to, she can stop drinking on her own, although this state already speaks of a physical dependence on alcohol.

II (subcompensated). At this stage, criticism of what is happening is lost and patients cease to be ashamed of their addiction, and most importantly, to justify it in every possible way in the style: “everyone drinks, why can’t I?” This is the stage of a detailed picture of the disease. Patients can drink before a responsible meeting, work, or knowing that, for example, they have to do lessons with children, etc. At the same time, they are still able to take care of themselves, do not give the impression of inveterate drunkards, so they can hold out at this stage for several years. Although the clinic of alcoholism is already manifesting itself: a puffy face, bursting blood vessels and bags under the eyes, hand tremors, palpitations, and a pronounced withdrawal syndrome. The purpose of life boils down to one thing: to get a hangover faster so that it “becomes better”.

III (decompensation). The final stage with the development of irreversible changes in the body. A woman stops taking care of herself, behaves inappropriately, is ready to give herself to anyone for a bottle of vodka – moral degradation sets in. At this stage, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and blood circulation may appear, but in an alcoholic stroke, patients do not notice this and ignore their health. There is only one way out in this situation – long-term rehabilitation treatment in a drug treatment clinic, followed by rehabilitation.

Treatment of female alcoholism

“The method of treating alcoholism is standard, worked out over decades,” says psychiatrist Artem Chernov. – Firstly, this is hospitalization in a hospital, a complete examination, detoxification, selection of drugs that stabilize mood, restore liver function. Secondly, avoidance of places where they drink alcohol and meetings with former drinking buddies, work with a psychologist, individual and group psychotherapy. For this stage, there are numerous rehabilitation centers. After leaving them, the outpatient program also involves observation by a psychotherapist, in self-help groups. You need to understand that there is no magic pill for alcoholism. Treatment is a serious long-term work, first of all, by the patient herself.


The diagnosis of “alcohol addiction” is always a serious and difficult conclusion of a narcologist. Currently, it is mainly based on information provided by the patient’s relatives. Self-referral of a patient with alcoholism to a narcological dispensary is still a rarity to this day.

The clinical signs of alcoholism are closely related to the stages of alcohol dependence described above. The physician should carefully collect an anamnesis of the life and disease of the patient. There are also a number of specific criteria to identify chronic alcoholism. It:

  • manifestation of tolerance to alcohol – a constant need to increase the dose of alcohol consumed;
  • inability to stop when drinking alcohol;
  • a pronounced “withdrawal syndrome” (metabolic syndromes, bulimia / anorexia, etc.);
  • an irresistible desire to hangover;
  • unsuccessful attempts to stop drinking;
  • constant search for alcohol and a reason to drink;
  • prolonged withdrawal from binge;
  • ignoring household and official duties;
  • narrowing the range of interests;
  • drinking alcohol before responsible events;
  • problems with the personal environment up to the termination of communication with once close people.

Laboratory indicators of chronic female alcoholism, depending on the stage of the disease in the initial stages, may remain normal.

Modern treatments

At the moment, many rehabilitation centers offer unique comprehensive programs to cure women of alcoholism. Individual therapeutic and drug courses are being developed to improve both the physiological and psycho-emotional state of women. At the same time, comfort plays an important role: in other centers, rehabilitation is more like a spa treatment in an elite boarding house with psychotherapy groups. If there are financial opportunities, such treatment can be done abroad.

Prevention of female alcoholism at home

First of all, it is peace and harmony in the family, a low level of stress, mutual understanding and support of relatives and friends, psychological comfort, the presence of a hobby, interesting work.

An active lifestyle is important: if a woman is constantly busy with something, spends time on the water in summer, enjoys skiing in winter, then you can forget about the presence of drunken entertainment. If all this is not there, then it remains to rely solely on your own willpower and take a vow – not to drink alcohol under any pretext.

Popular questions and answers

Why is female alcoholism dangerous?

Personal disintegration, moral degradation, antisocial lifestyle, premature aging and death.

Who is more susceptible to alcoholism: men or women?

It is believed that due to the smaller muscle mass than men, women get drunk faster, so it is easier to “addict” to alcohol. However, the stages of chronic alcoholism in men and women are the same, and their length depends on the individual properties of the body and the volitional qualities of the character of each person.

What are the consequences of female alcoholism?

In physiological terms: early aging, STDs due to promiscuity, damage to the gastrointestinal tract (especially the liver, pancreas), cardiovascular disorders, brain atrophy.

And also infertility. At the same time, there is a downside to the coin: with the preservation of reproductive function, a woman suffering from alcoholism may be able to conceive and bear a child. If we exclude the percentage of miscarriages, stillborn children, then the physical and mental health of such children may subsequently have a number of profound disorders. Not for nothing in medicine there is a term FAS – fetal alcohol syndrome, or fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). It concerns children who suffered from alcohol intoxication while still in the womb, and who were born with serious malformations.

When to call a doctor at home?

With the development of somatic disorders that pose a threat to life and health (for example, a hypertensive crisis), as well as mental disorders against the background of prolonged drinking or withdrawal syndrome: delirium, psychosis.

Is it true that female alcoholism is incurable?

Not true. If there is a desire to recover – it can still be fixable.

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