Felt cherry – rules for planting and caring for a tree

Having seen at least once how the felt cherry blossoms and having tasted its sweet-sour fruits, you will definitely want to have such a tree in your summer cottage. However, felted cherries, planting and caring for which were initially planned and carried out with errors, can disappoint any gardener. After reading this article, you will easily plant felt cherries, and also learn how to properly care for them. And then an excellent harvest of berries is provided to you.

How to plant a felt cherry

Before planting, keep in mind that felted cherries are self-fertile (cannot self-pollinate like most fruit trees). Based on this, for better pollination, it is necessary that varieties grow nearby that bloom at the same time. For this procedure, varieties are better suited than others: “Natalie”, “Fairy Tale”, “Summer”, “Princess”.

When to plant?

It is best to plant in the spring, until the moment when the buds have blossomed on the seedling. The time period from spring to autumn will help the tree grow stronger, gain strength and prepare well for winter. It will sufficiently develop the root system and prepare reserves of nutrients. Usually planted in April. If the seedlings were harvested in advance, they should be buried before the onset of spring to preserve them. At the same time, you should consider how to protect them from freezing and rodents. You can plant seedlings in the fall, but not later than September.

Felt cherry - rules for planting and caring for a tree

This variety is very adaptable, so it easily takes root in most areas and can please the first harvest in two years. But still there are some subtleties that you need to pay attention to during care.


Fertile, well-drained soils are suitable for the growth and development of this variety. Ideal in this regard are loamy and sandy soils, the pH of which should be neutral. If the soil in your area is acidic, it will need to be limed (treated with lime). But high soil moisture will not contribute to high yields, so you should not plant a plant in the lowlands. Excess moisture adversely affects the development, fruiting and immunity of the plant and can even contribute to its death.

Shallow groundwater will also interfere with the development of a young seedling. The best place for felt cherries will be a sunny area of ​​the garden, because it does not like shading.


First, dig a hole 60 cm wide and deep. Place a fertile mixture of black soil and humus at the bottom. Fertilize the soil around the growth perimeter of the future tree – per 1 sq. m will require at least 3 buckets of organic fertilizers. So, potassium is taken 30 g, phosphorus – 60 g, lime – at least 800 g. The prepared mixture is thoroughly mixed until smooth.

Immediately before placing the seedling in the hole, it is advisable to cut its roots by 20-25 cm in order to promote better development of lateral roots. After that, process the sections with a clay masher and only then proceed to planting. Carefully monitor the level of deepening of the root neck, it should not fall below 4 cm from the ground.

The distance between the trees should be at least 2 m. The layout of young seedlings should be sparse, namely 3 by 1,5 m. Be sure to water the soil well and be sure to compact so that the bush can gain a foothold. Also mulch the soil using peat. This agricultural practice helps to maintain and regulate soil moisture, and as a result, you can reduce the amount of watering.


In addition to the above method of planting seedlings for propagation, horizontal layering is also used. In the spring, all the stems of the tree are cut off, except for one. And already with the onset of summer, it will give several strong, healthy shoots, which, with the advent of next spring, will need to be cut and laid in pre-prepared grooves. The depth at which the shoots are placed must be at least 6 cm. During the summer months, vertical young shoots will appear from them. They need periodic dusting with moist soil. Shoots that are finally rooted can be carefully separated from the mother tree in the fall and transplanted to a permanent place.

Also, reproduction can be carried out in greenhouses, using green cuttings for this. In the garden, they are placed in a permanent place in June, having previously prepared the soil for this, which is dug up, fertilized and mixed with a sufficient amount of sand. It is necessary to choose only those shoots whose length exceeds 20 cm and contains at least 4 internodes. Before planting, the ends of the cut cuttings are placed in a nutrient solution that stimulates growth (you can buy stimulants in special stores for gardeners). In this solution, they are kept for 12 hours and only then planted in the ground. Within a month, if everything is done correctly, the planted cuttings will fully take root and take root.

Felt cherry - rules for planting and caring for a tree

Propagation of felt cherries by green cuttings

This variety can also be propagated by seeds. They are collected, washed and dried. In August, dried bones must be mixed with sand or sawdust and kept until October in a cool place. After that, grooves 3 cm deep are prepared and planting material is planted there. In spring, seedlings will appear, which will develop rapidly and can grow up to 50 cm in height. And already with the advent of next spring or waiting for autumn, the shoots will definitely need to be planted.

Care after landing

After the cherry blossoms, it is necessary to fertilize with mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers. These fertilizers should be applied along the border of the near-stem circle.

Do not forget that the soil regularly needs to be loosened. It should be carried out carefully and shallowly so as not to damage the root system of the seedling. The optimal loosening depth is not more than 4 cm. In the autumn, exclude fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Otherwise, the plant will release young shoots, which will die during the first frost, and the tree may wither with them.

Watering should be rational. Do not overmoisten the soil, this will adversely affect the growth, fruiting and preparation of the shrub for the winter period.

You should also pay attention to the formation of the correct shape of the bush. To do this, it is necessary to cut the seedling at a height of 40 cm. In the second year, all side branches are cut by a third. The crown of the tree needs constant monitoring. It should not be allowed to thicken, which stimulates the development of fungal diseases.

Spend annual pruning of branches, which will promote regular growth and abundant fruiting. Carry out this procedure in the first spring month. When pruning branches, remove diseased, deformed and old branches first. For thinning the crown, keep no more than 10 strong and healthy shoots, the rest will have to be cut.

Always remember, if you want to grow a healthy tree, get high and quality yields of felt cherries, planting and caring for it must be done regularly and correctly. Cut the tree in time, prevent the appearance and development of diseases.

Video “Felt Cherry Care”

This video will show you how to care for felt cherries.

Felt cherries, planting and caring for which are carried out correctly, after 3 years can annually produce up to 12 kg of fragrant berries from one tree. By the way, felt cherries can also be used for decorative purposes. It makes an excellent beautiful hedge.

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